

Kimura: Enter The System by John Danaher

If you talked to the one hundred most knowledgeable grapplers in the world and asked them, “Who would you most like to learn grappling from?” ninety-eight, ninety-nine, or maybe even all one hundred of them would give you the same answer: John Danaher. There is just no equal.

  • “The Kimura System" from John Danaher: The Most Sought After Grappling Instructor On The Planet
  • John helped coach Georges St Pierre and Chris Weidman to UFC World Titles. Garry Tonon has become a 3x ADCC competitor and a grappling Icon
  • John has guided guys like Eddie Cummings and Gordon Ryan to stardom in a fraction of the time that it would take ordinary people
  • The Kimura system John teaches is excellent for both Gi and No Gi and applicable for Self-Defense
  • This system will change your perspective on Jiu Jitsu
  • Kimura Everyone

Course Content

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Volume 1



System Overview 0 - 15:48
Trinity of Power 15:48 - 21:15
Thumb or no Thumb 21:15 - 26:19
Essential Nature of Kimura - A Twisting Lock 26:19 - 30:23
Hand and Arm Positioning 30:23 - 37:47
Bending A Straightened Arm 37:47 - 43:21
Diagonol Power Line 43:21 - 49:30
Pull Dominant Kimuras vs Push Dominant Kimuras 49:30 - 52:11
Beating The Shoulder and Trapping Head 52:11 - 56:35
Shoulder Line 56:35 - 59:51
A Vexing Problem 56:35 - 1:04:07
Essential Skill of Kimura System - Roll Through Kimura Scrambles 1:04:07 - 1:11:54

Volume 2



Introduction to Dorsal Kimura 0 - 7:53
Unlocking Reinforced Hands 7:53 - 17:45
Using Legs For Kimura 17:45 - 34:04
Switching to Alternative Submission 34:04 - 39:18
Switching to Different Position / System 39:18 - 48:56

Volume 3



Introduction to T Kimura 0 - 10:58
Top and Bottom Knee 10:58 - 14:15
Bottom Knee to Back 14:15 - 17:41
Bottom Knee to Rear Triangle 17:41 - 20:01
Bottom Knee to Arm Bar 20:01 - 22:10
Bottom Knee to Side Triangle 22:10 - 24:22
Bottom Knee Penetration to Russian Arm 24:22 - 29:44
Bottom Knee into Cross Ashi Garami 29:44 - 32:50
Bottom Knee Losing Russian Arm 32:50 - 38:49
Top Knee Attacks 38:49 - 46:05
Relationship Between Kimura and Bicep Slicer 46:05 - 54:03

Volume 4



Introduction to Applications 0 - 3:43
Side Kimura Applications 3:43 - 13:19
Side Kimura Switching Elbows 13:19 - 17:13
Side Kimura Supinated Grip 17:13 - 21:03
Side Kimura Pronated Grip 21:03 - 26:13
Half Guard Top 26:13 - 34:09
Half Guard to T Kimura 34:09 - 39:12
Half Guard Attacking Power Prop 39:12 - 44:11
Classroom Commentary #1 44:11 - 45:57
Classroom Commentary #2 45:57 - 49:46
Classroom Commentary #3 49:46 - 52:38

Volume 5



Butterfly Guard 0 - 4:27
kimura vs Butterfly Guard Moving Head to Setup Kimura 4:27 - 7:50
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Standing 7:50 - 11:24
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Standing Opposite Side 11:24 - 16:06
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Working From Outside Position 16:06 - 19:34
Kimura's Kimura 19:34 - 31:53
Turtle Position Olympic Bar to Kimura 31:53 - 35:39
Kimura vs Turtle Side Triangle 35:39 - 39:26
Kimura vs Single Leg on Mat 39:26 - 47:58
Kimura vs Single Leg on Mat Drill 47:58 - 55:45
Classroom Commentary #4 55:45 - 59:28
Classroom Commentary #5 59:28 - 1:02:43

Volume 6



Kimura vs Single Leg Countering the Peak Out 0 - 4:59
Kesa-Gatame 4:59 - 14:43
Closed Guard Kimura - The Great Mystery of Closed Guard Kimura 14:43 - 38:15
Kimura Closed Guard Wrist Control and Power Prop 38:15 - 46:20
Closed Guard Kimura Head Pass Setup 46:20 - 51:46
Kimura From Bottom Half Guard 51:46 - 1:02:05
Bottom Half Guard Kimura Converting to Full Guard 1:02:05 - 1:05:46
Half Guard Kimura Sumi Gaeshi Variations 1:05:46 - 1:09:08
Classroom Commentary #6 1:09:08 - 1:11:06
Classroom Commentary #7 1:11:06 - 1:12:39

Volume 7



Bottom Half Guard To T Kimura 0 - 6:21
Half Guard Kimura Vs Arm Bar 6:21 - 14:44
Half Guard Kimura To Front Triangle 14:44 - 24:44
Kimura Bottom Turtle Position 24:44 - 31:32
Kimura Bottom Turtle Inside Arm Roll Staying Above the Hips 31:32 - 37:54
Kimura Bottom Turtle Inside Arm Roll to Kimura Finish 37:54 - 40:33
Kimura Bottom Turtle vs Seat Belt 40:33 - 45:07
Kimura Bottom Turtle Outside Arm Roll 45:07 - 49:56
Kimura Bottom Turtle Outside Arm Variation 49:56 - 55:21
Standing Position 55:21 - 1:01:47
Kimura vs Standing Single Leg Head Outside 1:01:47 - 1:04:34
Kimura vs Standing Single Moving The Head 1:04:34 - 1:08:05
Kimura Vs Single Leg Kneeling Opponent 1:08:05 - 1:12:33
Kimura Vs Double Leg 1:12:33 - 1:17:00
Kimura vs Double Leg (Cont.) 1:17:00 - 1:19:02
Classroom Commentary #8 1:19:02 - 1:21:18

Volume 8



Legs Kimura / Reverse Omoplata 0 - 14:29
TRIMURA 14:29 - 33:53
Multiple Kimuras 33:53 - 45:14
Timing the Roll Through 45:14 - 51:33
Elbow Wedge for Kimura 51:33 - 54:22
Head and Arm Kimura 54:22 - 1:00:03
Classroom Commentary #9 1:00:03 - 1:05:39

Check Out a Free Technique!

What Will You Learn?

John Danaher is the most sought after Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor on the planet and there is a reason for that.  John simplifies Jiu Jitsu by creating systems and organizing easy to follow curriculum's.  This is your chance to develop a lethal Kimura system. 

The Kimura is one of the most misused techniques in grappling.  Most don’t even get the basics right 

John Danaher doesn’t believe in fighting fair…  He only wants to compete when he or his killer DDS (Danaher Death Squad) have a big advantage. The Kimura itself is a big advantage..

The Kimura has also been referred to as the Double Wrist Lock in Catch Wrestling.  This position has been utilized in martial arts for over 500 years.  The name "Kimura" was attributed to the hold in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu when  Masahiko Kimura, the judoka defeated Helio Gracie in a grappling match, by way of gyaku ude-garami, now known as "The Kimura."  

The name has stuck within the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu community and the position has been revered as one of the best positions in grappling.  The Kimura has an incredible versatility factor due to the fact that it can be utilized in both Gi and No Gi and it is an extremely popular hold in MMA.  There have been countless UFC fights finished by way of Kimura.  Mastering this position will give the Jiu Jiteiro a weapon that can be used in all competition rule sets. Below we see John Danaher's student, Georges St. Pierre utilizing the Kimura in the highest levels of combat. 

The Kimura as a Position

Although the Kimura is primarily perceived as a submission, it can be much more.  The Kimura is one of the best methods of control and it is an excellent position because of the versatility.  

A person skilled in the Kimura can use this position to sweep from the guard, to pass from the top and to defend themselves from countless takedowns.  This element of control can be attributed to the fact that you have 2 on 1 control. 

2 on 1,

One of John’s big principles centers around never getting stuck in a battle of strength: Your 2 arms vs. his 2 arms.  If he wanted his guys to win these battles he’d have them lift weights all day and not bother with technique.  John always chooses technique and his methods are obvious: only however, he has revealed them.  When you are stuck 2 arms on 2 arms, you have an advantage that most ignore… the power of your legs.  When you use your legs to assist in a Kimura, you have a massive advantage that virtually no one can overcome.

In this instructional video series you will not only learn to master the kimura as a submission, you will also learn how to control and dictate the match by using the Kimura. 

You will be able to sweep your opponents, stop their pass, retain your guard, and pass their guard all by utilizing the Kimura.  Another massive benefit to being able to master Kimura's is the fact that you will have opportunities to chain together several submissions. 

The Kimura can be the gateway to much more attacks.  You can use the Kimura to set up arm locks, triangle chokes, back takes, wrist locks and much more.  One of the biggest problems people have is that they are one track minded.  Once they secure the figure four control of the arm, they only think of the classic shoulder lock from the Kimura.

John Danaher is here to open your mind and show you that this is only the beginning of the end for your opponent.  If you secure a figure four Kimura lock on your opponent you can now use it to do much more than you imagined.

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
System Overview
Trinity of Power
Thumb or no Thumb
Essential Nature of Kimura - A Twisting Lock
Hand and Arm Positioning
Bending A Straightened Arm
Diagonal Power Line
Pull Dominant Kimuras vs Push Dominant Kimuras
Beating The Shoulder and Trapping Head
Shoulder Line
A Vexing Problem
Essential Skill of Kimura System - Roll Through Kimura Scrambles

Part 2
Introduction to Dorsal Kimura
Unlocking Reinforced Hands
Using Legs For Kimura
Switching to Alternative Submission
Switching to Different Position / System

Part 3
Introduction to T Kimura
Top and Bottom Knee
Bottom Knee to Back
Bottom Knee to Rear Triangle
Bottom Knee to Arm Bar
Bottom Knee to Side Triangle
Bottom Knee Penetration to Russian Arm
Bottom Knee into Cross Ashi Garami
Bottom Knee Losing Russian Arm
Top Knee Attacks
Relationship Between Kimura and Bicep Slicer

Part 4
Introduction to Applications
Side Kimura Applications
Side Kimura Switching Elbows
Side Kimura Supinated Grip
Side Kimura Pronated Grip
Half Guard Top
Half Guard to T Kimura
Half Guard Attacking Power Prop
Classroom Commentary #1
Classroom Commentary #2
Classroom Commentary #3

Part 5
Butterfly Guard
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Moving Head to Setup Kimura
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Standing
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Standing Opposite Side
Kimura vs Butterfly Guard Working From Outside Position
Kimura's Kimura
Turtle Position Olympic Bar to Kimura
Kimura vs Turtle Side Triangle
Kimura vs Single Leg on Mat
Kimura vs Single Leg on Mat Drill
Classroom Commentary #4
Classroom Commentary #5

Part 6
Kimura vs Single Leg Countering the Peak Out
Closed Guard Kimura - The Great Mystery of Closed Guard Kimura
Kimura Closed Guard Wrist Control and Power Prop
Closed Guard Kimura Head Pass Setup
Kimura From Bottom Half Guard
Bottom Half Guard Kimura Converting to Full Guard
Half Guard Kimura Sumi Gaeshi Variations
Classroom Commentary #6
Classroom Commentary #7

Part 7
Bottom Half Guard To T Kimura
Half Guard Kimura Vs Arm Bar
Half Guard Kimura To Front Triangle
Kimura Bottom Turtle Position
Kimura Bottom Turtle Inside Arm Roll Staying Above the Hips
Kimura Bottom Turtle Inside Arm Roll to Kimura Finish
Kimura Bottom Turtle vs Seat Belt
Kimura Bottom Turtle Outside Arm Roll
Kimura Bottom Turtle Outside Arm Variation
Standing Position
Kimura vs Standing Single Leg Head Outside
Kimura vs Standing Single Moving The Head
Kimura Vs Single Leg Kneeling Opponent
Kimura Vs Double Leg
Kimura vs Double Leg (Cont.)
Classroom Commentary #8

Part 8
Legs Kimura / Reverse Omoplata
Multiple Kimuras
Timing the Roll Through
Elbow Wedge for Kimura
Head and Arm Kimura
Classroom Commentary #9

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