Yuri Simoes Presents His High Efficiency No Gi Jiu-Jitsu System Containing His Favorite Takedowns, Guard Passes, Submissions, and MORE!
- Yuri Simoes is one of the best modern day No Gi Grapplers
- Yuri does not mess around when he grapples, he passes and submits his opponents
- Yuri has battled some of the best Jiu Jitsu competition in the world
- His passing is relentless and technical
- This is your chance to dominate anyone No Gi
Digital Video + Flow Chart & Visual Notes
Watching our videos is the best way to learn, but it can be hard to remember everything. Deepen your understanding of the concepts in this video by adding flowcharts, plus notes with embedded videos. You’ll learn this system better and more quickly!
Course Content
Volume 1
opening the closed guard and pass | 0 - 3:22 |
steering wheel pass | 3:22 - 7:36 |
weave pass | 7:36 - 11:24 |
standing weave on inverse de la riva | 11:24 - 14:26 |
2 handed shin pin pass to shelf | 14:26 - 18:35 |
smash pass from butterfly | 18:35 - 23:23 |
reverse de la Riva horsekick | 23:23 - 30:12 |
butterfly cradle to back take | 30:12 - 34:00 |
Volume 2
standing over/under with 3 finishes | 0 - 8:06 |
breaking frames from half guard | 8:06 - 13:09 |
double over pass from half guard | 13:09 - 16:02 |
deep half cross face defense | 16:02 - 18:49 |
triangle from side control | 18:49 - 23:43 |
Kimura from side control | 23:43 - 27:12 |
arm bar from kimura set up | 27:12 - 33:30 |
Volume 3
passing inverted guard | 0 - 2:28 |
passing inverted guard #2 | 2:28 - 5:03 |
passing private class with zenga | 5:03 - 19:40 |
passing private class #2 | 19:40 - 30:27 |
over/over pass private class | 30:27 - 35:14 |
the hell pressure turtle breakdown | 35:14 - 42:11 |
high crotch single leg | 42:11 - 45:30 |
Volume 4
double leg | 0 - 2:56 |
single leg to double leg drill | 2:56 - 5:10 |
3 counters to single leg | 5:10 - 11:20 |
underhook backside single | 11:20 - 17:22 |
fake uchi mata to ankle pick | 17:22 - 20:19 |
throw by takedown | 20:19 - 25:12 |
guillotine and guillotine takedown | 25:12 - 31:52 |
the sticker | 31:52 - 36:54 |
Check Out The Trailer!
What Will You Learn?
Yuri’s Formula will show you how to methodically take your opponent down then break through your opponent’s guard. The series explores a wide range of battle-tested passes that Yuri has used throughout his accomplished career. Not only will each individual pass stand alone on it's on, but the series explores integral ways in which the passes blend together into hard-to-stop sequences that defeat even the trickiest guard players.
Success leaves clues. And the success that Yuri had is now going to be implanted into your memory bank forever when you purchase this No Gi series. This series is going to change your game the day you watch it. There are not many people at the top who play a simple game like Yuri. The key here is that it is simple and effective. If you want to learn No Gi takedowns and have a dominating top game (that is fun and easy to follow) then by all means grab this series and never look back.
So, What's On The Series?
Part 1
Opening the closed guard and pass
Steering wheel pass
Weave pass
Standing weave on inverted de la riva
2 handed shin pass to shelf
Smash pass from butterfly
Reverse de la riva horse kick
Butterfly cradle to back take
Part 2
Standing over/under with 3 finishes
Breaking frames from half guard
Double over pass from half guard
Deep half cross face defense
Triangle from side control
Kimura from side control
Arm bar from kimura set up
Part 3
Passing inverted guard
Passing inverted guard #2
Passing private class with Zenga
Passing private class #2
Over/over pass private class
The hell pressure turtle breakdown
High crotch single leg
Part 4
Double leg
Single leg to double leg drill
3 counters to single leg
Under hook backside single
Fake uchi mata to ankle pick
Throw by takedown
Guillotine and guillotine takedown
The sticker