

The Fastest Way: To Increase Your Submission Percentage (No Gi) by John Danaher

Finish More Opponents Than Ever With John Danaher’s Must-Have 8-Part Masterclass On Rapidly Improving Your Ability To Secure Submissions! 

  • John Danaher is a legendary coach and instructor who is responsible for cultivating some of the very best athletes in combat sports!
  • Focus your game around high percentage techniques to take the back, secure dominant controls, and finish with the king of submissions the rear strangle!
  • Discover finishing details to the rear strangle and its many variations that John has perfected over his legendary career!
  • Develop a diverse armdrag system from open guard that forces opponents to expose their back for high-percentage back takes.
  • Take the back from everywhere including from standing, half guard, open guard, closed guard, mount, side mount, and even from inferior positions!
  • Turn the tables on opponents and go from inferior positions like the mount all the way to the back with John’s battle-tested concepts.
  • Transform the classic elbow escape into an even more powerful technique you can use to shift the entire match in your favor with precise calculated back takes!

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction 0
Nothing Beats The Back - How To Increase Your Submission Rate: The 4 Key Factors 3:12
The 3 Gateways To The Back: Training Your Mind To See Opportunities 10:37
The Rear Strangle Hold Is The Most High Percentage Submission In Jiu Jitsu 22:33
Building A Program To Maximize Your Submission Progress In Minimum Time - Getting To The Back From Everywhere - Getting To The Back From Neutral Position - Front Headlock - Chin Strap Go Behind 35:39
Wrist Block Go Behind 41:28
Arm Drag Go Behind 46:04
Straight Knee Block Go Behind 51:24
Cross Knee Block Go Behind 58:11
Head Block Go Behind 1:01:00
Misdirection Go Behind 1:06:40
Going Behind When Your Opponent Changes To 4 Point Stance - Kosoto Go Behind 1:11:14
4 Point Misdirection 1:15:21
4 Point Breakdown 1:18:26
Clearing A Leg 1:21:47

Volume 2



Open Guard - Rising Arm Drag 0
Rising Drag To Go Behind 3:00
Scooting Arm Drag 5:05
Far Side Arm Drag 10:02
Hiza Guruma Arm Drag 16:44
Weave Drags 23:00
Sumi Gaeshi Arm Drag 27:31
A Different Phiosophy Of Finishing Arm Drags: The Post And Pull Method 30:56
Elevator Drag 35:55
Arm Drag On Standing Opponent 39:22
Elbow Post 45:41
Snapdowns - Heist And Snap 50:23
Snap And Catch To The Back 54:03
Front Headlock Sumi Gaeshi Go Behind 58:45
Sumi Gaeshi To Go Behind 1:02:57
Reverse De La Riva Inversions 1:07:07

Volume 3



Taking The Back From Half Guard - Knee Lever Elbow Post 0
Duck Under 5:35
Limp Arm 13:57
Walk Around 23:29
The Pull Through 28:27
Far Side Hook 32:17
Deep Half Guard Back Take 36:13
Closed Guard Back Takes - Closed Guard Elbow Post 41:40
Double Underhooks Back Take 51:23

Volume 4



Taking The Back From Dominant Position - Getting The Back From The Mount - Single Arm Chest Wrap To The Back 0
Mount Bolo 10:09
Side Mount To Rear Mount - Elbow Block Go Behind 16:31
Seated Entry To Rear Mount 22:24
Getting To The Back From Inferior Position - Elbow Escape To The Back 29:08
Elbow Escape To The Back Part 2 35:20
Kipping Escape To Take The Back 39:21

Volume 5



Taking The Back From Side Control Bottom - Coming Up With A Tight Waist 0
Coming Up To Single Leg 10:06
Coming Up To Front Headlock From The Back 15:54
Chest Lock Sitout To The Back 21:01
Taking The Back From Leg Entanglements - Taking The Back From Ashi Garami 30:07
Taking The Back From Cross Ashi Garami (Turning Away) 39:14
Taking The Back From Cross Ashi Garami (Turning Towards) 44:23
Taking The Back From 50/50 Entanglements 50:31
Back Side 50/50 To The Back 57:47
The Side Bolo 1:02:48

Volume 6



Maintaining The Back - Upper Body Control - Seatbelt 0
Reverse Seatbelt 10:28
Rear Body Lock 15:08
Tight Waist 20:40
Thigh Pry 23:54
Claw Grip 28:18
Lower Body Control - The Most Important Lower Body Controls 32:47
Integrating Upper Body And Lower Body Control - Seatbelt Sag 49:40
2 On 1 Leg Method 58:45
Breakdown Method 1:11:54
Far Side First Method 1:21:26
Near Side Hook First Seatbelt Second Method 1:27:37
Shoulder Pressure Method 1:35:55

Volume 7



Two Crucial Principles Of Back Control - Diagonal Control 0
The Principle Of Knees And Elbows 4:00
Classic Back Retention Drill 9:32
Finishing Mechanics Of Rear Strangle 19:03
One Handed Strangle 24:13
Linear Mandible Strangle 27:58
Turning Mandible Strangle 33:02
Palm To Palm Strangle 35:51
Understanding The Problem That You're Trying To Solve 44:19
Winning The Hand Fight - Straight Jacket Method 52:41
Understanding The Straight Jacket System In Minimum Time 1:04:01
Strangling Without An Arm Trap - Top Hand Position Method 1:12:20
The Hidden Hand Method 1:25:03
The Gravity Drop 1:32:16
Strangle First Methods 1:45:05

Volume 8



Building A System Of Strangles Beyond The Rear Strangle - Kata Gatame 0
Reverse Kata Gatame 6:37
Back Kata Gatame - Bottom Elbow Variation 11:08
Turn Away Bottom Elbow 23:24
Prone Variation 29:14
North South Strangle 33:46
Ushiro Sankaku (Rear Triangle) 40:32


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What Will You Learn?

The Fastest Way series is designed to explore the unique mindset of John Danaher and his proven methods of rapidly improving students ability to be highly successful with the essentials of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. With the first installment John looks to focus on increasing your submission rate with an 8-part masterclass on next-level conceptual ideas, decisive back takes, crippling back controls, and masterful methods of finishing the rear strangle!

While John simplifies the process of gaining a higher submission rate, every overarching concept is broken down into granular detail. Giving you every invaluable insight from Danaher himself! This includes comprehensive systems of taking the back from open guard, closed guard, half guard, leg entanglements, inferior positions, and more! The series also explores countless ways to maintain dominant back positioning and set yourself up for the finish. John even includes several of the best complimentary submissions including the back kata gatame, rear triangle, and north/south strangle.

The series will improve your ability to secure the back more often and from a wider range of scenarios, maintain control of the position, and finish more opponents than ever! Whether you are just starting out or you are a long-time veteran of the sport, The Fastest Way To Increase Your Submission Percentage No-Gi will drastically improve your submission rate regardless of opponent’s size or athletic ability. Submit more opponents than ever with over 10 hours of content from Legendary Instructor John Danher!

So, What's On The Series?



Nothing Beats The Back

How To Increase Your Submission Rate: The 4 Key Factors

The 3 Gateways To The Back: Training Your Mind To See Opportunities

The Rear Strangle Hold Is The Most High Percentage Submission In Jiu Jitsu

Building A Program To Maximize Your Submission Progress In Minimum Time

Getting To The Back From Everywhere

Getting To The Back From Neutral Position

Front Headlock

Chin Strap Go Behind

Wrist Block Go Behind

Arm Drag Go Behind

Straight Knee Block Go Behind

Cross Knee Block Go Behind

Head Block Go Behind

Misdirection Go Behind

Going Behind When Your Opponent Changes To 4 Point Stance

Kosoto Go Behind

4 Point Misdirection

4 Point Breakdown

Clearing A Leg



Open Guard

Rising Arm Drag

Rising Drag To Go Behind

Scooting Arm Drag

Far Side Arm Drag

Hiza Guruma Arm Drag

Weave Drags

Sumi Gaeshi Arm Drag

A Different Philosophy Of Finishing Arm Drags: The Post And Pull Method

Elevator Drag

Arm Drag On Standing Opponent

Elbow Post


Heist And Snap

Snap And Catch To The Back

Front Headlock Sumi Gaeshi Go Behind

Sumi Gaeshi To Go Behind

Reverse De La Riva Inversions



Taking The Back From Half Guard

Knee Lever Elbow Post

Duck Under

Limp Arm

Walk Around

The Pull Through

Far Side Hook

Deep Half Guard Back Take

Closed Guard Back Takes

Closed Guard Elbow Post

Double Underhooks Back Take



Taking The Back From Dominant Position

Getting The Back From The Mount

Single Arm Chest Wrap To The Back

Mount Bolo

Side Mount To Rear Mount

Elbow Block Go Behind

Seated Entry To Rear Mount

Getting To The Back From Inferior Position

Elbow Escape To The Back

Elbow Escape To The Back Part 2

Kipping Escape To Take The Back



Taking The Back From Side Control Bottom

Coming Up With A Tight Waist

Coming Up To Single Leg

Coming Up To Front Headlock From The Back

Chest Lock Sitout To The Back

Taking The Back From Leg Entanglements

Taking The Back From Ashi Garami

Taking The Back From Cross Ashi Garami (Turning Away)

Taking The Back From Cross Ashi Garami (Turning Towards)

Taking The Back From 50/50 Entanglements

Back Side 50/50 To The Back

The Side Bolo



Maintaining The Back

Upper Body Control


Reverse Seatbelt

Rear Body Lock

Tight Waist

Thigh Pry

Claw Grip

Lower Body Control

The Most Important Lower Body Controls

Integrating Upper Body And Lower Body Control

Seatbelt Sag

2 On 1 Leg Method

Breakdown Method

Far Side First Method

Near Side Hook First Seatbelt Second Method

Shoulder Pressure Method



Two Crucial Principles Of Back Control

Diagonal Control

The Principle Of Knees And Elbows

Classic Back Retention Drill

Finishing Mechanics Of Rear Strangle

One Handed Strangle

Linear Mandible Strangle

Turning Mandible Strangle

Palm To Palm Strangle

Understanding The Problem That You're Trying To Solve

Winning The Hand Fight

Straight Jacket Method

Understanding The Straight Jacket System In Minimum Time

Strangling Without An Arm Trap

Top Hand Position Method

The Hidden Hand Method

The Gravity Drop

Strangle First Methods



Building A System Of Strangles Beyond The Rear Strangle

Kata Gatame

Reverse Kata Gatame

Back Kata Gatame

Bottom Elbow Variation

Turn Away Bottom Elbow

Prone Variation

North South Strangle

Ushiro Sankaku  (Rear Triangle)

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