
The Daisy Fresh Curriculum: Blue Belt Stripe 1 Gi by Heath Pedigo

Build Your Gi Game With The Complete Daisy Fresh Blue Belt Curriculum From Head Coach Of Pedigo Submission Fighting, Heath Pedigo!

  • Each Stripe of the series is PACKED with next-level techniques, concepts, and strategies that the Daisy Fresh crew has tested in the toughest tournaments in Jiu-Jitsu!
  • Build a complete Gi based game that covers the essentials of being successful at blue belt and above.
  • In this installment of the Daisy Fresh Curriculum, Heath looks to help you develop a complete passing system including standing up in closed guard, entering into headquarters, how to generate power, and of course an ample amount of high-level guard passes!
  • Focus your passing strategy around a core group of passes that the Daisy Fresh crew has used to become one of the most accomplished teams in the sport!
  • Utilize knee cuts, leg drags, folding passes, and more to overwhelm tricky guard players.
  • Learn to blend passes together to create hard to stop passing sequences that keep you ahead of even the most sophisticated guards!
  • Start your blue belt journey off right with stripe 1 of the Daisy Fresh Curriculum from Head Coach Heath Pedigo!

Course Content

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Volume 1



Intro 0
Remove the Threat - Pick Them Up 0:47
Shut Down the Underhook 7:31

Volume 2



Entering Pressure to HQ 0
Entering Forced Butterfly 6:18
Explanation of Knee Pressure 12:12
Pressure Stance Drill 18:00

Volume 3



Patella Tendon Over Shin 0
The Daisy Fresh Fold and Press 8:22
Surprise Mutha Fucka 16:22
Slice the Achilles 21:16
The Real Split Pass 25:52
Split Pass #2 33:52
Shitty Leg Drag 38:43
Sit Them Up Pass 45:07
Knee Cut With Lapel Punch 50:00

Volume 4



Force Half 0
Sao Pedigo Pass 4:43
SP Pass Back Take 15:58
Old School Half Pass 20:17
Missed Underhook Feed Lapel 26:35
Hip Lift Explanation 30:51
1/4 Guard Beheader 36:37

Volume 5



Lost the Underhook? Attack Their Arm 0
Reverse the Wrestle Up 7:00
The Bernardo Killer 11:28

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So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
Remove The Threat - Pick Them Up
Shut Down The Underhook

Part 2
Entering Pressure To Hq
Entering Forced Butterfly
Explanation Of Knee Pressure
Pressure Stance Drill

Part 3
Patella Tendon Over Shin
The Daisy Fresh Fold And Press
Surprise Mutha Fucka
Slice The Achilles
The Real Split Pass
Split Pass #2
Shitty Leg Drag
Sit Them Up Pass
Knee Cut With Lapel Punch

Part 4
Force Half
Sao Pedigo Pass
Sp Pass Back Take
Old School Half Pass
Missed Underhook Feed Lapel
Hip Lift Explanation
1/4 Guard Beheader

Part 5
Lost The Underhook? Attack Their Arm
Reverse The Wrestle Up
The Bernardo Killer

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