John Danaher's Simple Principles Make The Most Complicated Position In Jiu-Jitsu Devastating For Your Opponents
- Master the Open Guard with perhaps the best coach in all of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the legendary John Danaher.
- Professor Danaher expertly shows the single biggest determinant of success, the gripping secrets to maximum leverage, and then explores the fundamentals of kuzushi and how this ancient concept is his focus in all attacks.
- As one of the world’s most sought after grappling coaches, Professor Danaher explains the fundamental techniques and concepts that make open guard so important.
- Systematically approach the Open Guard with these special insights and studies from Professor John Danaher.
Course Content
Volume 1
0 - 3:32 | Theory - What is the value of the open guard position? |
3:32 - 10:08 | a contradiction in Jiu-Jitsu and the fundamental problem of guard position |
10:08 - 14:18 | Finding advantage within a neutral position |
14:18 - 19:42 | the four main scenarios you will need to deal with when working from open guard position |
19:42 - 28:50 | how to grip the Gi for maximum results |
28:50 - 44:11 | The single biggest determinant of success from open guard: Kuzushi |
44:11 - 52:38 | The single biggest determinant of success from open guard: Kuzushi Part 2 |
52:38 - 1:02:54 | Overcoming the complexity problem: The 6 principles of sweeps from open guard - Feet off the floor principle |
1:02:54 - 1:06:53 | Double direction |
1:06:53 - 1:10:31 | Arm trap |
1:10:31 - 1:14:46 | Action reaction |
1:14:46 - 1:21:20 | Wrestling reversal |
1:21:20 - 1:27:49 | Double trouble |
Volume 2
0 - 35:09 | Two crucial skill sets for open guard development - the double seated position |
35:09 - 47:37 | Two crucial skill sets for open guard development - first contact and entry into open guard |
Volume 3
0 - 10:06 | directionality of force |
10:06 - 17:52 | principle of ken ken |
17:52 - 27:17 | changing direction sumi gaeshi |
27:17 - 31:00 | hook sweep/sumi gaeshi practical application |
31:00 - 41:18 | the role of your two legs in hook sweeps |
41:18 - 46:58 | hook sweep/sumi gaeshi angles of attack |
46:58 - 57:06 | look where you want them to land |
57:06 - 1:00:57 | multiple grips for hook sweep/sumi gaeshi |
1:00:57 - 1:23:50 | hook sweep/sumi gaeshi grip and go |
1:23:50 - 1:28:22 | dealing with a posted hand |
1:28:22 - 1:35:36 | double direction sasae |
Volume 4
0 - 10:05 | hook sweep from a supine position |
10:05 - 14:33 | hook sweep from a supine position part 2 |
14:33 - 18:19 | leg frames from butterfly guard |
18:19 - 27:47 | Arm trap sumi gaeshi/ hook sweep series |
27:47 - 38:41 | Hook sweep sumi gaeshi with arm trap |
38:41 - 45:06 | Hook sweep sumi gaeshi combined with sasae |
45:06 - 52:20 | Supine arm traps |
52:20 - 57:03 | Yoko sumi gaeshi |
57:03 - 1:01:37 | Side to side arm trap sumi gaeshi |
1:01:37 - 1:06:29 | Arm drag/arm trap hook sweep |
1:06:29 - 1:12;27 | sumi gaeshi on a standing opponent |
1:12:27 - 1:19:03 | spider sumi gaeshi |
1:19:03 - 1:23:37 | hiza guruma |
1:23:37 - 1:33:53 | hiza guruma from underhooks |
1:33:53 - 1:39:00 | spider guard on a kneeling opponent |
Volume 5
0 - 7:32 | hiza guruma when opponent is on one knee |
7:32 - 9:58 | ankle pick (kibisu gaeshi) |
9:58 - 14:55 | shoe lace to shoe lace |
14:55 - 19:23 | kneeling opponent transition to ashi garami |
19:23 - 25:33 | Attacking a standing opponent - Special Study: Tomoe Nage - getting feet off the mat with tomoe nage |
25:33 - 26:26 | tomoe nage sweep De la riva variation |
26:26 - 38:46 | tomoe nage sweep De la riva variation (Part 2) |
38:46 - 44:17 | tomoe nage sweep De la riva variation (part 3) |
44:17 - 50:43 | sumi Tomoe Nage |
50:43 - 56:36 | sumi tomoe nage Part 2 |
56:36 - 1:02:09 | Lapel and spider Tomoe Nage |
1:02:09 - 1:09:34 | Double Footed Tomoe Nage |
1:09:34 - 1:16:12 | Lasso Tomoe Nage |
1:16:12 - 1:20:36 | yoko Tomoe nage as a sweep |
Volume 6
0 - 10:10 | Attacking from cross collar cuff and bicep - Triangle |
10:10 - 13:41 | Armbar Juji Gatame |
13:41 - 22:44 | Omoplata |
22:44 - 28:04 | Tripod Sweep |
28:04 - 34:02 | Ankle Pick/ Kibisu Gaeshi |
34;02 - 40:36 | Uke Waza/ Lapel Drag |
40:36 - 45:28 | Tomoe Nage |
45:28 - 51:18 | Special Study: Inside Control vs Outside Control - De La Riva Guard |
51:18 - 1:02:22 | De La Riva Guard Part 2 |
1:02:22 - 1:05:13 | De La Riva Guard Part 3 |
1:05:13 - 1:08:13 | De La Riva Guard Part 4 |
1:08;13 - 1:13:10 | transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami |
1:13:10 - 1:19:39 | transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami Part 2 |
1:19:39 - 1:22:21 | transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami Part 3 |
1:22:21 - 1:26:25 | transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami Part 4 |
Volume 7
0 - 11:50 | Ashi Garami standard sweep |
11:50 - 17:31 | Double Leg Ashi Garami |
17:31 - 23:41 | Relationship between Ashi Garami &X-Guard |
23:41 - 29:36 | X Guard scoop Sweep |
29:36 - 35:07 | X Guard scoop Sweep Part 2 |
35:07 - 37:58 | X Guard Near Cuff Sweep |
37:58 - 42:08 | X Guard Far Cuff Sweep |
42:08 - 44:57 | Double Leg X Guard Sweep |
44:57 - 49:06 | X Guard Tomoe Nage |
49:06 - 54:52 | X Guard Back to ashi garami |
Volume 8
0 - 11:09 | Double Kouchi Gari part 2 |
11:09 - 13:53 | Double Kouchi Gari part 3 |
13:53 - 16:39 | Double Kouchi Gari part 4 |
16:39 - 19:28 | Double Kouchi Gari part 5 |
19:28 - 22:07 | Double Kouchi Gari part 6 |
22:07 - 27:54 | Attacking an opponent in split squat (headquarters) - negating the split squat (Headquarters position) |
27:54 - 40:51 | negating the split squat (Headquarters position) Part 2 |
40:51 - 49:37 | negating the split squat (Headquarters position) Part 3 |
49:37 - 55:27 | negating the split squat (Headquarters position) Part 4 |
55:27 - 59:53 | Putting it all together |
John Danaher's Simple Principles Make The Most Complicated Position In Jiu-Jitsu Devastating For Your Opponents:
The Open Guard - Deconstructed As Never Before Will Become Your Best Position
Enjoy a Free Sample:
What Will You Learn?
Master the open guard with perhaps the best coach in all of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the legendary John Danaher, as he explains all of the fundamental open guard principles and techniques that will help you go further, faster in the open guard. Create one unified system by breaking down all of the important concepts and phases of open guard with Professor Danaher, as he helps you maximize your potential. With 8-volumes full of John’s careful and precise systems, you can learn how to sweep and submit from guard in the most effective and technical ways.
John Danaher is widely regarded as one of the world’s foremost experts in grappling, and his goal in our Go Further, Faster is to explain the underlying fundamentals and concepts that govern Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. John is the notorious coach behind some of the sports most successful grapplers and fighters, including Gordon Ryan, Garry Tonon, Nicky Ryan, Craig Jones and Georges St. Pierre. From the blue basement at Renzo Gracie Academy in New York City, John has produced a squad of dangerous submission hunters who demonstrate a mastery of the fundamentals in the positions they fight from.
Those that have learned from Professor Danaher will know the value isn’t just in the moves, but how he organizes and explains the position. Professor Danaher expertly shows the single biggest determinant of success, the gripping secrets to maximum leverage, and then explores the fundamentals of kuzushi and how this ancient concept is his focus in all attacks. Learn the six critical principles that Professor Danaher considers necessary, including double direction, action/reaction, and the double trouble principle his athletes are so effective with.
With these concepts in place, explore the sweeps that John’s students use and that he considers so important from open guard. Attack opponents with a deeper and more effective understanding of the sumi gaeshi, tomoe nage, hiza garuma, and the powerful open guard variation he considers the single most important above all others. By understanding these fundamentals, you will have the power to fight in tons of positions with precise sweeps.
You can learn from Professor John Danaher as he explains all of the phases and situations you will face in open guard, and how you can take advantage with the most effective sweeps and submissions. Study the foundational sweeps that John’s athletes excel in, including the sumi gaeshi and tomoe nage sweeps that help make this open guard so reliable. Professor Danaher includes special studies of all of his favorite methods of attack, including the double kouchi gari that Gordon Ryan specializes in, broken down to its most critical movements.
Learn The Role Of Your Two Legs In Hook Sweeps With John Danaher:
Fight from some of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s most common positions with these new understandings, as Professor Danaher reveals his systems for the De La Riva guard, X guard, double guard pull, and much, much more. Open guard, like any position, has fundamental problems and with John’s solutions you can begin dominating position after position with technique and strategy. Solve these central problems and more, including the very important complexity problem that John identifies and details for you.
Systematically approach the open guard with these special insights and studies from Professor John Danaher. As one of the world’s most sought after grappling coaches, Professor Danaher explains the fundamental techniques and concepts that make open guard so important. With this 8-volume masterclass, you can begin to understand and use complex solutions to some of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu’s most difficult problems.
So What Do You Get?
Volume 1:
- Introduction to open guard
- Theory
- What is the value of the open guard position?
- A contradiction in Jiu-Jitsu and the fundamental problem of guard position
- Finding advantage within a neutral position
- The four main scenarios when working from guard position
- How to grip the Gi for maximum results
- The single biggest determinant of success from open guard: Kuzushi
- The single biggest determinant of success from open guard: Kuzushi Part 2
- Overcoming the complexity problem: The 6 principles of sweeps from open guard
- Feet off the floor principle
- Double direction
- Arm trap
- Action reaction
- Wrestling reversal
- Double trouble
Volume 2:
- Overcoming the offense/defense problem: Balancing guard retention with guard offense
- Two crucial skill sets for open guard development
- The double seated position
- Two crucial skill sets for open guard development
- First contact and entry into open guard
Volume 3:
- Practical Applications
- Attacking an opponent on two knees
- Special Study: The hook sweep/sumi gaeshi
- Hook sweep/sumi gaeshi
- Directionality of force
- Principle of ken ken
- Changing direction sumi gaeshi
- Hook sweep/sumi gaeshi practical application
- The role of your two legs in hook sweeps
- Hook sweep/sumi gaeshi angles of attack
- Look where you want them to land
- Multiple grips for hook sweep/sumi gaeshi
- Hook sweep/sumi gaeshi grip and go
- Dealing with a posted hand
- Double direction sasae
Volume 4:
- Sumi gaeshi and chest contact
- Hook sweep from a supine position
- Hook sweep from a supine position part 2
- Leg frames from butterfly guard
- Arm trap sumi gaeshi/hook sweep series
- Hook sweep sumi gaeshi with arm trap
- Hook sweep sumi gaeshi combined with sasae
- Supine arm traps
- Yoko sumi gaeshi
- Side to side arm trap sumi gaeshi
- Arm drag/arm trap hook sweep
- Sumi gaeshi on a standing opponent
- Spider sumi gaeshi
- Hiza guruma
- Hiza guruma from underhooks
- Spider guard on a kneeling opponent
Volume 5:
- Attacking an opponent on one knee
- An opponent on one knee/knee drop position
- Hiza guruma when opponent is on one knee
- Ankle pick (Kibisu gaeshi)
- Shoe lace to shoe lace
- Kneeling opponent transition to Ashi Garami
- Attacking a standing opponent
- Special Study: Tomoe Nage
- Getting feet off the mat with Tomoe Nage
- Tomoe nage sweep De la riva variation
- Tomoe nage sweep De la riva variation (Part 2)
- Tomoe nage sweep De la riva variation (Part 3)
- Sumi Tomoe Nage
- Sumi tomoe nage Part 2
- Lapel and spider Tomoe Nage
- Double Footed Tomoe Nage
- Lasso Tomoe Nage
- Yoko Tomoe nage as a sweep
Volume 6:
- Special Study: the cross collar cuff and bicep guard
- The single greatest open guard of them all: cross collar cuff and bicep
- Attacking from cross collar cuff and bicep
- Triangle
- Armbar Juji Gatame
- Omoplata
- Tripod Sweep
- Ankle Pick/ Kibisu Gaeshi
- Uke Waza/ Lapel Drag
- Tomoe Nage
- Special Study: Inside Control vs Outside Control
- De La Riva Guard
- De La Riva Guard Part 2
- De La Riva Guard Part 3
- De La Riva Guard Part 4
- Transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami
- Transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami Part 2
- Transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami Part 3
- Transition from outside control to inside control: Ashi Garami Part 4
Volume 7:
- Ashi Garami
- Ashi Garami standard sweep
- Double Leg Ashi Garami
- Relationship between Ashi Garami &X-Guard
- X Guard scoop Sweep
- X Guard scoop Sweep Part 2
- X Guard Near Cuff Sweep
- X Guard Far Cuff Sweep
- Double Leg X Guard Sweep
- X Guard Tomoe Nage
- X Guard Back to Ashi Garami
Volume 8:
- Special Study: Double Kouchi Gari
- Double Kouchi Gari Part 1
- Double Kouchi Gari Part 2
- Double Kouchi Gari Part 3
- Double Kouchi Gari Part 4
- Double Kouchi Gari Part 5
- Double Kouchi Gari Part 6
- Attacking an opponent in split squat (Headquarters)
- Negating the split squat (Headquarters position)
- Negating the split squat (Headquarters position) Part 2
- Negating the split squat (Headquarters position) Part 3
- Negating the split squat (Headquarters position) Part 4
- Putting it all together
So What Does It All Cost?
Well that depends, what is it worth to learn the secrets of the open guard with the greatest Brazilian Jiu Jitsu coach on earth, John Danaher?
This system goes beyond anything you have seen, John spent years developing a methodical and easy to use approach to one of the hardest parts of bjj, Open Guard.
We could have easily charged you $447, but we're not going to do that, instead, cut that price by more than 50%
That's right, get this series for just: