

Fundamentals & Concepts by Travis Stevens

Travis Stevens is an Olympic Judo Silver Medalist and John Danaher Black Belt

  • Travis has one of the strongest foundations from several different forms of grappling
  • Travis's unique teaching principles will rapidly increase your learning curve
  • Travis Stevens received his black belt in just 18 months
  • Learn the central concepts between hitting a move and not
  • The perfect instructional set for anybody of any age, rank, athletic level, and fitness level

Course Content

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Volume 1



Concepts when in closed guard 0 - 3:20
São Paulo passing 3:20 - 7:17
Hip control ground breaking 7:17 - 11:33
Concepts when doing closed guard 11:33 - 15:28
Knee strike to triangle 15:28 - 18:39
Cross choke in closed guard 18:39 - 23:13
Concepts when you’re looking to pass the half guard 23:13 - 29:00
Weave pass from half guard 29:00 - 35:00
Half guard pass with knee cut 35:00 - 40:59

Volume 2



Concepts controlling from bottom half guard 0 - 4:49
Under hook to double leg from half guard 4:49 - 8:33
Concepts from side control top position 8:33 - 13:21
Kimura from side control top position 13:21 - 17:18
Bottom side control concepts for recovery 17:18 - 21:27
Single Leg recovery 21:27 - 25:15
Mount concepts 25:15 - 30:10
Cross choke from mount 30:10 - 34:11
Mount concepts from bottom 34:11 - 37:56
Keeping mount escape 37:56 - 41:56

Volume 3



Back control 0 - 4:58
Collar choke from the back 4:58 - 9:02
Defending the back concepts 9:02 - 14:39
Step over back escape 14:39 - 19:44
Turtle concepts 19:44 - 24:31
Collar choke from turtle 24:31 - 29:00
Concepts for defense 29:00 - 32:02
Single leg turtle escape 32:02 - 35:42

Volume 4



Arm bar concepts 0 - 5:58
Choke concepts 5:58 - 10:18
Stand up concepts 10:18 - 14:41
Pulling half guard 14:41 - 18:30
Pulling closed guard 18:30 - 21:57

Check Out The Trailer!

What Will You Learn?

Fundamentals &Concepts by Travis Stevens is a 4-part series exploring essential concepts that will give you the ability to rapidly progress in Jiu-Jitsu. Travis Stevens is an Olympic level Judo Black Belt as well as a BJJ Black Belt, this provides a unique prospective on how to train, learn, and adapt skills across the spectrum of grappling. 

The series will cover essential concepts like passing the guard, controlling opponents from the bottom, defensive concepts against common attacks, and high percentage submission options. Whether you are a experienced grappler looking for Olympic level insight into tactics and techniques, or a absolute beginner looking to have the strongest start possible, Travis Stevens has you covered with his 4-part series Fundamentals &Concepts!

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
Concepts when in closed guard
São Paulo passing
Hip control ground breaking
Concepts when doing closed guard
Knee strike to triangle
Cross choke in closed guard
Concepts when you’re looking to pass the half guard
Weave pass from half guard
Half guard pass with knee cut

Part 2
Concepts controlling from bottom half guard
Under hook to double leg from half guard
Concepts from side control top position
Kimura from side control top position
Bottom side control concepts for recovery
Single Leg recovery
Mount concepts
Cross choke from mount
Mount concepts from bottom
Keeping mount escape

Part 3
Back control
Collar choke from the back
Defending the back concepts
Step over back escape
Turtle concepts
Collar choke from turtle
Concepts for defense
Single leg turtle escape

Part 4
Arm bar concepts
Choke concepts
Stand up concepts
Pulling half guard
Pulling closed guard

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