
Simplified Strength Training Templates For BJJ by Alex Sterner & Alex Bryce

Simplified Strength Templates For BJJ is a 4-Part Series and E-Book That Lays Out An Easy-to-follow Program That Is Designed To Give You A Next-level Workout Plan For Your Time Off-the-mat

  • Build sport-specific strength that will help you become functionally stronger in all aspects of combat.
  • Use proven methods of strength training that translate directly to on-the-mat performance!
  • Alex Sterner and Alex Bryce layout their complete 4-day workout routine that addresses each aspect of strength-building AND respects your time!
  • Recover easier by having a stronger foundation including hip/shoulder mobility exercises that will keep you on the mat longer!

Course Content

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Volume 1



Alex Sterner's Coach Introduction 0
Alex Bryce's Coach Introduction 0:45
Compound Movements 1:30
Progressive Overload/Reps in Reserve 2:07
Warmup 5:45
Quad Pull to RDL Reach 6:51
Sweeping Hamstring Stretch 7:32
Lateral Lunge 8:03
World’s Greatest Stretch 8:44
Bear Crawl 9:34
Power Skip 10:28
Rest Periods 10:53
DIY Landmine 13:54
Specificity vs Transfer 14:55
Advanced Methods/Supersets 16:41
Day 1 - Hinge: Dumbbell RDL 18:34
Hinge: Barbell RDL 19:40
Hinge: Snatch Grip RDL 20:35
Vertical Press: ½ Kneeling DB Single Arm Overhead Press 21:30
Vertical Press: ½ Kneeling Landmine Press 22:26
Vertical Press: Tall Kneeling Enhanced Eccentric Landmine Press 23:18
Horizontal Pull: DB Incline Chest Supported Row 24:43
Horizontal Pull: DB Seal Row 25:42
Horizontal Pull: Pendlay Row 26:44
Lunge: Dumbbell Split Squat 27:48
Lunge: Dumbbell Walking Lunge 29:29
Lunge: Dumbbell Deficit Reverse Lunge 30:57
Anterior Chain: Hanging Hollow Body 32:47
Anterior Chain: Hanging Knee Tuck 34:10
Anterior Chain: Toes to Bar 35:38

Volume 2



Day 2 - Squat: Goblet Squat 0
Squat: Barbell High Bar Box Squat 1:48
Squat: Barbell High Bar Back Squat 3:16
Horizontal Press: Dumbbell Floor Press 5:08
Horizontal Press: Dumbbell Bench Press 6:51
Horizontal Press: Barbell Bench Press 8:26
Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up Hold 11:42
Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up Negative 12:51
Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up 13:43
Single Leg Thrust: Foot+Shoulder Elevated Single Leg Hip Thrust 14:20
Single Leg Thrust: DB Pause B Stance Hip Thrust 15:57
Single Leg Thrust: DB Pause Single Leg Hip Thrust 18:07
Hip Adduction: Copenhagen Plank (knee) 20:08
Hip Adduction: Copenhagen Plank (foot) 21:25
Hip Adduction: Copenhagen Raise 22:28

Volume 3



Day 3 - Split Squat: Barbell Split Squat 0
Split Squat: Zercher Split Squat 1:22
Split Squat: Barbell B Stance Squat 2:42
Bodyweight Press: Pushup 4:37
Bodyweight Press: Decline Pushup 5:35
Bodyweight Press: Handstand Pushup 6:21
Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Row 7:30
Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Pause Row 8:25
Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Tripod Row 9:13
Single Leg Hinge: BW Single Leg RDL + Reach 10:09
Single Leg Hinge: DB Braced Single Leg RDL 11:43
Single Leg Hinge: Barbell Single Leg RDL 13:08
Hip Abduction: Side Lying Hip Abduction 14:01
Hip Abduction: Extra Range Side Lying Hip Abduction 14:57
Hip Abduction: Side Lying Hip Raise 15:39

Volume 4



Day 4 - Hinge: Conventional Block Pull 0
Hinge: Conventional Deadlift 1:23
Hinge: Sumo Deadlift 2:22
Vertical Press: DB Seated Overhead Press 4:24
Vertical Press: DB Standing Overhead Press 5:42
Vertical Press: Military Press 6:42
Bodyweight Row: Inverted Row (high) 7:08
Bodyweight Row: Inverted Row (low) 8:04
Bodyweight Row: Feet Elevated Inverted Row 8:41
Split Squat: BW Bulgarian Split Squat 9:30
Split Squat: DB Bulgarian Split Squat 10:51
Split Squat: DB Deficit Bulgarian Split Squat 12:15
Anterior Chain: Lying Leg Raise 13:36
Anterior Chain: Dragon Fly 14:48
Anterior Chain: Devil’s W’s 16:06
Conclusion 17:48

Use both the E-Book and 4-part instructional to revitalize your BJJ and benefit from your newfound strength!

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What Will You Learn?

Many Jiu-Jitsu practitioners fall in love with training and forget about more traditional means of fitness. While BJJ is definitely one of the most enjoyable ways to get a solid workout, there is no doubt that the very best athletes in the sport spend a good amount of time on their Strength &Conditioning. Simplified Strength Templates For BJJ by Electrum Performance looks to give you an easy-to-follow routine that provides a comprehensive strength training regime that respects your time.

No need to aimlessly amble along on the treadmill. Alex Sterner &Alex Bryce cut through the nonsense of traditional fitness and jump right to the very best exercises that are designed to increase on-the-mat performance. Alex &Alex have an integral role in the Strength &Conditioning regimens of some of the best athletes in the sport including Andre Galvao and Lucas Barbosa. This series gives you the same routine that Team Atos uses!

Simplified Strength Templates For BJJ lays out a complete workout plan that leaves out the guesswork. On top of visual demonstrations that cover the critical concepts that will lead to your success, you can reference the E-Book to further understand the “why” aspect of each section. From Warm-Ups to Cooldowns and everything in between Alex &Alex have you covered!

Forget your traditional fitness routine and discover a more simplified approach that focuses on building sport-specific strength. BJJ is unlike most athletic endeavors, and as such your workout should reflect that. Simplified Strength Templates For BJJ provides that unique experience that will make you feel more powerful from every position, check out the complete workout below!


So, What's in this Series?

Part 1:

  • Alex Sterner's Coach Introduction
  • Alex Bryce's Coach Introduction
  • Compound Movements
  • Progressive Overload /Reps in Reserve
  • WarmUp
  • Quad Pull To RDL Reach
  • Sweeping Hamstring Stretch
  • Lateral Lunge
  • World's Greatest Stretch
  • Bear Crawl
  • Power Skip
  • Rest Periods
  • DIY Landmine
  • Specificity vs Transfer
  • Advanced Methods/Supersets
  • DAY 1-HINGE:Dumbbell RDL
  • HINGE:Barbell RDL
  • HINGE:Snatch Grip RDL
  • Vertical Press:1/2 Kneeling DB Single Arm Overhead Press
  • Vertical Press:1/2 Kneeling LandMine Press
  • Vertical Press: Tall Kneeling Enhanced Eccentric Landmine Press
  • Horizontal Pull: DB Incline Chest Supported Row
  • Horizontal Pull: DB Seal Row
  • Horizontal Pull: Pendlay Row/li>
  • Lunge: Dumbbell Split Squat
  • Lunge: Dumbbell Walking Lunge
  • Lunge: Dumbbell Deficit Reverse Lunge
  • Anterior Chain: Hanging Hollow Body
  • Anterior Chain: Hanging Knee Tuck
  • Anterior Chain: Toes To Bar

Part 2:

  • DAY 2 - Squat: Goblet Squat
  • Squat: Barbell High Bar Box Squat
  • Squat: Barbell High Bar Back Squat
  • Horizontal Press: Dumbbell Floor Press
  • Horizontal Press: Dumbbell Bench Press
  • Horizontal Press: Barbell Bench Press
  • Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up Hold
  • Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up Negative
  • Vertical Pull: Table Top Pull Up
  • Single Leg Thrust: Foot+Shoulder Elevated Single Leg Hip Thrust
  • Single Leg Thrust: DB Pause B Stance Hip Thrust
  • Single Leg Thrust: DB Pause Single Leg Hip Thrust
  • HiP Adduction: Copenhagen Plank (Knee)
  • Hip adduction: Copenhagen Plank (Foot)
  • Hip Adduction: Copenhagen Raise

Part 3:

  • DAY 3 - Split Squat: Barbell Split Squat
  • Split Squat: Zercher Split Squat
  • Split Squat: Barbell B Stance Squat
  • Bodyweight Press: Pushup
  • Bodyweight: Decline Pushup
  • Bodyweight Press: Handstand Pushup
  • Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Row
  • Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Pause Row
  • Horizontal Pull: Dumbbell Tripod Row
  • Single Leg Hinge: BW Single Leg RDL + Reach
  • Single Leg Hinge: DB Braced Single Leg RDL
  • Single Leg Hinge: Barbell Single Leg RDL
  • Hip Abduction: side Lying Hip Abduction
  • Hip Abduction: Extra Range Side Lying Hip Abduction
  • Hip Abduction: Side Lying Hip Raise

Part 4:

  • DAY 4 - Hinge: Conventional Block Pull
  • Hinge: Conventional Deadlift
  • Hinge: Sumo Deadlift
  • Vertical Press: DB Seated Overhead Press
  • Vertical Press: DB Standing Overhead Press
  • Vertical Press: Military Press
  • Bodyweight Row: Inverted Row (High)
  • Bodyweight Row: Inverted Row (Low)
  • Bodyweight Row: Feet Elevated Inverted Row
  • Split Squat: BW Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Split Squat: DB Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Split Squat: DB Deficit Bulgarian Split Squat
  • Anterior Chain: Lying Leg Raise
  • Anterior Chain: Dragon Fly
  • Anterior chain: Devil's W's
  • Conclusion

So, What Does It All Cost?


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