You don’t need a Gi to land big time throws and takedowns, and Travis Stevens is here to show you how.
- Adapt your Judo game to No Gi!
- Learn how to utilize no-gi grips to gain similar advantages over your opponent as you would with the gi.
- Cover offensive strategies from the overhook and underhook, as well as No Gi Footsweeps.
- Create kuzushi just like you would with the Gi and catch your opponent off guard!
Course Content
Volume 1
Basic positioning and grips - Explanation of Over hook vs Under hook | 0 - 4:48 |
Pummeling | 4:48 - 9:54 |
Russian | 9:54 - 14:41 |
Two on one | 14:41 - 19:01 |
Front head lock offense - Under hook to front head lock | 19:01 - 23:13 |
Over hook to front head lock | 23:13 - 29:33 |
Front Head Lock to Snap down Go behind | 29:33 - 36:07 |
Front Head Lock to single leg | 36:07 - 42:18 |
Volume 2
Underhook Offense - Harai Goshi | 0 - 6:06 |
Taio Toshi | 6:06 - 12:09 |
Ko Uchi Ankle Pick | 12:09 - 18:19 |
Deep Ko Uchi | 18:19 - 22:57 |
Knee O Soto | 22:57 - 29:42 |
Volume 3
Overhook Offense - Hopping Uchimata | 0 - 8:05 |
Ko Soto Gari | 8:05 - 15:13 |
O Uchi Gari | 15:13 - 20:47 |
Fireman’s | 20:47 - 25:07 |
Tai Otoshi | 25:07 - 31:38 |
Volume 4
NOGI Footsweeps - Basic walking and set up | 0 - 4:34 |
Advanced movement and feel | 4:34 - 7:55 |
Russian tie offense - Uchi Mata | 7:55 - 12:32 |
Sumi Gaeshi | 12:32 - 16:51 |
Ko Uchi to ankle pick | 16:51 - 20:44 |
You don’t need a Gi to land big time throws and takedowns, and Travis Stevens is here to show you how.
Adapt your Judo game to No Gi!
What Will You Learn?
Jiu-Jitsu finds itself in a unique place when it comes to takedowns. Both formats of competition, gi and no-gi, have their own unique style of takedown. Also, adding the dimension of guard pulling tends to make things even more tricky! If you are used to gi grips adapting to no-gi can be difficult, but Mastering No Gi Takedowns looks to change that.
Travis Stevens is well known in the marital arts world as an Olympic medalist in judo and a black belt under John Danaher in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and now he is bringing his grappling knowledge about takedowns to you. One of the major goals of this instructional is to give grapplers a game plan on how to approach no-gi, and how to make necessary adaptations to make your Judo work without the Gi.
Let’s say you aren’t savvy to the slick ways of Judo. No worries! Travis’s approach can be applied to your takedown game regardless of experience. There are some unique benefits from learning Travis’s style of takedowns, instead of say a folkstyle wrestling or a traditional Judo approach.
Mastering No Gi Takedowns gives you a road map on how to put your opponent into dangerous territory, allowing you to successfully land your takedowns. Part 1 focuses on the basics of positioning and grips. Here he covers everything from overhooks, underhooks, pummeling, russian ties, and MORE! Part 1 lays the foundation for the rest of the instruction where you will use the fundamental concepts Travis explains to help you execute offensive techniques.
Part 2 and 3 focus on your favorite Judo throws adapted for No-Gi using the underhook and the overhook. These two grip configuration play a vital role in controlling your opponent. Instead of lapel and sleeve grips, these two positions will play the role of creating kuzushi and setting your opponent up for your offense. Techniques like Harai Goshi, Taio Toshi, Ko Soto Gari, Ouchi Gari all find their place with Travis’s system.
If you thought you were going to have to forget about foot sweeps without the Gi, you will be pleasantly surprised! Mastering No Gi Takedowns finishes up with a whole section dedicated to landing fine-tuned foot sweeps. Travis pulls out all of the stops, and provides a comprehensive takedown overhaul specifically designed for No Gi!
So, What Exactly Do You Get?
Part 1:
- Basic positioning and grips
- Explanation of Over hook vs Under hook
- Pummeling
- Russian
- Two on one
- Front head lock offense
- Under hook to front head lock
- Over hook to front head lock
- Front Head Lock to Snap down Go behind
- Front Head Lock to single leg
Part 2:
- Underhook Offense
- Harai Goshi
- Taio Toshi
- Ko Uchi Ankle Pick
- Deep Ko Uchi
- Knee O Soto
Part 3:
- Overhook Offense
- Hopping Uchimata
- Ko Soto Gari
- O Uchi Gari
- Fireman’s
- Tai Otoshi
Part 4:
- NOGI Footsweeps
- Basic walking and set up
- Advanced movement and feel
- Russian tie offense
- Uchi Mata
- Sumi Gaeshi
- Ko Uchi to ankle pick
So, What Does It Cost?