Learn The Devastating Self Defense Secrets Of MMA Wizard & Street Fighting Expert Dean Lister – Who Will Show You The Unconventional, Yet Straight Forward & Easy Self Defense Secrets That He’s Tested In Bars, Arenas, and On The Street – All Over The World
Dean Lister is a nice guy… He’s the first one to buy you a drink, he’s the perhaps the most interesting guy in the world, but don’t try him – you could end up messed up if you decided to bully, fight or steal his wallet… That would be bad. Dean handles himself in a bar the way that most guys dream of.. Nice guy, comfortable with himself, but could absolute wreck almost anyone… or in Dean’s case: probably anyone.
When he’s in a bar, Dean is almost always the happiest and most fun guy in the place. Girls love him, guys want to be him and it is usually a happy time. You will find that one meathead once in a while though.. the guy who wants to test him.
Now there are a lot of self-defense experts out there who will advise you to:
- Get away from trouble when you first sense it
- Run from a fight if you can and only fight if you are backed into a corner
- Never try to save face
– your reputation isn’t worth being beaten up, hurt or even killed Well, that advice is fine for some
– but not Dean F’n Lister.
If someone throws punch at Dean, their health insurance better be paid up because that guy is about to accrue charges far higher than his deductible. There are some guys who just don’t want to run from trouble. They want to be nice – until it is time to not be nice…
In this 2 DVD set, Dean teaches you his formula and practical, no nonsense tips for feeling safe, and being safe. He teaches verbal skills and also drills the most common scenarios that he’s seen himself.
Dean is one of the most accomplished martial artists of our generation. He teaches practical, simple, and effective techniques that could save your life.
So What Is On This DVD?
DVD 1:
Philosophy of street encounters
Nonverbal communication: Indicators that someone will attack
Initial responses when someone touches you aggressively
How to proceed when someone attacks you while you are walking
How to respond when someone attacks you when you are seated
DVD 2:
How to respond to an attack when you are one the ground
What to do when attacked in a small area
When attacked by multiple attackers
How to handle rear naked chokes
So what does it cost?
If you want to learn the no nonsense tips of a qualified badass – this is your chance
What is it worth to learn the secrets and techniques to defend yourself in any situation?
What is it worth to have a sense of security for you and your family?
We could have easily charged you $99
But we're not going to do that
Instead, cut that price by more then 50%
You can get your copy today for just $47