

Polish Power Passing by Adam Wardzinski

Pass The Guard With Precision and Power Like Poland’s Premier Black Belt, Adam Wardzinski - Knee Slide Passing Like You’ve Never Seen

  • Pass and smash through the guard with real Polish power with Adam Wardzinski’s new instructional series on how he passes the guard and establishes the best position
  • Adam has a full system based around his knee slide pass that he has developed into an answer for all of the most frustrating guards in BJJ
  • Learn how to pass with pinpoint precision and leverage, just like Adam does when he is competing at the elite black belt level
  • Don’t miss your chance to see how one of the best technicians in the game today approaches one of the hardest tasks in BJJ, passing the guard
  • Adam was a young BJJ practitioner in his native Poland, without much coaching and technique to learn from, so he turned to video instructionals like these

Course Content

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Volume 1



Intro 0 - :11
Basic knee slide :11 - 5:46
Knee slide over calf 5:46 - 8:56
Knee Slide Over Calf with jump to opposite side 8:56 - 12:59
Knee slide to Mount 12:59 - 18:20
Mount Concepts 18:20 - 22:42
Backtake from Mount with Arm Wrap 22:42 - 26:40
Backtake with Kimura Control 26:40 - 31:08
Halfguard Defense Counter 31:08 - 34:47
Backstep to knee slide recovery 34:47 - 38:41

Volume 2



Backstep to Side control 0 - 2:52
Backstep reverse half guard pass 2:52 - 8:55
Reverse De la Riva to Leg Drag/Knee on Belly 8:55 - 13:33
Reverse de la riva jump over variation 13:33 - 17:13
Reverse de la riva cross step 17:13 - 20:14
Reverse De La Riva Smash Pass 20:14 - 25:04
Smash Surf Pass 25:04 - 27:24
Reverse De La Riva smash to mount 27:24 - 31:22

Volume 3



Smash pass vs pant grip 0 - 3:59
Reverse De La Riva Long Step pass 3:59 - 7:05
Reverse De La Riva Long step to Jump Pass 7:05 - 9:43
Reverse De La Riva Long Step pass to knee slice pass 9:43 - 12:56
weave pass from knee slide 12:56 - 16:44
z guard leg stretch pass 16:44 - 20:38
near side arm control knee slide 20:38 - 24:43
z guard to deep half pass 24:43 - 29:32
z guard to deep half spin around pass 29:32 - 33:20

Volume 4



smash pass to cartwheel 0 - 3:21
tripod pass 3:21 - 6:36
tripod to smash pass 6:36 - 10:33
tripod pass to back take 10:33 - 14:05
anticipating the lasso guard 14:05 - 17:10
hiding the elbow lasso pass to torreando 17:10 - 21:47
stack to knee slide 21:47 - 25:23
stack to leg drag 25:23 - 29:38
stack to jump over 29:38 - 32:47
lasso to folding pass 32:47 - 36:28
deep lasso pass 36:28 - 38:55

Check Out The Trailer!

What Will You Learn?

Pass and smash through the guard with real Polish power with Adam Wardzinski’s new instructional series on how he passes the guard and establishes the best position

Adam has a full system based around his knee slide pass that he has developed into an answer for all of the most frustrating guards in BJJ, and now that system can be yours across 4-volumes of instructional technique video.

Learn how to pass with pinpoint precision and leverage, just like Adam does when he is competing at the elite black belt level. Don’t miss your chance to see how one of the best technicians in the game today approaches one of the hardest tasks in BJJ, passing the guard.

Adam was a young BJJ practitioner in his native Poland, without much coaching and technique to learn from, so he turned to video instructionals like these. With their help, he has turned himself into one of the elite heavyweights in the jiu-jitsu world, including a recent submission win over world absolute champion Leandro Lo. Now you can learn his knee slide series, an unstoppable combo of moves that anyone can do.

Pass the guard and get to your best positions with speed and precision using some of the most important passes in all of jiu-jitsu. Every level of BJJ, from novices and beginners to black belt champions, uses the knee slides and smash passes that Adam explains here, and they are great for every body type and athletic level. On every volume of this video instructional, you’ll see the little details that have made a huge difference in Adam’s career and helped make him one of Europe’s best black belts.

Every pass is going to bring a lot of counters and dangers, but Adam shows how to navigate through all the common mistakes and pitfalls he sees and how to fix them. Combine your pass with slick back takes and mounts that make you more dangerous and dynamic as you pass, without ever relying on speed, strength, or flexibility. These are super effective old school passes that are done with modern updates to handle modern guards.

Learn how to smash and kill the frustrating and popular guards in BJJ, including the lasso guard, deep half, knee shield, and reverse de la riva. Adam takes each position and dissects the weaknesses in the guard before exploiting them and making his passes work again for his game. Slide, smash, and stack your way through these guards without ever getting into trouble and giving up position.

Adam’s best passes all start with the knee slide, using his leg like a wedge to split the hips and get great positions. He teaches the most important and overlooked details on how to get to the knee slide and how to work through your opponent’s reactions, all the way to side control. From there, he starts building out his series around the common counters and defenses, including when opponents get the quarter guard, the reverse de la riva, and knee shield. Having answers for every move will give you the advantage all the time, turning you into a beast and tactician from top.

When you combine your passes, you double your power and you get to even better positions more often. Adam combines his knee slide with a smash pass, so he can attack both sides of the body. Adam shows how he uses the smash pass to kill the reverse de la riva hook, and how he uses that pass to hunt the back and pass to mount against stubborn opponents. By adding pressure to your top game, with the precision passes he shows, you will be leveling up in no time.

Learn all the most effective passes that Adam uses to counter the guards that black belts are using on him all the time. Adam’s passing series around the lasso is bulletproof, using pressure, grips, and stacking, and he shows every detail and technique that he uses. This is usually one of the most frustrating and common guards in BJJ, so have an answer every time using these strategies from Adam.

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
Basic Knee Slide
Knee Slide Over Calf
Knee Slide Over Calf with Jump to Opposite Side
Knee Slide to Mount
Mount Concepts
Backtake from Mount with Arm Wrap
Backtake with Kimura Control
Halfguard Defense Counter
Backstep to Knee Slide Recovery

Part 2
Backstep to Side Control
Backstep Reverse Half Guard Pass
Reverse De La Riva to Leg Drag/Knee on Belly
Reverse De La Riva Jump Over Variation
Reverse De La Riva Cross Step
Reverse De La Riva Smash Pass
Smash Surf Pass
Reverse De La Riva Smash to Mount

Part 3
Smash Pass vs Pant Grip
Reverse De La Riva Long Step Pass
Reverse De La Riva Long Step to Jump Pass
Reverse De La Riva Long Step Pass to Knee Slice Pass
Weave Pass from Knee Slide
Z Guard Leg Stretch Pass
Near Side Arm Control Knee Slide
Z Guard to Deep Half Pass
Z Guard to Deep Half Spin Around Pass

Part 4
Smash Pass to Cartwheel
Tripod Pass
Tripod to Smash Pass
Tripod Pass to Back Take
Anticipating the Lasso Guard
Hiding the Elbow Lasso Pass to Torreando
Stack to Knee Slide
Stack to Leg Drag
Stack to Jump Over
Lasso to Folding Pass
Deep Lasso Pass

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