

The Complete Williams Guard by Shawn Williams

Learn The Often Forgotten Closed Guard Hacks Which Have Allowed Shawn Williams - The Most Respected BJJ Fight Commentator Anywhere - To Dominate Opponents Of Any Shape &Age

  • The Man Renzo Gracie, John Danaher &Matt Serra Respect As One Of Their Own - Shows The Secrets That Have Made Him One Of The Top Minds In Grappling
  • Learn the dynamic Williams Guard that you can use to trap and attack off your back with huge results, even against opponent's bigger and stronger than you
  • The inventor of the Williams Guard, Shawn Williams, is joining with BJJ Fanatics to create an 8-volume masterclass in guard work
  • With precise, step-by-step instruction from this Renzo Gracie black belt, you'll learn a comprehensive system around how to apply the guard
  • The Williams guard is one of the best ways to control and limit someone's movement off your back

Course Content

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Volume 1



Intro0 - 2:42
Origin of the Williams guard2:42 - 11:14
Common problems11:14 - 16:42
Angling and positioning16:42 - 24:46
Using the legs to break posture24:46 - 30:17
Countering the elbow pry30:17 - 40:11
Head control pummeling40:11 - 55:01

Volume 2



Shin control pummeling0 - 7:19
Shin control with bridge7:19 - 10:14
Salsa breakdown10:14 - 15:28
Reverse kimura15:28 - 22:51
Finishing the back take from reverse kimura22:51 - 26:46
Up and over26:46 - 34:39
Pummeling with punches34:39 - 39:13
Using the under hook39:13 - 41:49
Opening the guard correctly41:49 - 52:42
Clearing the head52:42 - 59:05

Volume 3



Locking up the Williams guard0 - 9:13
Relationship between over hook, Williams and clamp9:13 - 13:35
Far arm lock from Williams13:35 - 28:09
Entering trap triangle fighting a far tight elbow28:09 - 37:36
Entering trap triangle against posted hand37:36 - 47:06
Rolling attacks fighting a far tight elbow47:06 - 50:20
Explaining the shaking concept50:20 - 55:57
Pendulum against tight leg post55:57 - 59:08

Volume 4



Opposite side triangle0 - 10:41
Kimura with opposite side triangle10:41 - 20:12
Triangle from trap triangle20:12 - 30:42
Countering the posture counter30:42 - 36:20
Arm lock from front triangle36:20 - 43:13
Intro to omoplata43:13 - 47:51
Clasp and reverse grip kimura47:51 - 57:31
Udegatame back to trap triangle57:31 - 1:06:22

Volume 5



Tee pee choke0 - 5:42
Arm in guillotine5:42 - 14:46
The new omoplata essentials14:46 - 35:58
The gold standard to finishing omoplata35:58 - 42:00
Low single vs step over42:00 - 55:39
See saw vs step over55:39 - 1:00:18
Step over counter to arm bar1:00:18 - 1:08:53

Volume 6



Reverse knee on stomach counter0 - 4:35
Counter to creating distance4:35 - 14:02
Kimura from the roll out14:02 - 22:52
Kimura sumi-gaeshi to half T mount22:52 - 33:10
Kimura scissor33:10 - 38:04
Proper weight distribution and switch38:04 - 41:29
Counter to the high arm counter41:29 - 44:49
Re-omoplata counter to rolling counter44:49 - 52:03

Volume 7



Side mount arm trap entry and attacks0 - 8:08
Carry over defense8:08 - 12:23
Countering the carry over defense12:23 - 21:01
Swivel vs posture21:01 - 23:03
Far leg hook23:03 - 35:35
Far leg hook counter to stand up35:35 - 43:23
Cyclone counter to standing43:23 - 50:23
Potential counter to standing up50:23 - 54:59

Volume 8



Moving on from Williams0 - 14:30
Over hook and closed guard similarities14:30 - 26:09
From Williams to John Wayne26:09 - 36:09
Arm around the waist from butterfly36:09 - 39:09
Mounted Williams39:09 - 46:07
Williams guard from the back46:07 - 55:23
Outro55:23 - 59:17
Summary59:17 - 1:11:41

Check Out The Trailer!

What Will You Learn?

Learn the dynamic Williams Guard that you can use to trap and attack off your back with huge results, even against opponent's bigger and stronger than you. The inventor of the Williams Guard, Shawn Williams, is joining with BJJ Fanatics to create an 8-volume masterclass in guard work that is perfect for any grappler looking to attack and defend from their closed guard with more control, safety, and options for attacks.

With precise, step-by-step instruction from this Renzo Gracie black belt, you'll learn a comprehensive system around how to apply the guard, attack for submissions and sweeps, and troubleshoot any counters thrown your way.

The Williams guard is one of the best ways to control and limit someone's movement off your back, by using a wrap around the arm to keep them broken down and stuck in place.

Once they are stuck with their arm isolated, you can go to work attacking triangles, omoplatas, sweeps, and tons of other attacks. The best part? Once you have the Williams guard locked on, you are safe!

Shawn found this system years ago, when he was coming up in the legendary Renzo Gracie blue basement with great coaches like Renzo and John Danaher, and that same systematic approach led him to exploring and perfecting his guard, finding ways to counter every attack he would see, and learning how he can use the best leverage and momentum for every action.

Now, he's got a bulletproof series that he is sharing with the world in this new 8-volume instructional series that is designed for anyone to be able to watch, learn, and use to improve. Shawn Williams is a long-time black belt under Renzo Gracie and one of the voices of the IBJJF, regularly commentating their events and breaking down the action for the fans.

He's become one of the most recognizable voices in jiu-jitsu because of his ability to explain moves and concepts in clear, easy-to-understand detail. This also makes him an incredible coach, and every volume is packed with helpful information on how to win from the Williams guard by relying on technique and gameplan.

Shawn explains some of the most complex concepts in BJJ in simple language that will help any belt-level improve and implement these moves. Don't get stuck on bottom again! Play guard with a purpose and a plan with the Williams guard. By wrapping in with your arm and leg, you have full control of the shoulder, which opens up tons of reliable attacks for you to explore and connect.

Shawn prefers to hunt for the submission, attacking reliable trap triangles and omoplatas that have made his guard a nightmare for so many of his training partners over the years.

Those submission attacks either finish the fight or open sweeps up for Shawn to get on top for his specialty side controls or the Williams mount. Learn how you can develop a dynamic guard without needing to be an explosive athlete or have long limbs by diving into the Williams guard's potential.

Shawn's Williams guard system is so complete that he doesn't give up his control, even when he sweeps and gets on top! By keeping the control that his arm trap side mount or Williams mount offers, he's already in great position to submit and finish the fight.

The more you can trap and control someone, the easier it is to sink in your chokes and joint locks, and you can learn some of the best ways to control with trap master Shawn Williams.

Don't miss out on this chance to unlock the best methods behind one of the most fundamentally safe and sound guards in all of modern grappling by learning the 8-volume instructional secrets that Shawn Williams is offering. With no detail held back, you can start using this full system that can transform your game!

The beginning of this series has Shawn explain the roots of this guard, how he created it while experimenting in the gym and WHY he started using it so much to solve some serious problems he was having. Go along with Shawn as he shows you all of the ways to get to the Williams guard by wrapping, trapping, and angling yourself in to find that overwrapped arm position. Once you have them locked down and ready for your attacks, you'll get real, usable tips on how to move and flow off your back without ever putting yourself in risk of losing position and potency from your guard. These basic, fundamental movements will give you the tools to start attacking later on!

Get down to business by learning how every little change in position and reaction will open up new attacks. The Williams guard flows perfectly into the trap triangle and omoplata, by giving you full control of the shoulder so you can roll for your submissions. Understanding these submission threats is all about understanding your pressure and positioning, and Shawn explains every situation with useful examples and explanation from his history playing from here. Included in this series is one of the most detailed and thorough explanations of the omoplata, including counters for every roll over, roll under, step over, and stand up that will happen as you shoot these joint locks on your training partners. Make sure you see the Gold Standard omoplata finish, a devastating omoplata roll that Shawn has perfected and one you can use to put an exclamation point on any roll.

If you play Williams guard, you are going to have sweep and control from top, but overwrapping the arm will leave you with new options. With an arm trapped side mount, you land in side control with an arm already locked and isolated, giving you huge potential to control and submit. Also, the same principles and fundamentals that make the Williams guard so strong also work on top, which you can learn with this all new Williams mount, a position that is built to increase your submission potential from the mounted position (one of the trickiest ways to control someone in no-gi).

Once you are able to attack and move freely from the Williams guard, Shawn includes a detailed explanation of how to move and attack when you are ready to transition to something new. Keep your guard evolving by connecting your new Williams guard back into clamp guards, closed guards, and other positions where you can fight and learn. With some of the most detailed explanation possible, Shawn shows his favorite ways to get out of Williams guard, with why he makes these choices and what you need to know to win.

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
Origin of the Williams guard
Common problems
Angling and positioning
Using the legs to break posture
Countering the elbow pry
Head control pummeling

Part 2
Shin control pummeling
Shin control with bridge
Salsa breakdown
Reverse kimura
Finishing the back take from reverse kimura
Up and over
Pummeling with punches
Using the under hook
Opening the guard correctly
Clearing the head

Part 3
Locking up the Williams guard
Relationship between over hook, Williams and clamp
Far arm lock from Williams
Entering trap triangle fighting a far tight elbow
Entering trap triangle against posted hand
Rolling attacks fighting a far tight elbow
Explaining the shaking concept
Pendulum against tight leg post

Part 4
Opposite side triangle
Kimura with opposite side triangle
Triangle from trap triangle
Countering the posture counter
Arm lock from front triangle
Intro to omoplata
Clasp and reverse grip kimura
Udegatame back to trap triangle

Part 5
Teepee choke
Arm in guillotine
The new omoplata essentials
The gold standard to finishing omoplata
Low single vs step over
See saw vs step over
Step over counter to arm bar

Part 6
Reverse knee on stomach counter
Counter to creating distance
Kimura from the roll out
Kimura sumi-gaeshi to half T mount
Kimura scissor
Proper weight distribution and switch
Counter to the high arm counter
Re-omoplata counter to rolling counter

Part 7
Side mount arm trap entry and attacks
Carry over defense
Countering the carry over defense
Swivel vs posture
Far leg hook
Far leg hook counter to stand up
Cyclone counter to standing
Potential counter to standing up

Part 8
Moving on from Williams
Over hook and closed guard similarities
From Williams to John Wayne
Arm around the waist from butterfly
Mounted Williams
Williams guard from the back

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