From The Man Who Does Everything Different – Yet All The Big Stars Worship Him: The Weirdest
- Blackzillians MMA Coach Neil Melanson’s Guard Game Is More Efficient and So Much More Advanced Than Any Other Guard Out There
- Your Opponents In The Gym &In Tournaments Won’t Have A Chance
- Neil is one of the most detailed, thorough, and savage grappling coaches in the game today
- Learn the unorthodox secrets of the most notorious grappling coach out there
- Change your game with Neil Melanson's expert insight into every position and technique!
Course Content
Volume 1
body position basics in the guard | 0 - 8:00 |
leg and foot control | 8:01 - 19:46 |
leg and foot control 2 | 19:47 - 23:52 |
getting off the center line in guard | 23:53 - 31:32 |
Triangle Basics | 31:33 - 51:38 |
Volume 2
arm on the mat triangle | 0 - 9:53 |
closed guard breakdown | 9:54 - 28:26 |
Knee pin triangle / san kaku triangle | 28:27 - 37:59 |
Socket Triangle | 38:00 - 45:11 |
Volume 3
Cross Grip Wrist Pin | 0 - 7:59 |
High Guard Arm Bar | 8:00 - 15:19 |
basic arm bar from guard | 15:20 - 32:44 |
Volume 4
kimura from guard | 0 - 9:09 |
Irish collar system | 9:10 - 33:24 |
What Will You Learn?
Neil developed a guard system that is different and more effective than any other on the planet as all the famous fighters above attested. Neil started off learning grappling in the Hayastan school – it has roots in Catch Wrestling, Judo &Sambo under world famous coaches Gene Lebel and Gokor Chivichyan. To say it was a strict school would be to understate the reality by a mile. Gokor told Neil that he would have to learn the bottom game very well, since his training partners such as UFC star Karo Paryisian were too advanced in their takedown games that Neil would be able to catch up anytime soon.
Neil did as he was told but he was forced due to his body type to pick and choose the moves that worked for him. Sambo and Catch Wrestling don’t have as well defined moves from the bottom as does BJJ so Neil developed a lot on his own. What he came up with speaks to his own mind: he’s obsessed with independent and free thinkers like Nicola Tesla and in Grappling he is Tesla and beyond. What Neil came up with was pure brilliance
Neil discovered something that no one else has ever been able to articulate. Attacks from the bottom don’t work unless your opponent is at the proper distance. Go grab a good wrestler to roll with and try a Triangle or a straight armlock and see how it goes… If you don’t know exactly what you are doing you will get smashed. Neil figured this out very quickly.
And now you can too with Neil Melanson’s The Ground Marshal Guard, a 3-part masterclass dedicated to revolutionizing your guard!
So, What's On The Series?
Part 1
body position basics in the guard
leg and foot control
leg and foot control 2
getting off the center line in guard
triangle basics
Part 2
arm on the mat triangle
closed guard breakdown
knee pin triangle / San kaku triangle
socket triangle
Part 3
cross grip wrist pin
high guard armbar
basic arm bar from guard
Part 4
Kimura from guard
Irish collar system