
Gringo Guard Passing by Jake Mackenzie

Learn The Top Secret Gringo Passing System From The Canadian Who Infiltrated Brazil’s Toughest School

  • Jake is one of the most sought after instructors in Brazil
  • Jake is a Brazilian Nationals Champion, Masters World Champion, and Multiple Time Adult Black Belt World Medalist
  • Jake draws back the curtain and lets you in on all of his secrets
  • Gain an entirely new perspective on the passing and pass all of your training partners
  • Transform your entire game

Course Content

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Volume 1



sao paulo pass 0 - 5:11
lapel pass sao paulo 5:11 - 10:10
opening closed guard from standing 10:10 - 15:45
getting to home base from standing pass 15:45 - 20:55
cut through pass and smash pass positioning 20:55 - 26:44
smash pass windshield wiper finish 26:44 - 30:53
smash pass to hop over 30:53 - 35:16
smash pass to mount 35:16 - 39:49
knee cut to underhook 39:49 - 45:50

Volume 2



half guard positioning concepts 0 - 5:31
katagatami pass from half 5:31 - 14:14
chicken wing pass 14:14 - 19:34
near side underhook pass 19:34 - 25:12
knee and armpit with wrist control 25:12 - 30:08
cow catcher with smash pass 30:08 - 35:31
cow catcher with windshield wiper pass 35:31 - 41:14

Volume 3



stepover deep half counter 0 - 4:29
triangle from stepover 4:29 - 8:45
crucifix armbar 8:45 - 13:41
crucifix to back take 13:41 - 17:13
back take and crucifix variations 17:13 - 22:04
steering wheel pass vs butterfly 22:04 - 27:02
cut through from butterfly guard 27:02 - 31:03
standing approach to butterfly guard 31:03 - 34:58

Volume 4



single leg x counter to leg drag 0 - 4:56
single leg x leg pummel 4:56 - 14:15
high underhook back step counter 13:15 - 21:26
leg trap smash pass 21:26 - 29:28
leg trap options and concepts 29:28 - 36:02


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What Will You Learn?

Scientifically Smash The Guard – With Precision… From The Skinny Canadian Kid Who Moved To Brazil &Became A Brazilian National &Masters World Champion

Jake MacKenzie Threw Himself Into The Shark Tank In Brazil With A Lot of Younger, Stronger, Faster &Hungrier Kids – But He Used His Mind To Come Out On Top: &He Can Teach You How To As Well..

How do you go from being a skinny kid in a strange land to one of the toughest gringo black belts in Rio de Janeiro? Just ask Jake Mackenzie, GFT instructor and one of the most decorated champions around.

Coming from humble Canadian beginnings, he moved to Brazil in his teens and began training, infiltrating some of the toughest teams with his technical style. He’s had the chance to learn from (and instruct) some of the best in the world, and he is back with us today to show how he handles one of grappling’s toughest tests: passing the guard.

Jake has a legitimate passing system, based on years of experimenting and studying his opponents' strategies. Now, instead of getting stuck down in good guards, he’s got a reliable and efficient answer to some of grappling’s most frustrating problems. Nothing can make your training feel more painful and hopeless than constantly getting pulled deeper and deeper into a tricky guard, not sure how to take back control of the fight. Maybe you know a few passes, but what you do know doesn’t fit together the best ways, and you are left holding on and trying to survive. Now, that can be over, because Jake’s Gringo Passing system gives you a way to keep progressing through the guard.

You can make sure you get the most out of this position at all times, because more than telling you just how to do each move, Jake uses his longtime teaching experience to explain when he’s doing each move, and what reactions he is waiting for. You can stay one step ahead of the bottom man all day, until you are ready to establish the pass and work for the tap. Throughout this series, he goes over some of the biggest and most common areas we get stuck, including ways to smash through the closed guard, open guard, half guard, butterfly and more.

Some guards just seem unpassable. For whatever reason, no matter what attack you try, you just get rolled up and spat out, having to start over and try again. What this really means is that something in your fundamentals is wrong, and you don’t even realize it yet. That’s where Jake can come in, to lead you through the fundamental positions and strategies he uses to stay where he wants to be. Instead of just learning a pass, you can learn how to really play on top, without being constantly threatened by the same couple of attacks. Even better, none of what Jake shows needs for you to be any kind of athlete, this is real-world passing that works with your body, instead of needing you to bench press someone through the mat or lift them up over your head.

For anyone looking to add more submissions to their toolkit, this is a great source. No series is complete without the threat of the tap, and as Jake moves strategically from position to position, he knows exactly when and where he can attack without sacrificing any control. Rolling to your back to secure a submission can be risky, and going for any move too early can risk losing position, so benefit from Jake’s expertise as he gives you the roadmap you need to be a constant threat from the top position.

An Open And Shut Guard

Any grappler at the highest level knows that passing the best guards isn’t about dealing with the crazy stuff, it’s about addressing the fundamentals, so Jake begins with the most common fight from top: breaking and passing the closed guard. Always a staple of BJJ, you must know how to attack and defend inside the guard if you hope to survive and thrive on the mats. With a combination of old school pressure passing techniques, and more modern standing breaks, there are solutions here for any body type or skill level. Once the guard is opened, learn how to break down the position and pass with a unique combination of pins, smashes, and techniques that Jake has mastered. As you go through this 4-volume set, Jake addresses position after position you can use to keep adding to your game, including a series of half guard passes (coming from a half guard master in his own right).

Pass, Smash, And Finish The Fight

Learn to smash through the guard, control your opponent, and move to the back for that perfect choke with these new and effective turtle attacks. Instead of grabbing and trying to jump and roll, possibly losing position, instead use this simpler, more effective special from Jake, using a crucifix set up to roll your way through to the back. Some of the details and finer points make this a can’t miss attack. See variation after variation on how to use your control to safely and securely get to the back and finish the fight.

Once you have learned to control and pass the most basic and problematic BJJ guards, expand your game out with some specialty passes from Jake’s repertoire. Float and flow technically through the traps of single leg x, deep half, and butterfly, among others, and never be left without a reliable answer again.

Plus much, much more...

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
Sao Paulo pass
Lapel pass Sao Paulo
Opening closed guard from standing
Getting to home base from standing pass
Cut through pass and smash pass positioning
Smash pass windshield wiper finish
Smash pass to hop over
Smash pass to mount
Knee cut to underhook

Part 2
Half guard positioning concepts
Katagatami pass from half
Chicken wing pass
Near side underhook pass
Knee and armpit with wrist control
Cow catcher with smash pass
Cow catcher with windshield wiper pass

Part 3
Stepover deep half counter
Triangle from stepover
Crucifix armbar
Crucifix to back take
Back take and crucifix variations
Steering wheel pass vs butterfly
Cut through from butterfly guard
Standing approach to butterfly guard

Part 4
Single leg x counter to leg drag
Single leg x leg pummel
High underhook back step counter
Leg trap smash pass
Leg trap options and concepts

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