See Marcelo Garcia’s step-by-step process for passing the no-gi guard, including some never before seen details in this exclusive series filmed JUST FOR BJJ FANATICS!
- Marcelo is a 9-time World Champion and known for his creative combinations and crisp technique that work at every level and in every style of submission grappling
- This four-part instructional series covers Marcelo’s standing passes, back steps, half guard passes, and more, including how to combine them into one smooth system
- Attack with a plan against common no-gi guards, including butterfly, inverted guard, De La Riva, and more
Course Content
Volume 1
4:29 | Stand to break the closed guard |
10:01 | Countering double ankle control |
16:19 | Countering waiter sweep |
24:55 | Late stage defense to waiter sweep |
28:17 | Double scoop opening |
34:25 | Step on biceps |
37:31 | Behind the back trap |
42:57 | Lift the opponent to open |
49:15 | Lift, counter the hug, open |
52:55 | Lift, cross face vs. double under clinch |
58:34 | Lift, cross face vs over under clinch |
Volume 2
9:46 | MG X pass |
17:32 | X pass knee cut |
24:04 | MG baseball slide pass |
30:20 | Folding pass details |
37:21 | De La Riva primary response |
44:59 | Unwinding deep De La Riva |
50:04 | Back step De La Riva pass with underhook and head control. |
54:48 | Reverse underhook De La Riva pass |
1:02:16 | Near underhook to side switch De La Riva pass |
1:08:30 | Freeing the ankle details |
Volume 3
3:47 | Surprise mount De La Riva pass |
6:50 | Underhook passing from 3/4 mount |
11:35 | Pass to 3/4 mount, swing leg over, clasp hands to pass |
17:16 | Pass to 3/4 mount, swing leg over, underhook to pass |
24:03 | Pass to 3/4 mount, push head down to swing leg over |
30:11 | 3/4 mount, pull triceps to swing leg over |
36:35 | Detail to make space to swing the leg over the head |
42:46 | Spin towards hips to counter back take |
44:45 | Leg trapped, hop knee over the head, turn towards hips |
50:42 | Inverted guard no gi passing fundamentals |
57:08 | Inverted guard, leg pin with shin, foot outside, pass |
1:03:47 | Inverted guard, leg pin with both shins to pass |
1:10:12 | Inverted guard, cross step leg pin to reverse underhook pass |
Volume 4
3:57 | Forcing half-guard, then passing half-guard |
7:47 | Double under pass details for no gi |
15:49 | Blocked double under pass, fly around head to pass far side |
22:15 | Blocked double under pass to back take |
26:29 | MG half-guard pass versus sitting guard |
31:45 | Spin pass versus sitting guard |
43:54 | Spin pass follow up when hand is cleared |
49:41 | Failed spin fast to MG half-guard pass |
54:09 | Distance closing knee cut pass |
58:34 | Distance closing knee cut to opposite side |
1:03:31 | Isolating one leg to half-guard pass |
1:08:48 | Closing |
Pass And Attack In No-Gi With 9-Time World Champion Marcelo Garcia’s Passing System That Made Him One Of The Best Grapplers Ever
Marcelo Garcia Teaches His Entire Flawless Passing System That Destroys The No-Gi Guard
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What Will You Learn?
Learn from one of the best submission grapplers ever, as 9-Time World Champion Marcelo Garcia teaches his entire no-gi passing system that anyone can use to attack the guard and get to dominant positions fast. Over this 4-part series, you will get every detail to battle-tested passes, including all of Marcelo’s signature techniques.
Use back-steps, knee cuts, x passes, and more to get past the guard, with Marcelo showing every option for countering and staying ahead of guard players. Marcelo Garcia explains everything you will need for passing success, with all the no-gi keys to control.
These no-gi techniques were perfected by Marcelo to work all the time, even when his opponents were bigger and stronger than him. That is why, over and over, Marcelo was able to fight and submit much larger opponents, by using techniques like these to give himself the advantage back.
Stop guard players and shut down their game with Marcelo’s advice on dealing with tricky and dangerous no-gi guards. Kill the butterfly guard, the De La Riva, inverted guard, half guard, and more, before turning it into your advantage all over again with Marcelo’s gameplan.
So, What Exactly Do You Get?
Part 1:
- Introduction
- Closed guard hand fighting
- Stand to break the closed guard
- Countering double ankle control
- Countering waiter sweep
- Late stage defense to waiter sweep
- Double scoop opening
- Step on biceps
- Behind the back trap
- Lift the opponent to open
- Lift, counter the hug, open
- Lift, cross face vs. double under clinch
- Lift, cross face vs over under clinch
Part 2:
- Leg extraction and passing mindset
- Anticipating leg entaglement
- MG X pass
- X pass knee cut
- MG baseball slide pass
- Folding pass details
- De La Riva primary response
- Unwinding deep De La Riva
- Back step De La Riva pass with underhook and head control.
- Reverse underhook De La Riva pass
- Near underhook to side switch De La Riva pass
- Freeing the ankle details
Part 3:
- Back step short cut De La Riva pass
- Advanced short cut De La Riva pass
- Surprise mount De La Riva pass
- Underhook passing from 3/4 mount
- Pass to 3/4 mount, swing leg over, clasp hands to pass
- Pass to 3/4 mount, swing leg over, underhook to pass
- Pass to 3/4 mount, push head down to swing leg over
- 3/4 mount, pull triceps to swing leg over
- Detail to make space to swing the leg over the head
- Spin towards hips to counter back take
- Leg trapped, hop knee over the head, turn towards hips
- Inverted guard no gi passing fundamentals
- Inverted guard, leg pin with shin, foot outside, pass
- Inverted guard, leg pin with both shins to pass
- Inverted guard, cross step leg pin to reverse underhook pass
Part 4:
- Force feet inside, leg over pass
- Force butterfly guard kneeling, hand stand pass
- Forcing half-guard, then passing half-guard
- Double under pass details for no gi
- Blocked double under pass, fly around head to pass far side
- Blocked double under pass to back take
- MG half-guard pass versus sitting guard
- Spin pass versus sitting guard
- Spin pass follow up when hand is cleared
- Failed spin fast to MG half-guard pass
- Distance closing knee cut pass
- Distance closing knee cut to opposite side
- Isolating one leg to half-guard pass
- Closing
Countering Waiter Sweep
So, What Does It All Cost?