
The No Gi Road Map For Masters Competitors by Fabiano Scherner

Fabiano Scherner, 10x Masters World Champion, Reveals His Complete No Gi Roadmap From A Range Of Positions

  • Simple, Effective Tips That Any Masters Competitor Can Use No Gi -From The Greatest Master's Competitor Ever
  • Fabiano has one of the simplest and most effective top games that anybody can use
  • Fabiano draws back the curtain and lets you in on all of his secrets
  • It's time for you to have confidence in your No Gi
  • Transform your entire game

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction - underhook to knee pick 0 - 7:00
The dump throw 7:00 - 9:17
Double leg after counter 9:17 - 11:42
Double leg take down 11:42 - 16:02
Close guard opening with knee pressure 16:02 - 21:04
Double elbows in to open guard 21:04 - 24:52
Knee in the middle guard opener 24:52 - 27:57
Double scoop guard pass 27:57 - 33:01
Stand up guard opening 33:01 - 38:54
Double unders guard pass 38:54 - 44:05

Volume 2



The chair guard pass 0 - 4:54
Leg drag pass 4:54 - 14:10
Slide pass 14:10 - 21:45
Back breaker pass 21:45 - 30:02
Knee shield guard pass 30:02 - 36:35
Knee bar pass 36:35 - 45:07

Volume 3



Single underhook pass 0 - 5:59
Quick foot slide pass 5:59 - 12:08
Knee exploder 12:08 - 16:30
Step over knee bar 16:30 - 23:40
Inverted knee exploder 23:40 - 27:36
Double under pass for half guard 27:36 - 33:44

Volume 4



Sprawl half guard pass 0 - 6:12
Triple submission from half guard 6:12 - 17:53
Spinner Knee bar from halfguard 17:53 - 23:16
Half guard knee exploder 23:16 - 27:06
Half guard wrist lock 27:06 - 32:15
Spinning toehold from half guard and outro 32:15 - 35:06

Check Out The Trailer!

What Will You Learn?

Fabiano Scherner, 10x Masters World Champion, Reveals His Complete No Gi Roadmap From A Range Of Positions

Fabiano has one of the simplest and most effective top games that anybody can use. He has had success at the highest levels of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitions for years. Learn the secrets necessary to dominate any guard.

Are you having problems with those lanky and flexible guard players? Do you find it difficult to pass those up and coming young stud's guards? Want to learn the secrets of a true professional and gangster of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

Fabiano Scherner is one of the most distinguished passers in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. He has competed at the highest levels of both Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA for years. He has competed at the IBJJF World Championships, the UFC, and several other prestigious events with great success.

Fabiano prides himself on having a passing game that is efficient. He uses minimal energy while maximizing his pressure. This system is catered to anybody of any age, any height, any weight, any level, and any gender. Fabiano knows how to implement his will against any type of guard, he is able to slow down the pace of a match and put people where he wants to be.

The beauty of this passing systems is the simplicity. You don't need flexibility, agility or athleticism, you just have to have the determination and will to learn. Fabiano will show you the tried and true secrets he has used to have success passing the guard in the UFC and in the most prestigious IBJJF tournaments.

Passing the guard can be a meticulous process, especially without a gi. No gi is much more slippery, you lose the ability to slow down the pace of a match and the young guns, athletes, and flexible guys thrive.

Without the grips people find a way to squeeze their way out of any position, legs come out of nowhere to retain guard, and the pace of the rolls seems to be much higher.

Fabiano has an answer for all of this. He has created a methodical approach to passing the guard without the gi that still allows him to close the distance, stay tight, and move at a slower pace.

No need to over exert, use cardio, or strength. Just get the right grips, and distribute your weight properly so that your opponent can't move. Make yourself feel like a boulder when passing the guard and slowly grind your opponent out until they are begging you to pass.

No gi has always been more difficult to pass, stabilize, and solidify positions in. In recent years it has become increasingly more difficult to pass because of the increase in lower body submissions.

Everywhere you go, every academy you go to, there are those leg lock fanatics, especially in no gi. You start to pass and then all of the sudden, knee bar, heel hook, toe hold!

It can be very frustrating and it can diminish your ability to pass the guard. It's time to stop fearing leg locks and start smashing guys again with or without the gi. Fabiano has an old school approach to passing that makes his lower body virtually untouchable, and he has some sneaky submissions of his own.

On this series you will learn proper weight distribution when doing no gi, effective passes against any guard, and the ability to stabilize the pass and solidify your position.

This series will give you the confidence to approach any ones guard and know that you are using battle tested and battle proven techniques from a 10x master world champion and UFC vet.

These techniques are versatile and can be utilized in the gi as well and even in MMA. Fabiano has a no nonsense attitude towards bjj and he's here to make things easier for you. If you want fancy cart wheel passes, shoulder rolls, and acrobatic techniques, this is NOT for you.

If you want simple, detailed and effective Jiu Jitsu, look no further.

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
Introduction - underhook to knee pick
The dump throw
Double leg after counter
Double leg takedown
Close guard opening with knee pressure
Double elbows in to open guard
Knee in the middle guard opener
Double scoop guard pass
Stand-up guard opening
Double unders guard pass

Part 2
The chair guard pass
Leg drag pass
Slide pass
Back breaker pass
Knee shield guard pass
Knee bar pass

Part 3
Single underhook pass
Quick foot slide pass
Knee exploder
Step over knee bar
Inverted knee exploder
Double underpass for half guard

Part 4
Sprawl half guard pass
Triple submission from half guard
Spinner Knee bar from half guard
Half guard knee exploder
Half guard wrist lock
Spinning toehold from half guard and outro

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