Learn from the best up and coming black belt there is
- Gabriel Arges has already won the Black Belt World Championships, twice
- Gabriel trains under multiple time Black Belt World Champion, Romulo Barral
- Learn the secrets to be able to take the back, keep the back, and finish from the back at the highest levels
- Transform your Jiu Jitsu game and finish any opponent from their back
- Gabriel is the future of Jiu Jitsu and this is your opportunity to learn the secrets that led him to his second Black Belt World Title
Course Content
Volume 1
back take fundamentals | 0 - 4:33 |
back take from weave pass | 4:44 - 9:15 |
clock choke from back take | 9:16 - 13:26 |
clock choke to collar choke | 13:27 - 16:50 |
collar choke from crucifix | 16:51 - 20:28 |
weave mount lapel choke | 20:29 - 25:29 |
arm bar from weave mount | 25:30 - 30:15 |
shoulder lock from triangle from back | 30:16 - 35:36 |
straight arm bar from triangle from back | 35:37 - 40:53 |
reverse triangle from back | 40:54 - 44:23 |
Volume 2
leg drag rolling back take | 0 - 7:14 |
hip switch back take | 7:15 - 12:12 |
reverse half to back take roll | 12:13 - 17:54 |
calf slicer | 17:55 - 21:41 |
banana split | 21:42 - 26:01 |
spider stack to truck | 26:02 - 31:48 |
knee slice lasso pass to ezekial choke | 31:49 - 37:12 |
Volume 3
de la Riva back take | 0 - 5:48 |
de la Riva to single x back take | 5:49 - 10:57 |
triangle shin to shin to back | 10:58 - 16:24 |
stand up x guard | 16:25 - 21:11 |
x guard to leg drag | 21:12 - 27:33 |
spider leg drag from 50/50 | 27:34 - 33:39 |
arm bar/choke options from 50/50 | 33:40 - 41:45 |
Check Out The Trailer!
What Will You Learn?
Now For The First Time Ever 2x World Champion Gabriel Arges Has Laid Out His Back Attack Game Plan!
The reason why the back is such a high-percentage finishing position is simple - back attacks are hard to stop. Heck, most people are not even practicing back defense. Look around, who at your gym is purposely giving up their back during training?
Of course there are a lot of top Jiu Jitsu guys who are killer guard passers or tricky guard players yet they may not be used to a good guy on their back who is stuck on them like a backpack. But when they meet that guy (someone like Gabriel) it spells serious problems no matter how great they are at other positions.
That’s why it’s smart to become great at taking the back and learning how to finish effectively.
It’s really not that hard to kill it from the back if you have a solid game-plan. The reward for simply understanding how to take the back and finishing far outweighs the short time spent working on this skill.
And who better to learn back taking and attacking from than a young killer who is as awesome at teaching as he is at implementing.
Gabriel not only has the proven skills. Gabriel has the understanding to teach you his game plan.
Part 1
-You will learn proven concepts to control your opponent’s hips in order to set up your back takes. This will save you a ton of energy. Let’s put it this way, many of you are probably working your butt off to get near the back. This can be exhausting. Then you usually have a ton more work to do to get the finish on a game opponent. After watching this you aren’t going to need to use more energy. This is a HUGE light-bulb moment! In fact, this whole sub-section on hip control is about efficiently being at the right place at the right time when you are taking the back. Gabriel explains this so a 5-year-old can understand it, so after watching you’ll be on back attack-auto-pilot.
-Discover a very slick way to pass the butterfly guard and go straight to the back attack. Although this series is mainly about taking the back and finishing, the truth is the guard passes Gabriel uses to get to the back attacks are like an added bonus. Gabriel gives you his “go to” passes. You will likely end up using most of the guard passes not only to take the back but independently. Gabriel’s guard passes work like a hot knife slicing through warm butter.
-Gabriel will teach you his leg weave passes to the near and opposite side so you can set up devastating clock chokes. This whole sub-section is game-changing because no matter which way your opponent turns, as you pass there is going to be an immediate threat. You’ll dramatically improve just by knowing where to be during top turtle position. It’s going to be much more useful to have a systematic game plan from this position rather than hoping your opponent makes a mistake and just gives you the choke. This sub-section will clean up any clutter you previously had.
-Half Guard and Reverse Half Guard (top) back takes on this DVD are off the chain. These techniques will seem easier than anticipated when you start hitting these attacks. That’s really what Gabriel is great at. He finds little holes in the game and attacks the back from there.
Part 2
-Learn the 1-2-3 back attack sequence that ends with The Pena Choke. The Pena Choke is perfect for someone who likes to use technique rather than brute strength. The details here matter and are laid out very clear so when you go to the gym expect to hit it right after watching.
-If you don’t already, you are now going to have a reverse-triangle series from the back. You do not need to be flexible or have long legs either. In fact, when you watch the series Gabriel specifically says it does not need to be perfect when setting it up. You can lock it on and fix it later (which he shows you how to do). This technique is all about getting over one hurdle which your opponent will give to you if you set it up right – and you will set it up right because it’s all laid out step-by-step for you to watch and re-watch anytime you want to go over it.
- See how easy it is to use the double under pass to take your opponent’s back the right way (which also happens to be the easy way). Gabriel looks at a few scenarios to take the back based off of your opponent’s reaction. Gabriel really goes in-depth in this sub-section so you don’t have to guess where to be and what to do when you are in the heat of a tense training session.
-Gabriel will teach you his “turtle to hip switch back take”. This is exactly what it says, it is a simple hip switch that will change your opponent’s momentum and force a back take scenario. The timing of this movement is key and Gabriel explains exactly when to hit it. Once you hit this technique it’s nearly impossible for your opponent to stop.
Part 3
-If you play De La Riva Guard or want to learn it then these techniques are going to blow your mind. All hype aside, you don’t even have to be good at the De La Riva from the get go in order to hit these. Gabriel goes over everything for you just like he would teach a beginner. After you start using these your opponent is practically going to give their back to you with the sneaky short-cuts.
-One of the hottest guards today is Single-X. It’s easy and it works on all levels. Gabriel goes through Single-X and X-Guard so when you transition the back opens up for you. Again, you don’t have to be a master at either one of these guards. In fact, many of these guards are used as merely transitions to the back attacks and Gabriel breaks it down so you can dive right into them.
-You will understand and easily get to the back from 50/50 (even if you don’t normally play 50/50). Gabriel shows you some gold nuggets of wisdom in this series that will make 50/50 fun even if it’s not your “go to” guard. You can easily see how transitioning through 50/50 can be a piece of cake for even the oldest of old-school styles. Who knows, you may even impress the modern game guys when you start taking their backs from here.
-Finally learn how to beat the dreaded and super-annoying leg lasso and then fall right into a back attack. Gabriel explains exactly how to position your arm to beat the lasso and then hit the choke so you can avoid brain-fart and do it without even thinking. It’ll really surprise a good guard player and make them think twice about playing lasso on you ever again.
-Plus much more…
Let’s Sum It Up…
If You Want To Master The Most Preferred Position In BJJ From The Cream Of The Crop Of The Modern Generation Then Now Is Your Chance
The guys at Gabriel’s squad consistently train with one another. And look who they are… They have Edwin Najmi, Romulo Barral, Felipe Pena, Otavio Souza and a few more world beaters. Gabriel’s obviously been busy accomplishing his goals the past two years. He hasn’t had much time to show anyone his secret sauce;he’s been a bit of a mystery. In the meantime he’s well on his way to becoming one of the most accomplished BJJ athletes of the modern era.
The Back Attack System is his SECRET SAUCE.
Of course there are plenty of other instructional courses on the back position out there. But one thing certain about Gabriel’s series is that you will not have to ask yourself if it will work on the very best – it will because it already has.
You will not have to go back and fix everything time and time again. That’s disappointing. You now have an iron-clad system that works. Gabriel’s techniques were developed against resisting opponents, it’s not simply theory. The knowledge in this series is taught succinctly and clear because Gabriel understands what works and doesn’t. To sum it up, The Back Attack System is a must for anyone serious about dominating from the back. Whether you are a one stripe white belt or a competition black belt, if you watch Gabriel’s Back Attacks System it is going to work for you.
So, What's On The Series?
Part 1
Back Take Fundamentals
Back Take From Weave Pass
Clock Choke From Back Take
Clock Choke To Collar Choke
Collar Choke From Crucifix
Weave Mount To Lapel Choke
Arm Bar From Weave Mount
Shoulder Lock From Triangle From Back
Straight Arm Bar From Triangle From Back
Reverse Triangle From Back
Part 2
Leg Drag Rolling Back Take
Hip Switch Back take
Reverse Half To Back Take Roll
Calf Slicer
Banana Split
Spider Stack To Truck
Knee Slice Lasso Pass To Ezekiel Choke
Part 3
De La Riva Back Take
De La Riva To Single Leg X Back Take
Triangle Shin To Shin To Back
Stand Up X Guard
X Guard To Leg Drag
Spider Leg Drag From 50/50
Arm Bar Choke Options From 50/50