

Shoot To Kill: Wrestle, Scramble, Submit by Garry Tonon

Attack with this submission grappling-specific system for attacking the takedown with ADCC Medalist &MMA Pro Garry Tonon

  • Learn how to mix takedowns, back takes, ashi garami, front headlocks, and more for maximum effect
  • Finish your takedowns and scrambles in position to finish the fight with these effective techniques and sub-systems
  • Garry Tonon is the most dynamic grappler on Earth, an ADCC Medalist, 5-time EBI Champion, and a founding athlete in the Danaher Death Squad.
  • Know more. Win more.

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction 0 - 3:13
Basic Concepts of Posture & Momentum 3:13 - 7:45
Pushing, Pulling & Circular Momentum 7:45 - 10:44
Creating Opportunity- Snapping, Dragging, & Faking 10:44 - 18:32
Harassing the Legs 18:32 - 21:05
Inside and Outside Position 21:05 - 25:31
Getting Behind & Attacking The Back - Intro 25:31 - 26:56
Arm drags 26:56 - 36:45
Duck Unders 36:45 - 45:28

Volume 2



Single leg - Kosoto limp arm 0 - 4:09
Kosoto Step Around 4:09 - 6:33
Peak Out 6:33 - 8:28
High single leg 8:28 - 11:04
Canuto Variation 11:04 - 13:42
Down Blocking 13:42 - 15:43
Throw bys 15:43 - 22:21
Russians 22:21 - 27:12
Double Leg - Turning the corner 27:12 - 28:12
Kosoto 28:12 - 29:52
Front Head Lock Defense 29:52 - 32:34
Rear Body Lock Offense & Mat Returns 32:34 - 34:43
De Ashi Barai 34:43 - 37:28
The Momentum Breakdown 37:28 - 39:38
Cross body ride 39:38 - 43:58
Ashi Otoshi 43:58 - 47:16
50/50 47:16 - 49:30
Tripod Offense 49:30 - 55:31

Volume 3



"Attacking Legs - Ashi Garami Pulls - Intro" 0 - 2:00
"Front Headlock" 2:00 - 3:20
Front Headlock To Cradle 3:20 - 5:24
"Defense Single Leg" 5:24 - 7:02
Rear Body Lock 7:02 - 9:12
Double Leg Ashi 9:12 - 11:08
"Basic Single Leg" 11:08 - 13:36
"High Single Leg Roll" 13:36 - 15:51
Single To Double 15:51 - 18:32
Overhook 18:32 - 21:15
"Underhook Entry" 21:15 - 23:44
"Defensive Pull" 23:44 - 26:16
Low Single 26:16 - 31:43
"Ashi Slide" 31:43 - 33:56
"Cross Ashi Slide" 33:56 - 35:38
"Imanari Rolls" 35:38 - 39:57
Cross Imanari To 50/50 39:57 - 41:54

Volume 4



"Victor’s Roll" 0 - 3:07
"Collar Tie" 3:07 - 4:55
Overhook 4:55 - 6:38
Single Leg Defense 6:38 - 8:13
Double Leg Defense 8:13 - 10:54
Flanking 10:54 - 13:04
Yoko Sumi Gaeshi - Single Leg Defense (Head Inside) 13:04 - 15:24
Rear Body Lock Defense 15:24 - 18:17
Front Headlock 18:17 - 19:45
Single Leg Defense (Head Outside) 19:45 - 21:38
"Kani Basami - Basics" 21:38 - 25:46
Overtie 25:46 - 27:01
Double Leg Kani Basami 27:01 - 28:42
Underhook 28:42 - 29:22
Front Headlock 29:22 - 30:56
Cutback 30:56 - 33:05
Half Kani 33:05 - 35:25
Ankle Pick 35:25 - 37:57

Volume 5



Attacking Upper Body - Front Headlock - Setups 0 - 7:47
Standing Guillotines 7:47 - 16:46
Cradle 16:46 - 20:40
4 Point 20:40 - 22:55
Sumi Gaeshi 22:55 - 27:39
"Tawara Gaeshi" 27:39 - 30:29
Front Headlock To Back 30:29 - 37:41
Falling Juji Gatame 37:41 - 40:59
Flying Triangles 40:59 - 44:57

Volume 6



Kata Gatame - Cradle 0 - 3:02
4 Point 3:02 - 4:58
Kimura - Head Inside Single Leg 4:58 - 9:26
Head Outside Single Leg 9:26 - 11:51
Rear Body Lock 11:51 - 15:35
Tai Otoshi 15:35 - 17:36
"Soto Gari" 17:36 - 20:23
Knees 20:23 - 22:49
Triangles - Yoko Sankaku 22:49 - 29:13
Far Wrist 29:13 - 32:40
Head Inside SIngle Leg 32:40 - 35:28

Volume 7



"Scrambles - Introduction" 0 - 1:32
"Grandby Roll Rolling Mechanics" 1:32 - 8:54
From The Knees 8:54 - 13:42
4 Point 13:42 - 16:38
Standing 16:38 - 19:22
"Maki Komi Roll Knees" 19:22 - 22:53
4 Point 22:53 - 24:45
Standing 24:45 - 28:04
"Funk Roll - Head Inside Single Leg Standing" 28:04 - 30:37
Double Leg 30:37 - 32:22
Head Inside Single Leg Knees 32:22 - 34:41
Double Leg Knees 34:41 - 36:42
Floor 36:42 - 40:52
No Spooning Allowed 40:52 - 45:30

Volume 8



Live Drills / Rolling - Intro 0 - 3:56
Front, Head, And Arm 3:56 - 11:20
Head Inside Single 11:20 - 17:05
Turtle Position 17:05 - 22:34
Outro 22:34 - 24:59

Don’t Just Shoot To Score. Shoot To Kill With Garry Tonon’s Systematic Guide For Submission Wrestling.

The ADCC Medalist and Danaher Death Squad Member Teaches His System For Mixing Takedowns, Back Takes, Ashi Garami, and More!

Check Out The Trailer For Garry's New Series!

 What Will You Learn?

Shoot To Kill with Garry Tonon’s no-gi grappling guide to not just scoring the takedown, but attacking the entire body. Learn how the most exciting and dynamic grappler on Earth mixes his techniques for back takes, takedowns, ashi garami, and more as he explains his system for winning grappling matches on his feet and landing in position to finish the fight. Instead of just wrestling or pulling guard, use Garry Tonon’s new 8-volume instructional series to attack opponents with a submission-specific approach that works at the highest levels.

With step-by-step detail, see how to force your opponent into these no-win situations and stay one step ahead of the game. Garry, as a member of the Danaher Death Squad, thinks in systems and he shows everything from the simple fundamentals and concepts to the more advanced subsystems and scrambles that he breaks down for the first time. Everyone from first day students and up will benefit from Garry’s clear and easy to understand style of teaching and connecting techniques across this 8-volume series.

All grappling matches start on the feet, and most people who want to get the takedown have to use techniques from wrestling. The problem is that those techniques don’t care about what is going to happen when you hit the mat, and things can become a little dangerous trying to mix the two. Now, you can learn a style of takedowns and more that is specifically designed for grappling, here on this 8-volume series.

Garry’s system is designed around attacking major areas like the back, the legs, or the upper body. On this series, he will cover how to maximize your potential by finding back exposure, pulling into strong leg locking positions (including the safe way to hit his signature kani basami and victor’s roll), enter into DDS submission systems like the kimura, front headlock, or the triangle, and much more.

Blend together all these techniques into a dynamic attacking style that helps you stay on the offensive and get to fight-ending submissions faster than ever, with Garry Tonon’s helpful advice. Garry shows not just what to do, but also why to do it and how you can do it better (and even how he believes those watching from home can practice this system for maximum improvement). Get this 8-volume series today and stop shooting for the takedown when you could Shoot To Kill.

Ashi Otoshi

So, What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1:

  • Introduction
  • Basic Concepts of Posture &Momentum 
  • Pushing, Pulling &Circular Momentum
  • Creating Opportunity
  • Snapping, Dragging, &Faking 
  • Harassing the Legs 
  • Inside and Outside Position 
  • Getting Behind &Attacking The Back 
  • Intro 
  • Arm drags 
  • Duck Unders 

Part 2:

  • Single leg
  • Kosoto limp arm
  • Kosoto Step Around 
  • Peak Out 
  • High single leg 
  • Canuto Variation
  • Down Blocking 
  • Throw bys 
  • Russians 
  • Double Leg
  • Turning the corner 
  • Kosoto 
  • Front Head Lock Defense 
  • Rear Body Lock Offense &Mat Returns 
  • De Ashi Barai 
  • The Momentum Breakdown 
  • Cross body ride 
  • Ashi Otoshi 
  • 50/50 
  • Tripod Offense 

Part 3:

  • Attacking Legs
  • Ashi Garami Pulls
  • Intro 
  • Front Headlock 
  • Front Headlock To Cradle 
  • Defense Single Leg 
  • Rear Body Lock 
  • Double Leg Ashi
  • Basic Single Leg 
  • High Single Leg Roll 
  • Single To Double
  • Overhook 
  • Underhook Entry
  • Defensive Pull 
  • Low Single 
  • Ashi Slide 
  • Cross Ashi Slide
  • Imanari Rolls 
  • Cross Imanari To 50/50 

Part 4:

  • Victor’s Roll
  • Collar Tie 
  • Overhook 
  • Single Leg Defense 
  • Double Leg Defense 
  • Flanking 
  • Yoko Sumi Gaeshi 
  • Single Leg Defense (Head Inside)
  • Rear Body Lock Defense 
  • Front Headlock
  • Single Leg Defense (Head Outside) 
  • Kani Basami
  • Basics
  • Overtie 
  • Double Leg Kani Basami
  • Underhook 
  • Front Headlock 
  • Cutback 
  • Half Kani
  • Ankle Pick

Flying Triangles

Part 5:

  • Attacking Upper Body 
  • Front Headlock 
  • Setups
  • Standing Guillotines
  • Cradle 
  • 4 Point 
  • Sumi Gaeshi 
  • Tawara Gaeshi
  • Front Headlock To Back 
  • Falling Juji Gatame
  • Flying Triangles

Part 6:

  • Kata Gatame
  • Cradle 
  • 4 Point 
  • Kimura
  • Head Inside Single Leg 
  • Head Outside Single Leg 
  • Rear Body Lock
  • Tai Otoshi 
  • Soto Gari
  • Knees 
  • Triangles
  • Yoko Sankaku
  • Far Wrist 
  • Head Inside SIngle Leg

Part 7:

  • Scrambles
  • Introduction
  • Grandby Roll
  • Rolling Mechanics
  • From The Knees 
  • 4 Point
  • Standing 
  • Maki Komi Roll
  • Knees 
  • 4 Point 
  • Standing 
  • Funk Roll
  • Head Inside Single Leg Standing
  • Double Leg 
  • Head Inside Single Leg Knees 
  • Double Leg Knees
  • Floor 
  • No Spooning Allowed

Part 8:

  • Live Drills / Rolling 
  • Intro
  • Front, Head, And Arm 
  • Head Inside Single 
  • Turtle Position 
  • Outro 

So, What Does It All Cost?


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