

Standing2Ground: Takedowns & Standing Skills For Jiu Jitsu by John Danaher

Develop A Standing Grappling Game That Is Specifically Designed By One Of The World’s Greatest Grappling Minds, As Professor John Danaher Shows You The System For Jiu Jitsu Takedowns That His Athletes Use To Dominate With Submission Wrestling Technique

  • Master the principles and concepts that will define how you approach the standing position, with John breaking down how grappling takedowns must be different and how to adjust
  • John Danaher is one of the world’s greatest grappling coaches, with championship students like Gordon Ryan, Georges St. Pierre, Garry Tonon, and more learning these systems from him at Team New Wave
  • Use snap downs, hand fighting, and motion to start setting up takedowns that will optimize your chances of scoring and controlling from top position
  • Shoot to the legs with John’s explanation of double legs, single legs, and more ways to set up and finish lower body offense
  • Attack your opponent’s feet with ashi waza that John explains can set up more takedowns, including foot sweeps, ouchi garis, and more
  • Learn why grappling needs to approach takedowns differently, with breakdowns on the needs and limitations of grappling rulesets and how to start using a new style to work from the feet
  • Know more. Win more.

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Volume 01



Intro 0
The 4 Most Important Ideas of This Video - Wherever Possible, Avoid Carrying Your Opponent's Weight 7:30
Focus on the Easier Takedowns First 33:31
Hand Fight With Direction 38:28
In Jiu Jitsu, the Aftermath of the Takedown is as Important as the Takedown Itself 42:51
Standing Preliminaries - Stance: Defensive Responsibility 52:06
Stance: The Beginnings of Offense 1:01:16
Stance: Vision 1:11:12
Same Side and Opposite Side Stances 1:14:32
Motion 1:18:43
Contact and Grip - First Contact 1:24:52
Angle Within Your Opponent's Elbows 1:35:46

Volume 02



9 Important Principles of Hand Fighting - Head Position 0
The Theory of Indirect Gripping 12:53
Inside VS Outside Control 19:54
Grip - Contract - Move 27:47
Push Pull Principles 34:08
The Law of Elbow Extension 42:45
Avoid Symmetrical Grips 51:34
The Reset Principle 1:00:41
Hand Fighting With Purpose 1:06:58
Breaking Your Opponent's Stance: The 3 Paths to Dominance in the Standing Position 1:14:55
A Theory of Dominant Position on the Feet 1:20:57
Preliminaries - Putting it All Together 1:35:10

Volume 03



Special study: The Snap Down - The Jab of Standing Grappling - The Purpose of Snapdowns 0
Mechanics of the Snapdown 11:07
The Most Important Snapdowns for You to Learn - Rear Hand Snap 24:54
Lead Hand Snap 26:26
Multi Snap 27:20
Head Pass Snap 28:23
Collar and Tricep Snap 29:28
Collar and Forearm Snap 31:36
Overtie Snap 33:14
Single and Double Tricep Snap 35:29
Pump Snap 38:02
Underhook Snap 40:18
2 on 1 Snap 42:15
Kouchi Snap 44:43
Takedowns - Front Takedowns and Rear Takedowns 48:09
Front Takedowns - The 4 Step Pattern of Front Leg Takedowns - Phase 1: Setup 49:51
Phase 2: Catch 53:26
Phase 3: Building Tighter Connection and Structure 1:01:59
Phase 4: Completion 1:09:37

Volume 04



Double Leg Takedown - Advantages and Disadvantages of Double Leg Takedowns 0
The Way Double Legs are Typically Taught is Wrong Headed 3:52
The First Double Legs to Learn - Reverse Overback Double Leg 6:52
Front Headlock Double Leg 11:22
Short Double Leg 17:49
The Second Double Legs to Learn - Pull Double Leg 27:15
Snap Double 33:23
Post Double 37:45
Arm Drag Double 44:58
Misdirection Double 49:49
The Third Double Legs to Learn - Shooting From Distance 53:45
The Number One Setup For Outside Shots: Fake Reach 1:05:42
Double Knee Slide Method 1:09:51

Volume 05



Elbow Deep Double Leg: Georges St. Pierre - Mechanics of the Elbow Deep Double Leg 0
Setups 9:16
Corkscrew Finish 13:37
Flare Across Finish 16:17
Ear to Back Finish 18:59
Opponent Underhooks/Te Guruma 21:21
High Double Leg 26:36
One Handed Snatch 33:44
Single Leg Takedown - Mechanics of Single Leg 38:25
High Single Leg - Mechanics 46:52
Finishing Strategies for Single Legs 50:38
Inside Reach/Outside Reach 54:29
Attacking the Back Leg and Attacking the Front Leg 57:49

Volume 06



Single Leg Finishes With One Leg - Kneeling Cutback 0
Standing Cutback 5:16
Tight Waist Cutback 8:31
Running the Pipe/Dump 14:27
Thigh Pry 21:00
Foot Trip 24:11
Back Side Finish 28:05
Single Leg to Double Leg - Far Side Finish 34:59
Near Side Finish 40:16
Barzegar Finish 43:45
Drop Double 49:50
Back Side Double 53:25

Volume 07



High Leg Finishes - De Ashi Harai 0
Knee Pressure 5:13
Harai Goshi 10:47
Tree Topping 13:07
Thigh Pry 18:15
Outside High Leg 21:13
Troubleshooting Single Leg - First Problem: Limp Leg 26:01
First Problem: Limp Leg - Part 2 33:03
Problem 2: Base 36:27
Problem 3: Maintaining Stance 41:21

Volume 08



Body Lock takedowns - My Philosophy of Body Lock Takedowns 0
The Number 1 Method of Getting to Body Locks in Jiu-Jitsu &Submission Grappling 5:17
Mechanics of Body Locking 9:03
First Attack: Hip in Front - Power Twist (Uki Goshi) 16:16
Power Twist - Part 2 23:32
Second Attack: Hips Behind - Three Step Finish 27:15
The two Step method 32:55
Rotational Method 40:49
Lifting Method 45:49
Placido and Giancarlo Drill Body Locks 50:23
Knee Sweep Method 58:21
Third Attack: Taing the Back - Slide By 1:02:04

Volume 09



Knee Pick (Kuchiki Daoshi) - The Relationship Between Leg Tackles, Body Locks and Knee Picks 0
Mechanics of the Knee Pick 7:36
Failed Leg Tackle to Knee Pick 19:54
Direct attacks From an Underhook 24:05
Ankle Pick (Kibisu Gaeshi) - Mechanics and Tactics of Ankle Picking 31:53
Front Headlock to Ankle Pick 42:03
Front Headlock Cross Ankle Pick 45:17
Double Pits Ankle Pick 48:19
Collar Tie Ankle Pick 56:59
Overtie Ankle Pick 1:04:51
Underhook Ankle Pick 1:07:03
Placido and Giancarlo Drill the Underhook Ankle Pick 1:14:17
Floor Post Ankle Pick 1:19:01

Volume 10



Takedowns That Employ Your Feet and Legs (Ashi-Waza) - Kouchi Gari - Arm Drag Kouchi 0
Kouchi Gari Hand Assist 9:51
Kouchi From Overhook and Underhook 16:02
Ouchi gari - Mechanics 21:33
Double Triceps Ouchi Gari 25:44
Collar and Elbow Ouchi Gari 35:10
Placido and Giancarlo Drill Ouchi Gari 37:37
De Ashi Harai - Mechanics 46:04
De Ashi Off the Grip 52:30
Collar Tie De Ashi 57:06
Overhook De Ashi Harai 1:01:27
Two On One De Ashi Harai 1:10:12
Sesae Tsuri Komi Ashi - Mechanics 1:23:17
Underhook Sasae 1:29:58
Collartie 1:34:06
Scoring Under Jiu-Jitsu Rule Set 1:37:23
Scoring in a Competitive Jiu Jitsu Situation 1:46:02
Takedowns Breakdowns and Scores 1:54:10

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Volume 01

-Intro    0:00 - 7:30
-The 4 Most Important Ideas of This Video - Wherever Possible, Avoid Carrying Your --Opponent's Weight    7:30 - 33:31
-Focus on the Easier Takedowns First    33:31 - 38:28
-Hand Fight With Direction    38:28 - 42:51
-In Jiu Jitsu, the Aftermath of the Takedown is as Important as the Takedown Itself    42:51 - 52:06
-Standing Preliminaries - Stance: Defensive Responsibility    52:06 - 1:01:16
-Stance: The Beginnings of Offense    1:01:16 - 1:11:12
-Stance: Vision    1:11:12 - 1:14:32
-Same Side and Opposite Side Stances    1:14:32 - 1:18:43
-Motion    1:18:43 - 1:24:52
-Contact and Grip - First Contact    1:24:52 - 1:35:46
-Angle Within Your Opponent's Elbows    1:35:46

Volume 02
-9 Important Principles of Hand Fighting - Head Position    0:00 - 12:53
-The Theory of Indirect Gripping    12:53 - 19:54
-Inside VS Outside Control    19:54 - 27:47
-Grip - Contract - Move    27:47 - 34:08
-Push Pull Principles    34:08 - 42:45
-The Law of Elbow Extension    42:45 - 51:34
-Avoid Symmetrical Grips    51:34 - 1:00:41
-The Reset Principle    1:00:41 - 1:06:58
-Hand Fighting With Purpose    1:06:58 - 1:14:55
-Breaking Your Opponent's Stance: The 3 Paths to Dominance in the Standing Position    1:14:55 - 1:20:57
-A Theory of Dominant Position on the Feet    1:20:57 - 1:35:10
-Preliminaries - Putting it All Together    1:35:10

Volume 03
-Special study: The Snap Down - The Jab of Standing Grappling - The Purpose of --Snapdowns    0:00 - 11:07
-Mechanics of the Snapdown    11:07 - 24:54
-The Most Important Snapdowns for You to Learn - Rear Hand Snap    24:54 - 26:26
-Lead Hand Snap    26:26 - 27:20
-Multi Snap    27:20 - 28:23
-Head Pass Snap    28:23 - 29:28
-Collar and Tricep Snap    29:28 - 31:36
-Collar and Forearm Snap    31:36 - 33:14
-Overtie Snap    33:14 - 35:29
-Single and Double Tricep Snap    35:29 - 38:02
-Pump Snap    38:02 - 40:18
-Underhook Snap    40:18 - 42:15
-2 on 1 Snap    42:15 - 44:43
-Kouchi Snap    44:43 - 48:09
-Takedowns - Front Takedowns and Rear Takedowns    48:09 - 49:51
-Front Takedowns - The 4 Step Pattern of Front Leg Takedowns - Phase 1: Setup    49:51 - 53:26
-Phase 2: Catch    53:26 - 1:01:59
-Phase 3: Building Tighter Connection and Structure    1:01:59 - 1:09:37
-Phase 4: Completion    1:09:37

Volume 04
-Double Leg Takedown - Advantages and Disadvantages of Double Leg Takedowns    0:00 - 3:52
-The Way Double Legs are Typically Taught is Wrong Headed    3:52 - 6:52
-The First Double Legs to Learn - Reverse Overback Double Leg    6:52 - 11:22
-Front Headlock Double Leg    11:22 - 17:49
-Short Double Leg    17:49 - 27:15
-The Second Double Legs to Learn - Pull Double Leg    27:15 - 33:23
-Snap Double    33:23 - 37:45
-Post Double    37:45 - 44:58
-Arm Drag Double    44:58 - 49:49
-Misdirection Double    49:49 - 53:45
-The Third Double Legs to Learn - Shooting From Distance    53:45 - 1:05:42
-The Number One Setup For Outside Shots: Fake Reach    1:05:42 - 1:09:51
-Double Knee Slide Method    1:09:51

Volume 05
-Elbow Deep Double Leg: Georges St. Pierre - Mechanics of the Elbow Deep Double Leg    0:00 - 9:16
-Setups    9:16 - 13:37
-Corkscrew Finish    13:37 - 16:17
-Flare Across Finish    16:17 - 18:59
-Ear to Back Finish    18:59 - 21:21
-Opponent Underhooks/Te Guruma    21:21 - 26:36
-High Double Leg    26:36 - 33:44
-One Handed Snatch    33:44 - 38:25
-Single Leg Takedown - Mechanics of Single Leg    38:25 - 46:52
-High Single Leg - Mechanics    46:52 - 50:38
-Finishing Strategies for Single Legs    50:38 - 54:29
-Inside Reach/Outside Reach    54:29 - 57:49
-Attacking the Back Leg and Attacking the Front Leg    57:49

Volume 06
-Single Leg Finishes With One Leg - Kneeling Cutback    0:00 - 5:16
-Standing Cutback    5:16 - 8:31
-Tight Waist Cutback    8:31 - 14:27
-Running the Pipe/Dump    14:27 - 21:00
-Thigh Pry    21:00 - 24:11
-Foot Trip    24:11 - 28:05
-Back Side Finish    28:05 - 34:59
-Single Leg to Double Leg - Far Side Finish    34:59 - 40:16
-Near Side Finish    40:16 - 43:45
-Barzegar Finish    43:45 - 49:50
-Drop Double    49:50 - 53:25
-Back Side Double    53:25

Volume 07
-High Leg Finishes - De Ashi Harai    0:00 - 5:13
-Knee Pressure    5:13 - 10:47
-Harai Goshi    10:47 - 13:07
-Tree Topping    13:07 - 18:15
-Thigh Pry    18:15 - 21:13
-Outside High Leg    21:13 - 26:01
-Troubleshooting Single Leg - First Problem: Limp Leg    26:01 - 33:03
-First Problem: Limp Leg - Part 2    33:03 - 36:27
-Problem 2: Base    36:27 - 41:21
-Problem 3: Maintaining Stance    41:21

Volume 08
-Body Lock takedowns - My Philosophy of Body Lock Takedowns    0:00 - 5:17
-The Number 1 Method of Getting to Body Locks in Jiu-Jitsu &Submission Grappling    5:17 - 9:03
-Mechanics of Body Locking    9:03 - 16:16
-First Attack: Hip in Front - Power Twist (Uki Goshi)    16:16 - 23:32
-Power Twist - Part 2    23:32 - 27:15
-Second Attack: Hips Behind - Three Step Finish    27:15 - 32:55
-The two Step method    32:55 - 40:49
-Rotational Method    40:49 - 45:49
-Lifting Method    45:49 - 50:23
-Placido and Giancarlo Drill Body Locks    50:23 - 58:21
-Knee Sweep Method    58:21 - 1:02:04
-Third Attack: Taing the Back - Slide By    1:02:04

Volume 09
-Knee Pick (Kuchiki Daoshi) - The Relationship Between Leg Tackles, Body Locks and -Knee Picks    0:00 - 7:36
-Mechanics of the Knee Pick    7:36 - 19:54
-Failed Leg Tackle to Knee Pick    19:54 - 24:05
-Direct attacks From an Underhook    24:05 - 31:53
-Ankle Pick (Kibisu Gaeshi) - Mechanics and Tactics of Ankle Picking    31:53 - 42:03
-Front Headlock to Ankle Pick    42:03 - 45:17
-Front Headlock Cross Ankle Pick    45:17 - 48:19
-Double Pits Ankle Pick    48:19 - 56:59
-Collar Tie Ankle Pick    56:59 - 1:04:51
-Overtie Ankle Pick    1:04:51 - 1:07:03
-Underhook Ankle Pick    1:07:03 - 1:14:17
-Placido and Giancarlo Drill the Underhook Ankle Pick    1:14:17 - 1:19:01
-Floor Post Ankle Pick    1:19:01

Volume 10
-Takedowns That Employ Your Feet and Legs (Ashi-Waza) - Kouchi Gari - Arm Drag -Kouchi    0:00 - 9:51
-Kouchi Gari Hand Assist    9:51 - 16:02
-Kouchi From Overhook and Underhook    16:02 - 21:33
-Ouchi gari - Mechanics    21:33 - 25:44
-Double Triceps Ouchi Gari    25:44 - 35:10
-Collar and Elbow Ouchi Gari    35:10 - 37:37
-Placido and Giancarlo Drill Ouchi Gari    37:37 - 46:04
-De Ashi Harai - Mechanics    46:04 - 52:30
-De Ashi Off the Grip    52:30 - 57:06
-Collar Tie De Ashi    57:06 - 1:01:27
-Overhook De Ashi Harai    1:01:27 - 1:10:12
-Two On One De Ashi Harai    1:10:12 - 1:23:17
-Sesae Tsuri Komi Ashi - Mechanics    1:23:17 - 1:29:58
-Underhook Sasae    1:29:58 - 1:34:06
-Collartie    1:34:06 - 1:37:23
-Scoring Under Jiu-Jitsu Rule Set    1:37:23 - 1:46:02
-Scoring in a Competitive Jiu Jitsu Situation    1:46:02 - 1:54:10
-Takedowns Breakdowns and Scores    1:54:10

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