

The Scarf Hold The Soul Stealer by Henry Akins

The scarf hold position may be one of the MOST EFFECTIVE, yet misunderstood positions in all of BJJ. Often the position is viewed as risky in jiu-jitsu, but yet this method of control is a staple in the arsenals of so many other grappling arts! The stigma ends here.

  • Steal souls with incredible details on entries, methods of control, adding pressure, and finishing from the scarf hold position
  • Discover the huge effectiveness of jiu-jitsu's most misunderstood position with the highly sought after instruction of Henry Akins
  • Henry Akins is a longtime black belt and has trained with some of the most elite black belts in the sport
  • Dominate this underutilized position and learn to create pressure that gets the tap

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction 0 - 5:06
Entry Into Scarf Hold From Cross Side Escape 5:06 - 8:01
Entry to Scarf Hold from Cross Side Head and Arm Control 8:01 - 11:12
Entry Into Scarf Hold from Cross Side Elbow Pluck 11:12 - 14:05
Entry Into Scarf Hold From The Mount Position 14:05 - 18:23
Entry Into Scarf Hold From The Mount Position - Outtake 18:23 - 21:22
Entry into Scarf Hold From Top Half Guard 21:22 - 24:55
Entry into Scarf Hold From Top Half Guard - Outtake 24:55 - 30:35
Entry Into Scarf Hold From the Knees - Stepping Across for the Takedown 30:35 - 33:35
Entry Into Scarf Hold From the Knees - Grabbing the Head and Sliding into Position 33:35 - 35:56
The Dan Hart Reversal From The Bottom of Cross Side 35:56 - 44:12
The Dan Hart Reversal From The Bottom of Cross Side - Outtake 44:12 - 47:06

Volume 2



Entry into Scarf Hold from Bottom Cross Side 0 - 4:27
Entries into Scarf Hold from Standing Position 4:27 - 9:35
Entries into Scarf Hold from Standing Position - Outtake 9:35 - 12:11
Securing the Elbow for Scarf Hold even if The Opponent Tucks to Defend 12:11 - 17:44
Securing the Elbow for Scarf Hold even if The Opponent Tucks to Defend - Outtake 17:44 - 24:35
Controlling the Position - Pinching with the Elbow to Secure the Scarf Hold Position 24:35 - 29:11
Controlling the Position - Pushing with the Legs to Flatten the Opponent Back Out 29:11 - 33:50
Controlling the Position - Pushing with the Legs to Flatten the Opponent back Out - Outtake 33:50 - 38:31
Controlling the Position - Relaxing the Upper Body and Dropping Weight to the Butt to Counter the Bridge 38:31 - 47:38
Controlling the Position - Relaxing the Upper Body and Dropping Weight to the Butt to Counter the Bridge - Outtake 47:38 - 54:03

Volume 3



Controlling the Position - Pushing with the Legs when they try to Sit Up 0 - 2:47
Controlling the Position - Collapsing the Frame by Driving Towards the Head 2:47 - 7:12
Submissions - The Head and Arm Choke after Collapsing the Frame Defense 7:12 - 11:27
Submissions - Body Compression if they Hook the Leg to try to Take the Back 11:27 - 14:24
Creating Pressure from Scarf Hold - Putting Weight on your Opponent - Outtake 14:24 - 25:42
Creating Pressure from Scarf Hold - Pulling with the Legs to Create more Pressure 25:42 - 31:29
Creating Pressure from Scarf Hold - Lifting the Head 31:29 - 37:41
Submissions - Wrist Lock 37:41 - 41:00
Submissions - Wrist Lock on Straight Wrist (Fist) Defense 41:00 - 43:10
Submissions - Arm Bar - Baseball Bat Break 43:10 - 45:24
Submissions - Arm Bar - Baseball Bat Break - Outtake 45:24 - 46:59

Volume 4



Submissions - Americana Lock with the Legs 0 - 4:02
Submissions - Straight Arm Bar using the Lead Leg 4:02 - 7:23
Submissions - Straight Arm Bar using the Rear Leg 7:23 - 12:10
Submissions - Kimura with the Legs 12:10 - 17:56
Submissions - Prying the Arm out from the Telephone or Pillow Defense 17:56 - 22:28
Submissions - Prying the Arm out from the Telephone or Pillow Defense - Outtake 22:28 - 23:17
Submissions - Kimura from the Body Grab 23:17 - 29:38
Submissions - Hammer Fist Choke from Body Grab 29:38 - 34:03
Breaking the Grips from the Body Grab 34:03 - 37:06
Kimura from Body Grab - Outtake 37:06 - 39:00
Outro 39:00 - 45:31

Henry Akins Is Here To Walk You Through One Of Jiu Jitsu's Most Dominant Positions!

The scarf hold position may be one of the MOST EFFECTIVE, yet  misunderstood positions in all of BJJ. Often the position is viewed as risky in jiu-jitsu, but yet this method of control is a staple in the arsenals of so many other grappling arts! The stigma ends here


Check Out The Trailer!

But before you order now, check out this list of videos for exactly what's covered in the course!!!
  • Introduction
  •   Entry Into Scarf Hold From Cross Side Escape
  •  Entry to Scarf Hold from Cross Side Head and Arm Control
  •   Entry Into Scarf Hold from Cross Side Elbow Pluck
  •  Entry Into Scarf Hold From The Mount Position
  •   Entry Into Scarf Hold From The Mount Position - Outtake
  •   Entry into Scarf Hold From Top Half Guard
  •   Entry into Scarf Hold From Top Half Guard - Outtake
  •   Entry Into Scarf Hold From the Knees - Stepping Across for the Takedown
  •  Entry Into Scarf Hold From the Knees - Grabbing the Head and Sliding into Position
  •  The Dan Hart Reversal From The Bottom of Cross Side
  •  The Dan Hart Reversal From The Bottom of Cross Side - Outtake
  •   Entry into Scarf Hold from Bottom Cross Side
  •   Entries into Scarf Hold from Standing Position
  •   Entries into Scarf Hold from Standing Position - Outtake
  •  Securing the Elbow for Scarf Hold even if The Opponent Tucks to Defend
  •   Securing the Elbow for Scarf Hold even if The Opponent Tucks to Defend - Outtake
  •   Controlling the Position - Pinching with the Elbow to Secure the Scarf Hold Position
  •   Controlling the Position - Pushing with the Legs to Flatten the Opponent Back Out
  •  Controlling the Position - Pushing with the Legs to Flatten the Opponent back Out - Outtake
  •  Controlling the Position - Relaxing the Upper Body and Dropping Weight to the Butt to Counter the Bridge
  •  Controlling the Position - Relaxing the Upper Body and Dropping Weight to the Butt to Counter the Bridge - Outtake
  •   Controlling the Position - Pushing with the Legs when they try to Sit Up
  •  Controlling the Position - Collapsing the Frame by Driving Towards the Head
  •   Submissions - The Head and Arm Choke after Collapsing the Frame Defense
  •   Submissions - Body Compression if they Hook the Leg to try to Take the Back
  •  Creating Pressure from Scarf Hold - Putting Weight on your Opponent - Outtake
  •   Creating Pressure from Scarf Hold - Pulling with the Legs to Create more Pressure
  •   Creating Pressure from Scarf Hold - Lifting the Head
  •   Submissions - Wrist Lock
  •   Submissions - Wrist Lock on Straight Wrist (Fist) Defense
  •   Submissions - Arm Bar - Baseball Bat Break
  •   Submissions - Arm Bar - Baseball Bat Break - Outtake(1)
  •   Submissions - Americana Lock with the Legs
  •  Submissions - Straight Arm Bar using the Lead Leg
  •  Submissions - Straight Arm Bar using the Rear Leg
  •   Submissions - Kimura with the Legs
  •   Submissions - Prying the Arm out from the Telephone or Pillow Defense
  •   Submissions - Prying the Arm out from the Telephone or Pillow Defense - Outtake(1)
  •  Submissions - Kimura from the Body Grab
  •   Submissions - Hammer Fist Choke from Body Grab
  •   Breaking the Grips from the Body Grab
  •   Kimura from Body Grab - Outtake
  •   Outro


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