

Power Switch Guard Retention and Genius Back Takes by Mikey Musumeci

Learn From The Greatest American Jiu Jitsu Practitioner Of All Time

  • Transform your guard to levels you never thought possible
  • Understand guard retention like never before
  • Never have your guard passed again in training or competition
  • Learn to take everyone's back while using no strength
  • Great teaching and easy for anyone of any skill level, athletic level, age, or gender to learn

Course Content

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Volume 1



standard knee cut pass defense 0 - 3:19
transition to omoplata 3:19 - 4:51
transition to triangle 4:51 - 6:52
recovering after the knee is on the ground 6:52 - 10:08
long step knee cut pass defense 10:08 - 13:33
long step pass defense 13:33 - 17:02
long step pass option 2 17:02 - 19:33
over/under pass defense #1 19:33 - 23:54
over/under pass defense #2 23:54 - 27:00
over/under pass defense #3 27:00 - 31:03
over/under pass defense #4 31:03 - 35:17
over/under recap 35:17 - 37:44

Volume 2



addressing grips drill 0 - 2:07
inside grip torreando defense 2:07 - 6:10
torreando inside/outside grip defense 6:10 - 11:39
torreando defense to kiss of the dragon setup 11:39 - 16:08
kiss of the dragon to back take #1 16:08 - 24:10
long step pass defense 24:10 - 31:09
kiss of the dragon to crab ride 31:09 - 40:09

Volume 3



kiss of the dragon to twister hook 0 - 9:39
kiss of the dragon to butterfly hook 9:39 - 17:49
kiss of the dragon to butterfly roll back take 17:49 - 21:42
approach to guard 21:42 - 28:53
double under defense 28:53 - 33:51

Volume 4



x pass with outside grip defense 0 - 4:16
x pass with inside grip defense 4:16 - 8:25
half guard knee shield retention 8:25 - 15:48
submission sequence from half guard retention 15:48 - 30:02
kiss of the dragon to knee bar 30:02 - 34:11

Check Out The Trailer!

What Will You Learn?

On this instructional, Mikey shows all his best guard tactics, traps, and attacks as he leads you through a guard player masterclass! Mike, who is not only a genius on the mat but in the classroom as well, has turned Jiu Jitsu into his own laboratory. He understands that the best way to retain your guard is to learn how to stop every pass! He will tell you, as if you are there… the tips and tricks to stop every pass. Once you know how, all you have to do is do it!

Every problem has an answer (at least when it comes to jiu-jitsu). Every time you are on the mat, people are attacking, trying to pass your guard, pressure down and submit you. It’s time to take those attacks and turn them into your own opportunities. You can unlock that potential and turn your guard into a world of traps and bad decisions for the passer.

Mikey Musumeci is the standard when it comes to the innovative and modern style of aggressive guard play, mixed with tricky inversions and submission traps. He’s been crushing opponents on the black belt level with a well-studied and methodical game that is so bulletproof, even those who know what’s coming can’t stop it. That means one thing: the technique he is using is so effective, he’s able to rely on it no matter what. Mikey has used this knowledge to win at the highest levels of BJJ, with gold medals at Worlds, Pan Ams, and Abu Dhabi Pro. He wants to transfer this knowledge to you.

With years of knowledge under great professors like the Mendes brothers and Caio Terra and with first-hand experience forged in competition, Mikey is ready to show you to the tools he has used to never have his guard passed at the world championships. With this set, you can learn how he approaches his guard game, and how he uses his opponent’s own passes against them with his power switch system. You are going to learn how to counter these common attacks, and you’re going to hear how Mikey baits these attacks, and gauges and “feels out” an opponent. By combining technique with mindset and strategy, Mikey makes this a can’t miss series.

There is no better position in grappling than taking control of a person’s back, and no position that is more important to get to. With razor skill, Mikey is one of the best ever when it comes to finding the back, so much so that he pulls it off against other world champions. As a master and innovator in taking the back, there’s no one better to learn from as Mikey shows off variation after variation that he uses to roll and find his back control.

With every major modern pass covered, Mikey turns this into an encyclopedia for modern guard players. With detailed explanation, you’ll learn how to counter everything from knee slides and pressure passes to torreando and x passes. In every position, you’ll get the simple adjustments Mikey makes to always stay one step ahead of the competition. Over 4 volumes, you’ll be getting an answer to every problem that you are going to see in the gym or in competition.

Turn Every Pass Into An Opportunity

Mikey starts his series with some detailed advice on dealing with one of grappling’s most common passes, the knee cut. With a detailed, technical eye, you’ll see Mikey start to introduce his power guard switching system that lets him flow and move, always exploiting his opponent’s choices to create even better opportunities. See the precise grips he is using, the hooks he relies on, and what he is thinking as he stays one step ahead. Once you are able to turn that knee cut into your own guard motion, Mikey brings you through some of his favorite counters to over/under passes, one of the most problematic attacks against a guard player like Musumeci. Mikey’s thought process is the same, as he applies his guard retention system and gives variation after variation that lead to better positions and submission opportunities. No matter the pass, Mikey is able to get back what’s important;using his frames and hooks to flow into a better angle and a better position, and those small details are why he is the caliber of champion he is today. Once you have this system down, your guard will jump levels, and you too will have the knowledge that you can attack from your back with no fear of the pass.

Mikey Musumeci could be easily mistaken for a human backpack. Every time you see him fight, he is aggressive on constantly hunting the back, eager to sink in his hooks before applying a choke. Now, those techniques are here and are broken down in detail. Learn exactly what he does, how he does it, and why it works against even the best in the world. Mikey leaves nothing back as he explains his solutions to every defense or counter he encounters as he takes the back. Mikey chains the modern berimbolos and kiss of the dragon rolls with his own patented crab ride attacks and twister hooks to bring you a fully developed, comprehensive set that will give new perspective to any grappler.

Plus much, much more…

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
standard knee cut pass defense
transition to omoplata
transition to triangle
recovering after the knee is on the ground
long step knee cut pass defense
long step pass defense
long step pass option 2
over/under pass defense #1
over/under pass defense #2
over/under pass defense #3
over/under pass defense #4
over/under recap

Part 2
addressing grips drill
inside grip torreando defense
torreando inside/outside grip defense
torreando defense to kiss of the dragon setup
kiss of the dragon to back take #1
long step pass defense
kiss of the dragon to crab ride

Part 3
kiss of the dragon to twister hook
kiss of the dragon to butterfly hook
kiss of the dragon to butterfly roll back take
approach to guard
double under defense

Part 4
x pass with outside grip defense
x pass with inside grip defense
half guard knee shield retention
submission sequence from half guard retention
kiss of the dragon to knee bar

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