UFC Legend Pedro Rizzo Breaks Down His Savage Leg Kick Game With Effective Setups, Precise Placement, Combinations, And MORE!
- Go from basic to advanced leg kicks with MMA pioneer Pedro Rizzo!
- Find safe opportunities to attack the legs and avoid counters from your opponent.
- Learn to counter a variety of strikes with crippling leg kicks.
- Keep the opposition guessing by attacking with calf kicks, inside low kicks, outside low kicks, and more!
- Stay sharp with your technique by using Rizzo’s skill-specific pad work and drills.
- Pedro Rizzo provides a masterclass on leg kicks in this 3-part instructional that people of all levels can use!
Course Content
Volume 1
Introduction | 0 |
Basics - How to kick | 3:54 |
Where to Kick | 7:46 |
Using punch for safe low kicks | 9:47 |
How to get angle | 11:54 |
Countering the Jab | 14:52 |
Countering the jab 2 | 17:58 |
Countering the jab 3 | 20:10 |
Warming up using 1-2-3 | 23:29 |
Countering the straight right | 25:28 |
Countering the 1-2 with Low Kick | 28:41 |
Countering the southpaw | 30:24 |
Making my opponent walking back to use Low kick | 33:32 |
Making Southpaw opponent walking back to use Low Kick | 35:52 |
Making wrestlers walking back to use low Kick | 37:14 |
Volume 2
Punching for safe Low Kick | 0 |
Low kick from Muay Thai Clinch | 3:31 |
Low Kick from MMA Clinch | 5:08 |
Safe inside low kick the front leg | 7:04 |
Safe Low kick the back leg | 8:53 |
Kicking the back leg from Muay thai clinch | 10:49 |
Calf Kick Basics | 11:57 |
Punching to Calf Kick | 14:51 |
Calf Kick against Southpaw opponent | 16:04 |
Calf Kick and Low Kick in real situation | 17:33 |
Drilling Low Kick | 21:02 |
Drilling Low Kicks 2 | 23:24 |
Drilling Low Kicks 3 | 25:01 |
Drilling Calf Kick | 26:46 |
Countering middle kick with Low Kick | 28:19 |
Volume 3
Pads Work - Working Low Kicks on Pads | 0 |
Bag Working | 8:42 |
Outro | 12:17 |
Safe &Savage Leg Kicks Is A 3-Part MASTERCLASS On Leg Kicks From MMA Pioneer and Legend Pedro Rizzo!
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What Will You Learn?
Leg Kicks have been called the great equalizer in combat sports, and for good reason. Chopping the opposition’s legs is a great way to control the fight and limit your opponent’s movement, power, and decision making. MMA Legend Pedro Rizzo is known for possessing some of the most terrifying and effective leg kicks in the sport, and with his 3-part series you can learn from a true pioneer of combat!
Safe &Savage Leg Kicks is a 3-part instructional where Pedro Rizzo breaks down his battle-tested game plan on landing brutal leg kicks while avoiding damage. The series provides a comprehensive curriculum of leg kicks, starting with the basics and expanding to in-fight strategy and combinations. If you are looking for a consistent way to control the action and limit your opponent’s offensive weapons than this series is for you!
Practice makes perfect, and Pedro has the drills to help you develop essential leg kick skills. Learn to make your leg kicks a vital part of your striking arsenal with drills/pad work for a variety of low kicks, calf kicks, counters and more. Simulate real-world application by opening opportunities for other strikes with Rizzo’s combination drills!
Pedro Rizzo is a true pioneer of combat sports and has a highlight reel of devastating leg kicks against top-tier competition. Safe &Savage Leg Kicks contains a lifetime of refinement for one of the most versatile strikes in the game. Regardless of experience level Pedro simplifies the process of how to land crippling leg kicks!
So, What Exactly Do You Get?