Do you want access to hundreds of techniques from all of the best Jiu Jitsu competitors and instructors in the world? Well, today is your lucky day, get our BJJ Fanatics Dream Package while supplies last.
With our DVD Dream Package you will be able to learn from all of Jiu Jitsu's top instructors and competitors. This package includes DVD's from the following:
Bernardo Faria
Tom DeBlass
Craig Jones
Lucas Leite
Dean Lister
Neil Melanson
Gregor Gracie
Luis Heredia
Hudson Taylor
Rustam Chsiev
Chris Haueter
Fabio Holanda
Robson "Mau Mau" Lima
Jay Wadsworth
and many more!
This package will offer you over 50 hours of material from the best of the best. These are not techniques that you will find on YouTube. Imagine if we told you that you could do a private lesson with all of these guys, how much do you think it would cost? This is the opportunity of a lifetime. You can learn any position and master it. Learn lower body attacks, complex guards, pressure passing, elusive passing, submissions, take downs, gi, no gi and so much more! Looking for something that will take your game to the next level, well here it is.
So What Exactly Is Included?
Submission Escapes by Tom DeBlass (3 DVD Set)
Half Domination by Tom DeBlass (4 DVD Set)
Down Under Leg Attacks by Craig Jones (4 DVD Set)
The Coyote Half Guard by Lucas Leite (4 DVD Set)
Russian Grappling Hacks by Rustam Chsiev (4 DVD Set)
Wrestling For Bjj by Hudson Taylor (4 DVD Set)
Worry Free Escapes by Dean Lister (4 DVD Set)
Leg Attacks & Grappling Hacks by Dean Lister (4 DVD Set)
The 92 Double Sleeve Guard by Jay Wadsworth (2 DVD Set)
The Ashi Garami System by Jay Wadsworth
Omoplata Everyone by Bernardo Faria (4 DVD Set)
Battle Tested Half Guard by Bernardo Faria (4 DVD Set)
Battle Tested Pressure Passing by Bernardo Faria (4 DVD Set)
The Closed Guard by Bernardo Faria (4 DVD Set)
Old School Efficient Bjj by Chris Haueter (4 DVD Set)
The Catch Wrestling Formula by Neil Melanson (4 DVD Set)
The Ground Marshall Guard by Neil Melanson (4 DVD Set)
The Falcon Guard by Joel Bouhey
High Precision Half Guard & Reverse Half by Jake Mackenzie (4 DVD Set)
High Level Fundamentals by Gregor Gracie (4 DVD Set)
Pure Jiu Jitsu by Luis Heredia (4 DVD Set)
Sweep The World by Leonardo "Cascao" Saggioro (2 DVD Set)
The Kimura Machine by Fabio Holanda (2 DVD Set)
The Kimura System by Robson "Mau Mau" Lima (3 DVD Set)
24 DVD Sets, a total value of over $1500 for just