With tips for boxing, kickboxing, and more, Duane Ludwig shows you how to build real skill with line drills for all levels
- Duane Ludwig has fought at the elite levels of muay Thai and MMA, and now coaches some of the best strikers in MMA using these same systems and techniques
- Footwork line drills help you create rhythm, movement, and timing skills that can pay huge dividends in sparring and fighting
- Combine punches and kicks as Duane shows you how to throw with proper technique and understand every concept better
- Add in some of Duane’s favorite Ninja Sprinkles for advanced line drills that his fighters use and specialize in
Course Content
Volume 1
BASICS. Intro and Footwork Line Drill | 0 |
Footwork Line Drill with Slips | 5:23 |
Footwork Line Drill with Rolls | 11:42 |
Footwork Line Drill with Parries | 20:22 |
Footwork Line Drill with Slips &Rolls | 30:05 |
Volume 2
BOXING. Power Jab Line Drill | 0 |
Cross Line Drill | 2:14 |
Double Jab Line Drill | 4:19 |
Slip Hook Slip Cross Line Drill | 11:19 |
Slip Slip Cross_Slip Slip Hook Line Drill | 18:33 |
Roll Pull Line Drill | 22:47 |
Jab Slip Uppercut Cross Roll Roll Line Drill | 26:03 |
Back Em Up Drill | 29:59 |
Back You Up Drill | 46:07 |
Volume 3
KICKBOXING. Walking Knee Line Drill | 0 |
Galloping Knee Line Drill | 2:54 |
Walking and Galloping Front Kick Line Drill | 5:01 |
Walking Round Kick Line Drill | 7:43 |
Karaoke Side kick Line Drill | 11:23 |
Front Kick to Side Kick Line Drill | 13:55 |
Galloping Round Kick Line Drill | 17:38 |
Round Kick Line Drill Going Backwards | 19:51 |
Hook Low 2 Hands Line Drill | 22:39 |
Uppercut Hook Power Line Drill | 26:25 |
Cross Uppercut Hook Cross Line Drill | 28:27 |
Round Kick to Front Kick Line Drill | 31:58 |
Front Kick to Round Kick Line Drill | 34:39 |
Low Kick to Knee Line Drill | 37:18 |
Knee to Round Kick Line Drill | 39:36 |
Low Kick to High Kick Line Drill | 40:49 |
The Reem Line Drill | 42:46 |
Reem Pull Cross Line Drill | 46:11 |
Volume 4
NINJA SPRINKLES. Jab Switch Cross Hook Line Drill | 0 |
Hook Switch Cross Hook Line Drill | 3:13 |
Cross Switch Cross Hook Line Drill | 5:03 |
Hands Switch Cross Hook Line Drill | 7:36 |
Hands Switch Cross Hook Line Drill | 10:32 |
Switch Cross Uppercut Hook Cross Line Drill | 13:16 |
KO Drill Line Drill | 15:40 |
Use Your Workouts To Build Real Striking Mastery With These Line Drill Exercises For Rapid Skill Development With Combat Guru Duane Ludwig
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What Will You Learn?
Duane “Bang’ Ludwig is back with more striking techniques as he shares some of the most useful, functional, and important line drills that he has learned and used in his lifetime of martial arts. Add these line drills into any striking workout to start building your rhythm, timing, combination work, defense, and more with these championship-calibur techniques.
Duane Ludwig is one of the most respected striking coaches in the world and now you can benefit from his lifetime of study and practice with these lessons. With specific workouts for boxing, kickboxing, and even some more advanced drills for striking savages, people of all levels of experience can get a ton from these key insights and concepts.
With drills that teach you how to slip, roll, parry, and return, you’ll learn how to move in front of someone comfortable with a partner. Use drills like the power jab line, the roll pull, karaoke sidekick, and tons more, you’ll be able to diversify your offense and defense rapidly.
So, What Exactly Do You Get?