Learn The Wrestling Based System For Jiu Jitsu That Other BJJ Guys Can’t Defend
- Hudson Taylor’s Wrestling System Can Be Adopted By Anyone
- Takedown &Control Younger, Stronger Or Higher Belt Opponents – Even Black Belts.
- This Simple System Works For Any Practitioner– Especially Older Practitioners
- Hudson Taylor is a NCAA Division-1 All American Wrestler who won the IBJJF worlds at blue belt after 6 months of training
- Now is your chance to gain a competitive edge on your opponents
Course Content
Volume 1
single wrist set up &control | 0 - 3:03 |
single wrist stack | 3:03 - 7:01 |
single wrist step over to half | 7:01 - 11:11 |
reverse arm bar | 11:11 - 13:51 |
tilt from single wrist | 13:51 - 17:18 |
cradle off of single wrist | 17:18 - 21:02 |
power half | 21:02 - 24:57 |
tilt from legs in | 24:57 - 27:06 |
counter when opponent sits to hip | 27:06 - 29:08 |
pin up | 29:08 - 31:33 |
moneymaker | 31:33 - 36:18 |
moneymaker on flexible opponent | 36:18 - 38:49 |
putting it all together | 38:49 - 40:06 |
Volume 2
knee slide drill | 0 - 2:38 |
knee slide to escape | 2:38 - 4:22 |
wrist reversal | 4:22 - 7:11 |
elevator sweep reversal | 7:11 - 9:24 |
granby to escape | 9:24 - 11:58 |
granby to reversal | 11:58 - 16:39 |
changeover/knee slide dril | 16:39 - 19:24 |
changeover | 19:24 - 21:37 |
escape when opponent attacks belly ankle | 21:37 - 23:48 |
granby roll when opponent attacks belly ankle | 23:48 - 25:48 |
defense when opponent throws leg in | 25:48 - 28:44 |
defending the power half | 28:44 - 32:07 |
defending banana split | 32:07 - 36:23 |
sit out defense to legs | 36:23 - 40:15 |
defending power half when opponent sits to butt | 40:15 - 44:24 |
defending when opponent grabs his own ankle | 44:24 - 47:24 |
final thoughts | 47:24 - 48:49 |
Volume 3
club replacement drill | 0 - 3:43 |
half pull full drill | 3:43 - 6:00 |
under hook shuck | 6:00 - 8:14 |
hand fighting sequence from under hook | 8:14 - 10:55 |
arm drag when opponent has an overtie | 10:55 - 13:53 |
hand fighting sequence for 2 on 1 | 13:53 - 16:36 |
inside tie/outside tie hand fighting | 16:36 - 20:02 |
running the pipe single leg | 20:02 - 23:07 |
Knee block to finish single | 23:07 - 25:17 |
transition finish to single leg | 25:17 - 28:13 |
twisting finish to single | 28:13 - 30:48 |
same side single leg finish | 30:48 - 33:35 |
finishing the single from knees | 33:35 - 36:58 |
finishing the single when both guys are on knees | 36:58 - 39:49 |
ankle flair finish on the single | 39:49 - 42:19 |
finishing the single when opponent Whizzers | 42:19 - 45:25 |
final thoughts | 45:25 - 46:17 |
Volume 4
intro | 0 - :38 |
defense for opponents collar tie | :38 - 3:20 |
defending the opponents under hook | 3:20 - 6;23 |
defending the 2 on 1 | 6:23 - 7:48 |
defending the opponents inside tie | 7:48 - 11:25 |
defending opponents outside tie | 11:25 - 13:35 |
defending the single when leg is in the middle | 13:35 - 18:40 |
defending the single leg by bringing the leg inside | 18:40 - 23:06 |
defending the single when both guys are on the feet | 23:06 - 26:20 |
defending the single when opponent is on knees | 26:20 - 30:38 |
defending the single when both guys are on knees | 30:38 - 34:13 |
far ankle bait | 34:13 - 36:11 |
conventional defense when both guys are on knees | 36:11 - 38:25 |
defending the low single | 38:25 - 45:18 |
Check Out The Trailer!
What Will You Learn?
Hudson Taylor walked into a BJJ Gym for the first time in the fall of 2016. By the spring of 2017 he was a Blue Belt World Champ. That just doesn’t happen. Full Disclosure: Hudson is a great wrestler with a lot of mat awareness, but he won this title in a Gi!
Hudson can show you the easiest takedowns that give you the most bang for your buck. With just a little practice you should be able to takedown virtually any BJJ opponent. Why? BJJ guys don’t practice wrestling takedowns! Doing them or defending them! They are making major errors that you can exploit easily – once you know how!
Wrestling is all about control and far too many of the lower belts are worried about flashy submissions before they establish solid positioning… Hudson says “speed is the enemy of pinning” and when you see how to execute his unthinkably slow, grinding style, it will all make sense… Wherever you are in BJJ Hudson can help your game
So, What's On The Series?
Part 1
single wrist set up &control
single wrist stack
single wrist step over to half
reverse arm bar
tilt from single wrist
cradle off of single wrist
power half
tilt from legs in
counter when opponent sits to hip
pin up
moneymaker on flexible opponent
putting it all together
Part 2
knee slide drill
knee slide to escape
wrist reversal
elevator sweep reversal
granby to escape
granby to reversal
changeover/knee slide drill
escape when opponent attacks belly ankle
granby roll when opponent attacks belly ankle
defense when opponent throws leg in
defending the power half
defending banana split
sit out defense to legs
defending power half when opponent sits to butt
defending when opponent grabs his own ankle
final thoughts
Part 3
club replacement drill
half pull full drill
under hook shuck
hand fighting sequence from under hook
arm drag when opponent has an overtie
hand fighting sequence for 2 on 1
inside tie/outside tie hand fighting
running the pipe single leg
Knee block to finish single
transition finish to single leg
twisting finish to single
same side single leg finish
finishing the single from knees
finishing the single when both guys are on knees
finishing the single when opponent Whizzers
final thoughts
Part 4
defense for opponents collar tie
defending the opponents under hook
defending the 2 on 1
defending the opponents inside tie
defending opponents outside tie
defending the single when leg is in the middle
defending the single leg by bringing the leg inside
defending the single when both guys are on the feet
defending the single when opponent is on knees
defending the single when both guys are on knees
far ankle bait
conventional defense when both guys are on knees
defending the low single