
Ultimate Armlock Escapes by Henry Akins

Master critical armlock escaping concepts with one of BJJ’s most respected instructors, Henry Akins

  • As a black belt with over 20+ years of experience, Akins has developed an incredibly effective style of fighting that's accessible to anyone
  • Learn the secrets of escaping armlocks unscathed and turn the tables on your opponents.
  • Use high-level concepts and details to escape kimuras, the americana, multiple armbar variations, and more.

Course Content

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Volume 1



2:49 Americana from the mount (leg hook) bridge escape
5:10 Americana from mount hip switch, escape to the back
9:02 Americana from cross side escape
13:15 Americana from bottom half guard escape
16:44 Kimura from cross side flat, weight defense
21:56:00 Kimura from cross side, blocking the leg and sitting up
26:10:00 Kimura defense by grabbing the leg
29:56:00 Kimura grip from cross side escape

Volume 2



5:34 Kimura from north south with the arm trapped, defense and escape
8:06 Kimura from bottom half guard preliminary defense
13:48 Kimura from bottom half guard leg grab escape
18:17 Kimura from closed guard hip defense
22:03 Kimura from closed guard defense and back take
0:20 Kimura from closed guard late defense
5:14 Straight armbar from cross side escape

Volume 3



4:06 Arm lock from guard with both legs over the head
14:24 Arm lock from bottom with knee in between, pushing the knee to clear
17:56 Belly down armlock escape
22:11 Hitchhiker escape from armlock
3:50 Armlock from mount Kimura grip
12:07 Armlock from mount blocking the leg from coming in front of the face

Volume 4



6:47 Arm lock escape from guard shoulder swallow
13:04 Arm lock escape by clearing the head
17:07 Arm lock escape by passing ankle between the legs
2:26 Arm lock escape by bridging over
7:50 Arm lock escape by sitting up and stacking
13:51 Arm lock escape with both legs over the head
18:10 Arm lock escape with both legs over the head, creating the wedge
47:19:00 Arm lock escape with both legs over the body
51:42:00 Omaplata escape

Master critical armlock escaping concepts with one of BJJ’s most respected instructors, Henry Akins


What Will You Learn?

In Ultimate armlock escapes you'll receive one on one instruction from revered BJJ instructor Henry Akins. With Akins’ assistance you'll master the critical concepts of escaping a variety of different arm locks and learn to remove yourself from dangerous situations before it's too late!

Escape and defend with incredible efficiency and an approach that works for anyone regardless of rank! Akins is one of the best instructors in the world and with his guidance you'll find defending and foiling a variety of common armlocks will become easier than ever!

Learn escapes for the kimura, americana, multiple armlock variations and more! With Akins’ new instructional you'll find accessible blueprints to unlocking some of the most troublesome submission attacks in BJJ and you’ll master the steps necessary to exit several dangerous scenarios. You'll discover preliminary and late stage defenses and escapes for a variety of armlock situations that we all encounter on a daily basis! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned vet you’ll find details here that will keep you out of trouble for years to come!

The art of the escape is a tricky one but Akins has trimmed the fat and he’ll provide you with everything you need to understand, apply, and master the most necessary components of a great escape plan. Akins seminars are some of the most sought after in the world and now you can enjoy his incredibly efficient instruction on your time! Don't miss the opportunity to learn this important skill set from one of the best!

Arm Lock Escape With Both Legs Over The Body

So What Do You Get?

Part 1:

  • Americana from the mount preliminary defense 
  • Americana from the mount secondary defense 
  • Americana from the mount (leg hook) bridge escape 
  • Americana from mount hip switch, escape to the back
  • Americana from cross side escape 
  • Americana from bottom half guard escape 
  • Kimura from cross side flat, weight defense 
  • Kimura from cross side, blocking the leg and sitting up 
  • Kimura defense by grabbing the leg 
  • Kimura grip from cross side escape

Part 2:

  • Kimura from north south escape 
  • Kimura from north south escape, arm bar transition
  • Kimura from north south with the arm trapped, defense and escape 
  • Kimura from bottom half guard preliminary defense 
  • Kimura from bottom half guard leg grab escape 
  • Kimura from closed guard hip defense 
  • Kimura from closed guard defense and back take 
  • Kimura from closed guard late defense 
  • Straight armbar from cross side escape 

Part 3:

  • Arm lock from closed guard preliminary defense - posture 
  • Arm lock from closed guard, stacking defense 
  • Arm lock from guard with both legs over the head
  • Arm lock from bottom with knee in between, pushing the knee to clear 
  • Belly down armlock escape 
  • Hitchhiker escape from armlock 
  • Armlock from mount Kimura grip 
  • Armlock from mount blocking the leg from coming in front of the face 

Part 4:

  • Arm lock escape by pulling elbow to the ground
  • Arm lock escape from S-mount 
  • Arm lock escape from guard shoulder swallow 
  • Arm lock escape by clearing the head
  • Arm lock escape by passing ankle between the legs 
  • Arm lock escape by bridging over 
  • Arm lock escape by sitting up and stacking 
  • Arm lock escape with both legs over the head 
  • Arm lock escape with both legs over the head, creating the wedge
  • Arm lock escape with both legs over the body 
  • Omaplata escape 

Americana From The Mount Secondary Defense

So What Does It All Cost?



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