Enter The System And Change The Way You Attack Forever With All Six Of Professor John Danaher’s Signature Submission Systems - Including His Revolutionary Leg Locks &Back Attacks -A 15% SAVINGS
- Get all six of Professor John Danaher’s game changing submission systems in one bundle and take your grappling to new heights
- Learn the infamous leg lock system that the Danaher team used to change no-gi grappling and launched the leg lock revolution
- Attack the back with systematic precision with Professor Danaher’s back system that will let you work for the strongest rear strangles in all of grappling
- Use the kimura to get more submissions and incredible upgrades in posiiotn as Professor Danaher shares his detailed kimura system
- See how you can use armbars with real precision and control with John’s 8-volume series focused on the juji gatame armbar and all its effective forms
- Sink in guillotine chokes and other front headlock submission with a systematic approach for breaking down opponents
- Latch on the tightest triangles possible and get powerful submissions - even with short legs with John’s genius adjustments and systemic combinations
- These submission systems are the key to John’s students unmatched grappling success, and he gives every detail and secret to success
Course Content
Volume 01
Introduction | 0 - 1:54 |
Breakdown | 1:54 - 9:05 |
Explication | 9:05 - 10:56 |
Independant Thinking | 10:56 - 12:15 |
Overview | 12:15 - 15:20 |
Manifestations of Leg Lock System | 15:20 - 18:41 |
Grip and Inside Position | 18:41 - 22:38 |
Gripping | 22:38 - 26:43 |
2 on 1 Gripping | 26:43 - 33:25 |
Immovable Elbow | 33:25 - 39:00 |
Push Pull Dynamic | 39:00 - 42:38 |
Torso Controls | 42:38 - 46:22 |
Hand Over Shoulders | 46:22 - 52:23 |
2 on 1 Leg | 52:23 - 56:49 |
shin To Shin | 56:49 - 1:00:51 |
Standing Opponent | 1:00:51 - 1:05:33 |
scoop gripping | 1:05:33 - 1:11:16 |
Ankle Gripping | 1:11:16 - 1:15:09 |
Volume 02
Attaining Inside | 0 - 5:00 |
Standing Opponent | 5:00 - 7:49 |
De La Riva | 7:49 - 12:17 |
Pummelling Legs Top Position | 12:17 - 18:40 |
Movement Inside | 18:40 - 25:07 |
Supine Opponent | 25:07 - 32:09 |
Hand Post - Leg Pummeling | 32:09 - 39:53 |
Irimi Ashi | 39:53 - 48:48 |
Knee and Knee Line | 48:48 - 53:54 |
Connection Drills | 53:54 - 58:05 |
Penetration Drills | 58:05 - 1:04:13 |
Gravity Drills | 1:04:13 - 1:09:08 |
Gravity Drills 2 | 1:09:08 - 1:14:20 |
Gravity Drills 3 Rolling | 1:14:20 - 1:17:43 |
Recovering Knee Line | 1:17:43 - 1:22:41 |
Volume 03
Introduction | 0 - 1:43 |
Single Leg Ashi | 1:43 - 7:07 |
double Leg Ashi | 7:07 - 10:19 |
Inside Leg Breakdowns | 10:19 - 16:12 |
Cross Ashi | 16:12 - 19:03 |
Introduction | 19:03 - 22:14 |
Lifting Method | 22:14 - 28:27 |
Lifting Method Cross Ashi | 28:27 - 30:59 |
centerline Method | 30:59 - 33:24 |
Tilting Method | 33:24 - 35:39 |
negating Resistance Intro | 35:39 - 44:16 |
General Theory Intro | 44:16 - 45:45 |
General Theory | 45:45 - 54:05 |
Follow Through | 54:05 - 59:04 |
Slack Removal | 59:04 - 1:04:30 |
Gripping | 1:04:30 - 1:11:25 |
Outside Heel Hook | 1:11:25 - 1:18:42 |
Inside Heel Hook | 1:18:42 - 1:25:49 |
Volume 04
Intro | 0 - 2:26 |
Shared Spiral Problem | 2:26 - 7:12 |
Single Ashi Solution | 7:12 - 11:43 |
Multiple Ashi Solution | 11:43 - 16:14 |
Exposing The Heel | 16:14 - 19:37 |
Negating Resistance | 19:37 - 26:52 |
Breaking | 26:52 - 36:43 |
Cycles of Inside Outside Dominance | 36:43 - 43:04 |
Stopping The Spiral | 43:04 - 48:46 |
CONTROL SPEED OF THE SPIRAL | 48:46 - 1:11:46 |
Volume 05
introduction | 0 - 14:11 |
similarities &differences of straight nd cross ashi | 14:11 - 18:04 |
primary &secondary leg | 18:04 - 19:38 |
double &single Leg approaches | 19:38 - 21:55 |
turnout problem | 21:55 - 26:28 |
double leg approach - ankle lace ashi | 26:28 - 30:18 |
release problem | 30:18 - 32:09 |
managing the release | 32:09 - 36:46 |
alternative achilles grip | 36:46 - 41:38 |
double heel hook attack | 41:38 - 45:06 |
lace leg (creating dilemma) | 45:06 - 47:59 |
splitter hand | 47:59 - 53:50 |
elbow slicer | 53:50 - 57:17 |
over under method | 57:17 - 1:02:01 |
double elbow | 1:02:01 - 1:04:21 |
double cross method | 1:04:21 - 1:07:46 |
controlling shared spiral | 1:07:46 - 1:15:47 |
Volume 06
intro | 0 - 2:21 |
Central Problems | 2:21 - 4:59 |
Untying Legs | 4:49 - 10:18 |
Double Leg Roll | 10:18 - 15:47 |
Figure Four Toe Hold | 15:47 - 19:26 |
Dilemma Attack | 19:26 - 26:37 |
Figure Four toe Hold Primary Leg | 26:37 - 35:06 |
Figure Four toe Hold Non Optimal Conditions | 35:06 - 42:25 |
Transition to Outside Ashi Outside Heel Hook | 42:25 - 48:17 |
Transition to Cross Ashi Inside Heel Hook | 48:17 - 53:22 |
Intro | 53:22 - 55:00 |
Head Position | 55:00 - 1:01:10 |
Opponent Spins Leg Crossover | 1:01:10 - 1:05:46 |
Static Crossover | 1:05:46 - 1:09:48 |
Spin Leg To Cross Ashi | 1:09:48 - 1:13:34 |
Spin Leg To Reverse Ashi | 1:13:34 - 1:16:56 |
Rolling Transition From straight to Cross Ashi | 1:16:56 - 1:22:27 |
Volume 07
Sliding Ashi | 0 - 4:58 |
Colloring Elbow | 4:58 - 8:31 |
Double Leg Entry | 8:31 - 11:46 |
Single Leg Entry | 11:46 - 16:07 |
Front Headlock | 16:07 - 18:25 |
Arm Drag | 18:25 - 21:32 |
4 Point Breakdown | 21:32 - 24:02 |
Intro Ground position | 24:02 - 28:35 |
Bottom Single Elevator | 28:35 - 32:57 |
Crossed Feet Single Elevator | 32:57 - 36:47 |
Inversion | 36:47 - 41:22 |
Knee Shield Inversion | 41:22 - 45:39 |
Knee Shield to X Guard | 45:39 - 49:43 |
Hook Sweep to Reverse X Guard | 49:43 - 54:32 |
Arm Drag | 54:32 - 58:07 |
Collar and Heel Entry | 58:07 - 1:02:17 |
Shoelace Breakdown | 1:02:17 - 1:07:41 |
Volume 08
Sitback | 0 - 6:56 |
Inside Out Entry | 6:56 - 9:50 |
Outside In Entry | 9:50 - 13:04 |
Outside Step In | 13:04 - 17:23 |
Half Guard Entries | 17:23 - 26:58 |
Kani Basami | 26:58 - 30:24 |
Double Seated Position | 30:24 - 45:24 |
Volume 09
Back Attack System Overview | 0 - 7:20 |
Introduction | 7:20 - 8:20 |
The Back As Ultimate Position | 8:20 - 9:35 |
Limitations of Straitjacket System | 9:35 - 11:56 |
ntroduction to Straightjacket System | 11:56 - 13:32 |
General Reflections on the Back | 13:32 - 15:00 |
Left/Right Control | 15;00 - 22:28 |
Strangle Hand/Control Hand Dichotomy | 22:28 - 24:54 |
Fundamental Insight of Offense &Defense on The Back: The head trap | 24:54 - 30:25 |
Alignment and Deficit Problem | 30:25 - 37:03 |
Solving Alignment Problem - Understanding | 37:03 - 46:06 |
Protecting The Bottom Hook | 46:06 - 56:49 |
Through Movement | 56:49 - 1:04:36 |
Through Movement - 2 | 1:04:36 - 1:11:41 |
Switching Arms | 1:11:41 - 1:16:01 |
Solving The Deficit Problem | 1:16:01 - 1:25:58 |
SOLVING THE PINNED ARM PROBLEM | 1:25:58 - 1:34:24 |
Volume 10
Neutrality Principle | 0 - 9:57 |
Primacy Principle | 9:57 - 12:38 |
Percentage Principle | 12:38 - 15:12 |
Top Position | 15:12 - 19:06 |
Hidden Hand Principle | 19:06 - 23:55 |
Specific Grips Principle | 23:55 - 28:04 |
Default Principle | 28:04 - 32:23 |
Heirarchy Principle | 32:23 - 38:40 |
Concentration/Diffusion Principle | 38:40 - 41:48 |
Closed Wedges Principle | 41:48 - 48:53 |
Volume 11
Underarm Side | 0 -14:40 |
Double Straight Direct Grip | 14:40 - 19:11 |
Single Cross Grip | 19:11 - 25:45 |
Double Cross / Indirect Grip | 25:45 - 30:40 |
Double Cross / Direct Grips | 30:40 - 36:42 |
Neck Penetration System | 36:42 - 46:55 |
New Theory of Strangling Mechanics | 46:55 - 57:36 |
Volume 12
One Handed Strangle | 0 - 4:24 |
Technical Notes on Rear Naked Strangle | 4:24 - 12:38 |
Mandible Strangles | 12:38 - 20:16 |
Intro Overarm Side | 20:16 - 32:07 |
Overarm Side / Wedging Method | 32:07 - 39:04 |
Overarm Side / Side Switching Method | 39:04 - 46:13 |
Working of Straitjacket System Conclusion | 46:13 - 50:33 |
Volume 13
Auxiliary Systems Introduction | 0 - 3:33 |
Rear Triangle System | 3:33 - 12:49 |
Diversifying Attacks | 12:49 - 22:00 |
Troubleshooting | 22:00 - 30:34 |
Reverse Top Lock System | 30:34 - 44:28 |
Cross Body Ride | 44:28 - 53:49 |
Leg Attacks | 53:49 - 1:06:41 |
Volume 14
Leg Attacks 2 | 0 - 10:17 |
Arm Attack/Hammer Lock | 10:17 - 19:10 |
Twister | 19:10 - 25:27 |
Transitions | 25:27 - 32:56 |
Back Crucifix | 32:56 - 43:00 |
Strangles | 43:00 - 53:30 |
Arm Locks | 53:30 - 1:10:29 |
Volume 15
establishing hooks and rear mounts Introduction | 0 - 7:08 |
focus Points | 7:08 - 18:05 |
Foot and Knee Entries | 18:05 - 31:23 |
Near Side Entries 01 | 31:23 - 39:54 |
Near Side Entries 02 | 39:54 - 46:32 |
Near Side Entries 03 | 46:32 - 53:16 |
Volume 16
Near Side Entries 04 | 0 - 7:23 |
Near Side Entries 05 | 7:23 - 18:10 |
Rolling Entries 01 | 18:10 - 29:45 |
Rolling Entries 02 | 29:45 - 41:58 |
FOUR Point Position | 41:58 - 53:08 |
Conclusion | 53:08 - 54:51 |
Volume 17
System Overview | 0 - 15:48 |
Trinity of Power | 15:48 - 21:15 |
Thumb or no Thumb | 21:15 - 26:19 |
Essential Nature of Kimura - A Twisting Lock | 26:19 - 30:23 |
Hand and Arm Positioning | 30:23 - 37:47 |
Bending A Straightened Arm | 37:47 - 43:21 |
Diagonol Power Line | 43:21 - 49:30 |
Pull Dominant Kimuras vs Push Dominant Kimuras | 49:30 - 52:11 |
Beating The Shoulder and Trapping Head | 52:11 - 56:35 |
Shoulder Line | 56:35 - 59:51 |
A Vexing Problem | 56:35 - 1:04:07 |
Essential Skill of Kimura System - Roll Through Kimura Scrambles | 1:04:07 - 1:11:54 |
Volume 18
Introduction to Dorsal Kimura | 0 - 7:53 |
Unlocking Reinforced Hands | 7:53 - 17:45 |
Using Legs For Kimura | 17:45 - 34:04 |
Switching to Alternative Submission | 34:04 - 39:18 |
Switching to Different Position / System | 39:18 - 48:56 |
Volume 19
Introduction to T Kimura | 0 - 10:58 |
Top and Bottom Knee | 10:58 - 14:15 |
Bottom Knee to Back | 14:15 - 17:41 |
Bottom Knee to Rear Triangle | 17:41 - 20:01 |
Bottom Knee to Arm Bar | 20:01 - 22:10 |
Bottom Knee to Side Triangle | 22:10 - 24:22 |
Bottom Knee Penetration to Russian Arm | 24:22 - 29:44 |
Bottom Knee into Cross Ashi Garami | 29:44 - 32:50 |
Bottom Knee Losing Russian Arm | 32:50 - 38:49 |
Top Knee Attacks | 38:49 - 46:05 |
Relationship Between Kimura and Bicep Slicer | 46:05 - 54:03 |
Volume 20
Introduction to Applications | 0 - 3:43 |
Side Kimura Applications | 3:43 - 13:19 |
Side Kimura Switching Elbows | 13:19 - 17:13 |
Side Kimura Supinated Grip | 17:13 - 21:03 |
Side Kimura Pronated Grip | 21:03 - 26:13 |
Half Guard Top | 26:13 - 34:09 |
Half Guard to T Kimura | 34:09 - 39:12 |
Half Guard Attacking Power Prop | 39:12 - 44:11 |
Classroom Commentary #1 | 44:11 - 45:57 |
Classroom Commentary #2 | 45:57 - 49:46 |
Classroom Commentary #3 | 49:46 - 52:38 |
Volume 21
Butterfly Guard | 0 - 4:27 |
kimura vs Butterfly Guard Moving Head to Setup Kimura | 4:27 - 7:50 |
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Standing | 7:50 - 11:24 |
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Standing Opposite Side | 11:24 - 16:06 |
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Working From Outside Position | 16:06 - 19:34 |
Kimura's Kimura | 19:34 - 31:53 |
Turtle Position Olympic Bar to Kimura | 31:53 - 35:39 |
Kimura vs Turtle Side Triangle | 35:39 - 39:26 |
Kimura vs Single Leg on Mat | 39:26 - 47:58 |
Kimura vs Single Leg on Mat Drill | 47:58 - 55:45 |
Classroom Commentary #4 | 55:45 - 59:28 |
Classroom Commentary #5 | 59:28 - 1:02:43 |
Volume 22
Kimura vs Single Leg Countering the Peak Out | 0 - 4:59 |
Kesa-Gatame | 4:59 - 14:43 |
Closed Guard Kimura - The Great Mystery of Closed Guard Kimura | 14:43 - 38:15 |
Kimura Closed Guard Wrist Control and Power Prop | 38:15 - 46:20 |
Closed Guard Kimura Head Pass Setup | 46:20 - 51:46 |
Kimura From Bottom Half Guard | 51:46 - 1:02:05 |
Bottom Half Guard Kimura Converting to Full Guard | 1:02:05 - 1:05:46 |
Half Guard Kimura Sumi Gaeshi Variations | 1:05:46 - 1:09:08 |
Classroom Commentary #6 | 1:09:08 - 1:11:06 |
Classroom Commentary #7 | 1:11:06 - 1:12:39 |
Volume 23
Bottom Half Guard To T Kimura | 0 :6:21 |
Half Guard Kimura Vs Arm Bar | 6:21 - 14:44 |
Half Guard Kimura To Front Triangle | 14:44 - 24:44 |
Kimura Bottom Turtle Position | 24:44 - 31:32 |
Kimura Bottom Turtle Inside Arm Roll Staying Above the Hips | 31:32 - 37:54 |
Kimura Bottom Turtle Inside Arm Roll to Kimura Finish | 37:54 - 40:33 |
Kimura Bottom Turtle vs Seat Belt | 40:33 - 45:07 |
Kimura Bottom Turtle Outside Arm Roll | 45:07 - 49:56 |
Kimura Bottom Turtle Outside Arm Variation | 49:56 - 55:21 |
Standing Position | 55:21 - 1:01:47 |
Kimura vs Standing Single Leg Head Outside | 1:01:47 - 1:04:34 |
Kimura vs Standing Single Moving The Head | 1:04:34 - 1:08:05 |
Kimura Vs Single Leg Kneeling Opponent | 1:08:05 - 1:12:33 |
Kimura Vs Double Leg | 1:12:33 - 1:17:00 |
Kimura vs Double Leg (Cont.) | 1:17:00 - 1:19:02 |
Classroom Commentary #8 | 1:19:02 - 1:21:18 |
Volume 24
Legs Kimura / Reverse Omoplata | 0 - 14:29 |
TRIMURA | 14:29 - 33:53 |
Multiple Kimuras | 33:53 - 45:14 |
Timing the Roll Through | 45:14 - 51:33 |
Elbow Wedge for Kimura | 51:33 - 54:22 |
Head and Arm Kimura | 54:22 - 1:00:03 |
Classroom Commentary #9 | 1:00:03 - 1:05:39 |
Volume 25
Overview | 0 - 5:00 |
Speed Based Juji Gatame | 5:00 - 26:59 |
Overview 1st Phase - Entry | 26:59 - 34:44 |
overview 2st Phase - Control | 34:44 - 40:13 |
overview 3rd Phase - Orientation | 40:13 - 43:56 |
Overview 4th phase Configuration Phase | 43:56 - 48:34 |
overview 5th phase Separation Phase | 48:34 - 55:52 |
overview 6th Phase Breaking | 55:52 - 1:02:35 |
Central Problems of Juji Gatame | 1:02:35 - 1:17:41 |
3 Central Problem Opponent on Back | 1:17:41 - 1:24:53 |
3 Central Problem Attacking From Back. | 1:24:53 - 1:34:44 |
Core Principles | 1:34:44 - 1:43:58 |
Volume 26
Mechanics of Control | 0 - 10:08 |
Generating Movement from Juji Position | 10:08 - 15:11 |
Crossed Feet | 15:11 - 20:47 |
Crossed Feet For Juji Gatame Pros and Cons | 20:47 - 32:49 |
Elbow Propping Gripping the Legs | 32:49 - 37:09 |
Putting Our Control Mechanics Together | 37:09 - 39:27 |
Finishing Juji Through 360 degrees | 39:27 - 49:07 |
Mechanics of the Position | 49:07 - 59:37 |
Mechanics of Breaking | 59:37 - 1:07:13 |
Mechanics of Breaking 2 | 1:07:13 - 1:15:57 |
Mechanics of Breaking 3 | 1:15:57 - 1:23:45 |
Breaking Mechanics - Opposing Forces | 1:23:45 - 1:29:37 |
Volume 27
Mechanics of Separation | 0 - 17:56 |
Mechanics of Separation 2 | 17:56 - 25:00 |
Mechanics of Separation 3 | 25:00 - 30:02 |
Mechanics of Separation 4 | 30:02 - 35:13 |
understanding mechanical advantage of cross chest position | 35:13 - 39:45 |
5 Progressions of Hand Position | 39:45 - 47:36 |
4 Phases of Juji Gatame | 47:36 - 52:18 |
Multiplicity | 52:18 - 1:12:56 |
Entering Into Juji Gatame | 1:12:56 - 1:29:41 |
Entering Into Juji Gatame 2 | 1:29:41 - 1:37:59 |
Entering Into Juji Gatame 3 | 1:37:59 - 1:45:26 |
Entering Into Juji Gatame 4 | 1:45:26 - 1:49:55 |
2 General Approaches To Armbars - Speed Based &Control Based Methods | 1:49:55 - 1:55:37 |
Volume 28
Reflexions on The Top Lock | 0 - 8:06 |
Armbar From Guard - Critical Role of Head &Elbow Position | 8:06 - 12:54 |
2 Step Approach to Bottom Juji Gatame | 12:54 - 19:47 |
Troubleshooting the Top Lock | 19:47 - 25:10 |
Armbar Bottom Position - TopLock vs Shoulder Pivot. | 25:10 - 30:02 |
Shoulder to Shoulder Transfer | 30:02 - 42:05 |
Sweeping w Armbars - Base, Direction of Force &Direction of Feet | 42:05 - 52:34 |
Human Body and Juji Gatame | 52:34 - 1:02:04 |
CLASSROOM Bottom Armbar: Going From Top Lock To Juji | 1:02:04 - 1:07:38 |
single Step Juji Gatame Attacks (widecam) 13:45 | 1:07:38 - 1:21:17 |
Bottom Position - Armbar Critical Law &Revealing Test | 1:21:17 - 1:29:42 |
Figure Four Top Lock | 1:29:42 - 1:40:01 |
Alternative Bottom Juji - Overwrap Grip | 1:40:01 - 1:45:50 |
Juji Gatame on Standing Opponent | 1:45:50 - 1:56:19 |
Volume 29
Inside Scoop and Outside Scoop | 0 - 5:03 |
Iron Rule of Head and Hips | 5:03 - 14:52 |
Iron Rule of Head and Hips 2 | 14:52 - 17:57 |
3 Quarter Juji Gatame From Bottom | 17:57 - 24:31 |
Going across Center Line With Juji Gatame | 24:31 - 30:50 |
Belly Down Juji From Bottom | 30:50 - 34:43 |
Seated Juji Entries From Bottom | 34:43 - 44:17 |
Seated Juji Entries From Bottom 2 | 44:17 - 48:28 |
Seated Juji Entries From Bottom 3 | 48:28 - 53:33 |
Seated Juji Entries From Bottom 4 | 53:33 - 57:53 |
Seated Juji Entries From Bottom 5 | 57:53 - 1:00:02 |
Seated Juji Entries From Bottom 6 | 1:00:02 - 1:02:17 |
Seated Juji Entries From Bottom 7 | 1:02:17 - 1:04:18 |
Volume 30
Introduction to Top Position Juji | 0 - 3:47 |
The Ratchet | 3:47 - 21:08 |
Iron Law of Elbow and Shoulder Line | 21:08 - 26:14 |
Applying Juji Gatame From Mount | 26:14 - 39:42 |
Key to Mounted Juji - Shoulder Wedge | 39:42 - 44:30 |
Skillful Use of Cross Face Leg | 44:30 - 51:04 |
Putting it All Together | 51:04 - 58:42 |
Volume 31
Underhook Juji From Mount | 0 - 5:10 |
Classroom: Mounted Arm Bar - Underhook Setup | 5:10 - 8:21 |
Cross Wrist Juji Attack From Mount | 8:21 - 12:06 |
Arm Wraps and Mounted Jujis | 12:06 - 18:38 |
Classroom: Key Insight - Biomechanical Pins vs Gravity Pins | 18:38 - 24:49 |
Single Most Important Drill for Top Juji Mastery | 24:49 - 35:01 |
Top Position Juji From Side Pins | 35:01 - 52:08 |
Quarter Juji Gatame as Entry Method | 52:08 - 56:37 |
Spinning Juji | 56:37 - 1:07:00 |
Reverse Underhook Juji | 1:07:00 - 1:14:10 |
Near Side Juji Gatame Cross Step Method | 1:14:10 - 1:18:46 |
Near Side Juji Overwrap Grip | 1:18:46 - 1:23:26 |
Volume 32
Juji Gatame and Lower Body Attacks | 0 - 11:39 |
juji Gatame &Lower Body Attacks 2 | 11:39 - 16:06 |
Juji Gatame &Lower Body Attacks 3 | 16:06 - 17:44 |
Juji Gatame &Lower Body Attacks 4 | 17:44 - 21:58 |
Introduction to Juji Gatame From Chest To Back Situations | 21:58 - 25:41 |
Rolling Your Opponent into Juji | 25:41 - 40:08 |
Rolling Your Opponent into Juji 2 | 40:08 - 43:50 |
Rolling Your Opponent into Juji 3 | 43:50 - 47:12 |
Rolling Your Opponent into Juji 4 | 47:12 - 53:21 |
Rolling Your Opponent into Juji 5 | 53:21 - 1:01:39 |
juji Gatame From Rear Mount | 1:01:39 - 1:11:05 |
Volume 33
overview | 0 - 20:09 |
multiplicity of triangles | 20:09 - 22:48 |
The 2 stage approach to triangles | 22:48 - 24:56 |
Mechanics | 24:56 - 27:24 |
Mindset | 27:24 - 29:02 |
Your body and the triangle strangle | 20:02 - 37:54 |
solo pummeling drills for triangle development | 37:54 - 42:36 |
solo body folding drills | 42:36 - 47:11 |
Partner Pummeling Drills | 47:11 - 51:53 |
Partner Inversion and Rotational Drill | 51:53 - 56:19 |
Turning Off The Shoulder | 56:19 - 58:50 |
Introduction to the 5 Triangles | 58:50 - 1:08:47 |
rotating ARound Head and Shoulders with Triangles | 1:08:47 - 1:14:49 |
Fundamental Transition From Trap Triangle to Figure 4 Triangle. | 1:14:49 - 1:20:04 |
Triangles Out Of Scrambles | 1:20:04 - 1:26:22 |
Pros and cons pulling down head w ith hands | 1:26:22 - 1:34:18 |
Pros and Cons elbow acrossw chest | 1:34:18 - 1:39:22 |
upper body to lower body | 1:39:22 - 1:44:59 |
Volume 34
The Front Triangle | 0 - 13:45 |
Front Triangle Mechanics 2 | 13:45 - 18:06 |
Front Triangle Mechanics 3 | 18:06 - 21:04 |
Managing Transition from Trap Triangle to Figure Four Triangle | 21:04 - 25:50 |
Managing Transition from Trap Triangle to Figure Four Triangle 2 | 25:50 - 31:11 |
Putting It All Together - Front Triangle | 31:11 - 39:39 |
Unified Legs | 39:39 - 43:21 |
Getting Lower Back Off Groud and Onto Points of Shoulders | 43:21 - 47:26 |
Story of Every Triangle is the Same | 47:26 - 52:36 |
Entries to Front Triangle - Seated Position | 52:36 - 1:00:09 |
Magic of 2 on 1 Gripping | 1:00:09 - 1:07:54 |
triangle vs single leg | 1:07:54 - 1:12:33 |
triangle vs single leg 2 | 1:12:33 - 1:16:04 |
triangle vs single leg 3 | 1:16:04 - 1:19:26 |
triangle vs single leg 4 | 1:19:26 - 1:23:12 |
triangle vs single leg 5 | 1:23:12 - 1:28:27 |
Volume 35
Overtie Series | 0 - 5:03 |
Collar Tie Setups | 5:03 - 7:58 |
Over Hook Grip To Triangle | 7:58 - 12:30 |
Underhooks to Triangle | 12:30 - 22:39 |
Inside Wrist Grip | 22:39 - 29:126 |
Kuzushi Based Entires into Front Triangle | 29:16 - 36:52 |
Foot Penetration V Knee Penetration | 36:52 - 41:41 |
The Clamp | 41:41 - 49:47 |
Entering Clamp Guard | 49:47 - 56:15 |
Wrist Controls to Triangles | 56:15 - 1:01:03 |
Wrist Controls to Triangles 2 | 1:01:03 - 1:06:28 |
Monoplata to Front Triangle | 1:06:28 - 1:11:58 |
fake hip sweep to front triangle | 1:11:58 - 1:15:28 |
Volume 36
Reactive Entries to Triangle | 0 - 7:42 |
Front Triangles Top Position Passing Guard | 7:42 - 12:23 |
Front Triangles Top Position Passing Guard 2 | 12:23 - 16:55 |
Front Triangle Side Position | 16:55 - 25:37 |
Front Triangle Side Position 2 | 25:37 - 33:21 |
Front Triangle Side Position 3 | 33:21 - 37:49 |
Front Triangle Side Position 4 | 37:49 - 42:30 |
Front Triangle Mounted Position | 42:30 - 47:24 |
Triangle From Tight waist vs whizzer | 47:24 - 50:28 |
Relationship between front triangle and other submissions | 50:28 - 58:22 |
Relationship between front triangle and other submissions 2 | 58:22 - 1:03:01 |
Relationship between front triangle and other submissions 3 | 1:03:01 - 1:07:03 |
Relationship between front triangle and other submissions 4 | 1:07:03 - 1:11:05 |
transition to inside heel hook | 1:11:05 - 1:17:27 |
Volume 37
Opposite Side Triangle - Hantai Sankaku | 0 - 11:52 |
Front Triangle, Opposite Triangle and Elbow Position | 11:52 - 22:13 |
Sweeping and Off Balancing with Opposite Triangle | 22:13 - 30:01 |
transition from opposite triangle to joint locks | 30:01 - 36:42 |
Volume 38
Intro to Rear Triangle - Ushiro Sankaku | 0 - 6:30 |
Mechanics of Rear Triangle | 6:30 - 11:22 |
Entries Into Rear Triangle Back Position | 11:22 - 15:37 |
Rear Triangle From Back 2 | 15:37 - 17:59 |
Rear Triangle From Back 3 | 17:59 - 20:29 |
Rear Triangle From Side Positions | 20:29 - 25:59 |
Rear Triangle From Side Positions 2 | 25:59 - 32:01 |
Rear Triangle from Mounted Position | 32:01 - 38:30 |
Relationship Between Rear Triangle and Front Triangle | 38:30 - 42:52 |
Rear Triangle to Opposite Triangle | 42:52 - 45:47 |
Rear Triangle Out of Armlock | 45:47 - 48:38 |
Rear Triangle From Guard Passing | 48:38 - 51:42 |
Rear Triangle From Referees Position | 51:42 - 55:58 |
Rear Triangle Transitioning From Strangle to Joint Locks | 55:58 - 1:04:09 |
Volume 39
Side Triangle Yoko Sankaku | 0 - 15:30 |
Attacking Turtle with Side Triangle | 15:30 - 24:09 |
Attacking Turtle with Side Triangle 2 | 24:09 - 31:02 |
Attacking Turtle with Side Triangle 3 | 31:02 - 34:29 |
Linking side triangle and arm bar | 34:29 - 41:05 |
side Triangle While Guard Passing | 41:05 - 43:52 |
Side Triangle Switching To Arm Locks | 43:52 - 50:11 |
Volume 40
reverse triangle Gyaku Sankaku | 0 - 5:34 |
Entering Reverse Triangle | 5:34 - 9:52 |
Entering Reverse Triangle 2 | 9:52 - 16:58 |
Entering Reverse Triangle 3 | 16:58 - 21:10 |
Reverse Triangle to Armlocks | 21:10 - 25:43 |
Volume 41
introduction to Guard Passing | 0 - 8:10 |
conventional guillotines vs seated guard | 8:10 - 11:45 |
front headlock guard pass | 11:45 - 14:55 |
front headlock inverted North South | 14:55 - 20:00 |
front headlock vs half guard | 20:00 - 28:16 |
front headlock vs half guard 2 | 28:16 - 33:31 |
front headlock vs half guard 3 | 33:31 - 38:25 |
front headlock vs half guard 4 | 38:25 - 42:02 |
thumb to sternum the principle of closure | 42:02 - 47:10 |
Volume 42
hip heist | 0 - 6:44 |
collar tie hip heist | 6:44 - 12:07 |
shoulder post hip heist | 12:07 - 16:40 |
forward shift and hip heist | 16:40 - 18:30 |
overhook hip heist | 18:30 - 21:35 |
protecting the knee line with hip heist | 21:35 - 26:19 |
seated front headlock positional game | 26:19 - 32:58 |
yoko Sumi gaeshi | 32:58 - 40:48 |
Volume 43
introduction To Seated Front Headlocks | 0 - 4:47 |
Seated guard snap downs | 4:47 - 10:11 |
seated guard snap down leg assist | 10:11 - 11:57 |
forward shift snap down | 11:57 - 13:54 |
high elbow guillotine in detail | 13:54 - 28:47 |
low elbow guillotine in detail | 28:47 - 36:45 |
arm in guillotine in detail | 36:45 - 46:41 |
Volume 44
darce strangle / inverted kata gatame elbow to elbow method | 0 - 3:28 |
seated kata gatame | 3:28 - 10:23 |
seated kata gatame - alternative finish | 10:23 - 13:40 |
cradle series | 13:40 - 19:35 |
Cradle Leg Assist | 19:35 - 28:36 |
knee block go behind - mixing submission and position | 28:36 - 38:06 |
hand block go behind | 38:06 - 41:03 |
head block go behind | 41:03 - 43:33 |
arm drag go behind | 43:33 - 47:52 |
putting it all together | 47:52 - 53:24 |
Volume 45
Front kata gatame anaconda strangle - Olympic roll | 0 - 8:32 |
anaconda strangle leg assist | 8:32 - 14:58 |
anaconda strangle critical details | 14:58 - 20:05 |
anaconda strangle elbow to elbow method | 20:05 - 32:41 |
darce strangle / inverted kata gatame | 32:41 - 54:30 |
Volume 46
introduction To Kneeling Fronbt Headlocks | 0 - 2:54 |
high wrist series | 2:54- 14:47 |
centerline shift | 14:47 - 17:54 |
high elbow guillotine first impressions | 17:54 - 23:12 |
low elbow guillotine high wrist position | 23:12 - 27:30 |
arm in guillotine high wrist position | 27:30 - 32:48 |
high wrist position one handed guillotine | 32:48 - 36:56 |
high wrist power guillotine | 36:56 - 41:40 |
Kneeling front headlock katagatame series | 41:40 - 47:19 |
front katagatame anaconda strangle | 47:19 - 55:32 |
Volume 47
reactive entries | 0 - 6:17 |
reactive entries single leg | 6:17 - 11:11 |
reactive entries down blocks | 11:11 - 16:09 |
proactive entries snap downs | 16:09 - 23:20 |
inside tie straight snap | 23:20 - 27:51 |
inside tie side to side snap downs | 27:51 - 30:04 |
mutual collar ties snap down | 30:04 - 34:39 |
inside tie cross snap | 34:39 - 39:17 |
over tie snap down - outside Control | 39:17 - 46:42 |
half overtie snap | 46:42 - 50:39 |
2 on 1 snap down | 50:39 - 58:38 |
over hook and under hook snap downs | 58:38 - 1:03:09 |
fake shot snap down | 1:03:09 - 1:10:14 |
taking standing front headlock to Mat - circling method | 1:10:14 - 1:13:22 |
taking stand front headlock to Mat sumi-gaeshi | 1:13:22 - 1:17:11 |
Volume 48
System Overview | 0 - 18:05 |
Introduction Front Headlock | 18:05 - 24:52 |
Control vs Submission | 24:52 - 27:42 |
4 Main Scenarios of Front Headlock System | 27:42 - 30:46 |
4 Points of Control | 30:46 - 37:48 |
Vulnerabilities of Front Headlock | 37:48 - 45:06 |
Helpful Terminology and Concepts | 45:06 - 49:52 |
4 Step System | 49:52 - 54:25 |
Enter The System And Change The Way You Attack Forever With All Six Of Professor John Danaher’s Signature Submission Systems - Including His Revolutionary Leg Locks &Back Attacks
What Will You Learn?
Unlock the secrets to successful submission grappling with Professor John Danaher’s six signature submission systems, bundled together for the first time ever. Now you can learn these game changing submission attacks, including the leg lock and back attack series that totally changed the competitive grappling landscape forever.
Professor John Danaher has emerged as the preeiminent grappling coach on Earth, with his students totally revolutionizing no-gi grappling with these submission-oriented systems. By attacking with a sytem, not just a collection of moves, they could force opponents into dilemmas and work through predictable resistance with clean technique. Now, you can learn the matrix code behind these grappling champions with this bundle.
Learn how to attack all the most effective submission holds in grappling, including the lower body heel hooking system that started an evolution in the sport that continues to this day. Watch the series around back attacks that John considers one of the most important he has ever produced, showing you his signature straightjacket back attacks that his students have mastered.
Master submission systems like the front headlock, the kimura, and the juji gatame armbar. Each series is like a college course in submission success, giving you a complete roadmap to follow and the details and techniques you need to navigate it. John’s Enter The System bundle pack is the total collection of the submission systems that he has honed and perfected.
What Exactly Do You Get?
Leglocks: Enter The System by John Danaher 6 part series
Back Attacks Enter The System by John Danaher 6 part series
Kimura: Enter The System by John Danaher 6 part series
The Front Headlock System by John Danaher 6 part series
Arm Bars: Enter The System by John Danaher 6 part series
Triangles Enter The System by John Danaher 6 part series
So What Does It All Cost