How to Pass Guards Quickly and Easily Using Leg Attacks by Craig Jones
Once you finish watching Craig’s Passing Series you will know exactly what needs to be done to set up and finish guard passes using leg attacks
- Craig went from a garage in the middle of nowhere Australia to superstardom on the podium of EBI, to The ADCC World Championships, and on to becoming the Polaris Middleweight Champion
- Craig’s Passing series is far and away his A-Game
- He’s not only going to upgrade your game, he’s going to save you time, energy and make Jiu Jitsu fun again
- Guard passing may be the hardest part of Jiu Jitsu
- Elevate your game
Digital Video + Flow Chart & Visual Notes
Watching our videos is the best way to learn, but it can be hard to remember everything. Deepen your understanding of the concepts in this video by adding flowcharts, plus notes with embedded videos. You’ll learn this system better and more quickly!
Course Content
Volume 1
Passing position | 0 - 4:25 |
Knee cut variations | 4:26 - 9:09 |
Smash pass | 9:10 - 17:07 |
Same side knee cut pass | 17:08 - 24:08 |
Leg weave pass | 24:09 - 27:32 |
Passing half guard | 27:33 - 34:02 |
Volume 2
Knee pummel pass | 0 - 4:37 |
Khabib wrist ride | 4:38 - 12:36 |
Smash pass | 12:37 - 16:51 |
The TJ pass | 16:52 - 21:45 |
No gi torreando | 21:46 - 27:58 |
Leg drag pass | 27:59 - 35:30 |
Check Out The Trailer!
What Will You Learn?
Let’s set the record straight. Craig Jones wasn’t a world-beater prior to ADCC – he was good but he wasn’t tapping guys like Leandro Lo and Murilo Santana. We all know now it wasn’t luck. And he didn’t use brute strength or any super power, he used pure skill and check-mated both of them.
So if a guy like Craig could “shock the world” and beat the best - then don’t you think that if you learned exactly what he does to set up and finish his triangles, you can catch at least a few of the dudes in your gym who are currently beating you?
Let’s put it this way…
Once you finish watching Craig’s Passing Series you will know exactly what needs to be done to set up and finish guard passes using leg attacks
Who is Craig Jones?
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have heard of Australian grappling sensation Craig Jones.
He is perhaps the brightest Jiu Jitsu star ever to emerge from down under. (Don’t tell that to Kit Dale though because we love Kit too.)
Craig went from a garage in the middle of nowhere Australia to superstardom on the podium of EBI, to The ADCC World Championships, and on to becoming the Polaris Middleweight Champion.
Although Craig’s rise was fast, it didn’t happen overnight;nor is Craig a one-trick pony. In fact, Craig is not going away anytime soon. He is in the midst of building a legacy as you read this.
He is known for his leg attack game, which he also developed his passing system from
Craig’s Passing series is far and away his A-Game.
He has passed dozens and dozens of the highest level guys guards.
Perhaps most notable was in ADCC this past year against Leandro Lo.
It may have looked easy. But Craig spent a lot of time in the laboratory to make it look easy. He had to develop and sharpen his passing game before going into battle on the big stage.
I mean, if you know who Leandro Lo is, he is not an easy guy to pass. You not only need the balls to set up and go for a leg lock on a guy like him, you also have to know that your leg lock may lead into a passing opportunity. That is precisely what Craig did, ultimately he forced Lo into a scramble and took his back because of his passing.
The problem today is everyone is scared to pass.
So the question remains: How is Craig setting up and finishing his passes by using his leg attack system?
Let’s be honest here, most of us have a real hard time setting up and finishing passes against good guys who are expert guard players, flexible and strong.
It’s not your fault.
The reality is that it is difficult to pass a decent guys guard. Guard passing may be the hardest part of Jiu Jitsu.
Why is it becoming so difficult?
The basics of the art are always evolving and people are getting smarter, faster and stronger.
Lol, and most of us aren’t getting any younger either.
That’s why it’s imperative to stay on top of the technical evolution and know what is working right now against the very best. Because if it’s working against the very best, it sure as hell is going to work for you against guys at your gym.
How To Pass Guards Quickly And Easily Using Leg Attacks by Craig Jones is your answer.
It’s like a short-cut in a sense. Now to be clear, it’s not some Cliff-notes version. It’s the actual full-version itself that is working today without all the excess fat. It cuts right into the very heart of what will work right now against the very best, so you don’t have to keep going back and forth and back and forth with other systems that are not working to figure it out.
Craig cannot possibly make It easier for you…
Craig is as precise as a scientist, but he breaks down the “elements” in layman’s terms.
The guy is crystal clear. He shows every angle. He leaves room for no clutter and no unanswered “what if the guy does this or that?”-concerns.
Craig’s seminars are way overbooked—proof of his top-notch teaching skill. His DVDs keep selling out.
It’s happening here at BJJ Fanatics also. People keep coming back to Craig’s instruction. If they like one series, they get the next one. This is a tell-tale sign that Craig is changing people’s grappling lives.
And that’s not to mention the number of email requests we get from people asking for Craig to do more Instructional series on other grappling subjects.
You’ll learn Craig’s material quick and easy. It took him all but a few years to rise faster than most top guys out there. It’s not because he’s a special athlete. He uses special stuff.
So when you inject it into your game, expect fast results.
How do you think it is going to feel when you catch the guy in your gym who has been getting the better of you? Or the higher belt who you never catch with anything?
Would you feel great or what?
Yes. Of course.
This stuff is going to be like exploding a keg of dynamite into your grappling game.
AND after you learn this…
No one can ever take this skill away from you.
No matter if you are a world level player or 1-month white belt.
It’s pointless to have to go back and relearn everything all over again.
Learn it now – the right way.
Leg Weave Pass by Craig Jones
Let’s sum it up…
Craig Jones is becoming a superstar. You likely see a lot of Craig’s ads all over the web if you spend any time there. You hear his name and see his highlight videos. So, is everyone else learning Craig’s techniques?
The answer is a resounding NO.
Although we sell out of Craig’s DVDs fast, the percent of people who buy from us compared to the amount of people from the community that train as a whole is still very small – not even 1%.
And some people who buy from us may not even get around to watching the series.
So if you get this and simply watch it you are likely going to be ahead of about 99% of the people in grappling world right now.
So, What's On The Series?
Part 1
Passing Position
Knee Cut Variations
Smash Pass
Same Side Knee Cut Pass
Leg Weave Pass
Passing Half Guard
Part 2
Knee Pummel Pass
Khabib Wrist Ride
Smash Pass
The TJ Pass
No Gi Torreando
Leg Drag Pass