

Exit The System by Garry Tonon

John Danaher Has Shown The World How To Enter His Elite Submission Systems: Now His Prize Student Garry Tonon Shares The Secrets On How To Exit All Of Them Unscathed

  • Garry Is The Most Exciting Grappler On Earth - Because He Fears No Submission, He Has The Answers To Escape Anything - Over 5 Hours Of Content
  • Learn the same escaping protocols and strategies that Garry used at the highest levels of competition against some of the most deadly fighters on Earth like Rousimar “Toquinho” Palhares (aka Paul Harris), Gilbert “Durinho” Burns &Vinny Maghales
  • John Danaher takes pride not in only how well Garry competes, but also how well he teaches
  • You will experience one of the most conceptual geniuses alive in Garry and you will get explanations as clear as John’s - this is the most comprehensive Submission Grappling Escapes Video ever made
  • Become more dangerous from everywhere

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction: The Importance of studying submission escapes 1:35 - 5:26
Training Methodology of escapes 5:26 - 7:26
Philosophy of training escapes 7:26 - 11:27
How to Solve problems on defense 11:27 - 17:44
The 4 Stages of Defense 17:44 - 24:04
ARMBAR - Introduction 24:04 - 24:52
Prevention From Top 24:52 - 31:57
Prevention From Bottom 31:57 - 36:33
Full Juji Turning Escape 36:33 - 42:08
Full Juji Stack Escape 42:08 - 47:45
Crossed Full Juji 47:45 - 51:52
Combination Escape 51:52 - 56:07
¾ Juji 56:07 - 1:00:23
The Top Lock Escape 1:00:23 - 1:04:41
¼ Juji 1:04:41 - 1:07:39

Volume 2



KIMURA - Introduction0 - 2:31
Topside Prevention2:31 - 7:34
Bottom Side Prevention7:34 - 11:32
Full Guard Escape11:32 - 15:06
Side Control Top15:06 - 18:48
Turtle18:48 - 21:40
Half Guard Top21:40 - 24:43
Half Guard Bottom24:43 - 28:53
T Kimura The Late Escape28:53 - 33:55
T Kimura Leg Frame33:55 - 37:34
Side Control Bottom37:34 - 39:36
Single Leg39:36 - 41:59

Volume 3



GUILLOTINE - Overview 0 - 1:16
Low Elbow Guillotine 1:16 - 5:47
Late Escape High Elbow 5:47 - 7:56
Arm-In Guillotine 7:56 - 11:52
High Elbow Guillotine 11:52 - 14:31
Figure 4 Guillotine 14:31 - 16:40
Arm Spin Escape 16:40 - 20:07
Half Guard Bottom 20:07 - 22:53

Volume 4



TRIANGLES - Overview0 - 1:53
Prevention: Front and Reverse Triangle1:53 - 5:48
Prevention: Part 2 Intercepting Legs5:48 - 8:51
Prevention: Part 3 The Shoulder Turn8:51 - 11:24
Front Triangle Early Escape11:24 - 14:35
Front Triangle Late Escape14:35 - 18:18
Back Triangle Prevention18:18 - 22:42
Back Triangles22:42 - 28:14
Reverse Triangles28:14 - 31:31
Side Triangle - Yoko Sankaku31:31 - 34:52
Inverted Triangle Escapes34:52 - 37:45

Volume 5



kata gatame (darce anaconda) - Introduction 0 - 2:35
Front Headlock 2:35 - 5:42
Inverted Kata gatame/Darce 5:42 - 11:06
Standard Kata Gatame / Anaconda Strangle 11:06 - 14:27
Mounted Kata Gatame 14:27 - 18:51
BACK ESCAPES - Overview 18:51 - 23:35
Figure 4 Body Lock Escapes 23:35 - 27:07

Volume 6



heel hooks - Intro 0 - 4:44
irimi / Standard Ashi Garami 4:44 - 8:28
Outside Ashi Garami 8:28 - 13:05
50 / 50 13:05 - 18:31
Inside Sankaku / Inside Heel Hook 18:31 - 23:53
ACHILLES LOCKS - Overview 23:53 - 28:04
Sit-Out Escape 28:04 - 31:05
Rotational Escape 31:05 - 35:16

Volume 7



toe holds - Overview 0 - 3:25
Single Leg Toehold Escapes 3:25 - 6:47
Double Trouble Toehold 6:47 - 10:29
KNEE BARS - Overview 10:29 - 12:46
Single Leg Knee Bar 12:46 - 16:39
Double Leg Lat Knee Bar 16:39 - 20:43

Volume 8



omoplata - Overview 0 - 2:43
Knee Wedge Escape 2:43 - 4:13
Step Over Escape 4:13 - 6:06
The Roll Through Late Escape 6:06 - 8:59
LIVE TRAINING 8:59 - 10:13
Mounted 10:13 - 14:11
Front Headlock 14:11 - 17:43
50 / 50 17:43 - 21:33
Juji Gatame 21:33 - 25:14
Trap Triangle 25:14 - 28:43
Back Attack 28:43 - 32:33
Full Guard 32:33 - 36:40
OUTRO 36:40 - 38:48

John Danaher Has Shown The World How To Enter His Elite Submission Systems: Now His Prize Student Garry Tonon Shares The Secrets On How To Exit All Of Them Unscathed 

Garry Is The Most Exciting Grappler On Earth - Because He Fears No Submission, He Has The Answers To Escape Anything - Over 5 Hours Of Content

Guillotine Half Guard Bottom Escape:

What Will You Learn?

Learn the same escaping protocols and strategies that Garry used at the highest levels of competition against some of the most deadly fighters on Earth like Rousimar “Toquinho” Palhares (aka Paul Harris), Gilbert “Durinho” Burns &Vinny Maghales.  Also learn how and how anyone can use these simple techniques to get out of locked in dangerous submission attacks.

Garry has made a career out of fighting the toughest submission grapplers on Earth and getting out of submission attacks that were locked in tight, and now you can learn his secret keys to defense in Exit The System by Garry Tonon.

John Danaher takes pride not in only how well Garry competes, but also how well he teaches.  You will experience one of the most conceptual geniuses alive in Garry and you will get explanations as clear as John’s - this is the most comprehensive Submission Grappling Escapes Video ever made.  Garry is an experienced coach who begins this analytic series by breaking down his approach to aggressively attacking the escape, and the different layers of submission defense that will let you work systematically.

This tactical thinking is common among students of John Danaher and his coaching style, and Garry explains all of the moves he uses in full and thorough detail. Build your submissions around the right philosophy and understand how to implement this series into your game safely with Garry’s advice.

Study the most common submission threats in Submission Grappling and then how to counter each hold as Garry breaks down his systematic escapes that make him one of the best in the world. See the exact escaping mechanics from joint locks like the armbar and heel hook that will let you keep your limbs intact from those breaking threats, and how you can not only prevent but counter into your own offense.

Not only will you be able to defend joint locks, but you can also work your way out of tight chokes and strangles with these systematic steps. Keep your cool and you can find the little spaces that you can follow to daylight, and the most effective and efficient ways to get back to good position where you can attack again.

With your escapes and defenses as strong as they can be, you can reach your potential. Once you can attack without fear of giving up bad positions, your game can open up in new and exciting ways. Learn how to make this defense a reliable and strong part of your game with Garry Tonon’s 8-volume escape manual, Exit The System.

Front Triangle Late Escape:

So What Exactly Do You Get?

Volume 1:


Introduction: The Importance of studying submission escapes 

Training Methodology of escapes 

Philosophy of training escapes

How to Solve problems on defense 

The 4 Stages of Defense

ARMBAR - Introduction

Prevention From Top

Prevention From Bottom 

Full Juji Turning Escape 

Full Juji Stack Escape 

Crossed Full Juji 

Combination Escape 

¾ Juji 

The Top Lock Escape 

¼ Juji

Volume 2:

KIMURA - Introduction 

Topside Prevention

Bottom Side Prevention 

Full Guard Escape 

Side Control Top


Half Guard Top 

Half Guard Bottom

T Kimura The Late Escape 

T Kimura Leg Frame 

Side Control Bottom 

Single Leg

Volume 3:

GUILLOTINE - Overview 

Low Elbow Guillotine 

Late Escape High Elbow 

Arm-In Guillotine

High Elbow Guillotine 

Figure 4 Guillotine 

Arm Spin Escape 

Half Guard Bottom

Volume 4:

TRIANGLES - Overview 

Prevention: Front and Reverse Triangle 

Prevention: Part 2 Intercepting Legs 

Prevention: Part 3 The Shoulder Turn 

Front Triangle Early Escape 

Front Triangle Late Escape 

Back Triangle Prevention 

Back Triangles 

Reverse Triangles 

Side Triangle - Yoko Sankaku 

Inverted Triangle Escapes

Volume 5:

kata gatame (darce anaconda) - Introduction

Front Headlock

Inverted Kata gatame/Darce 

Standard Kata Gatame / Anaconda Strangle

Mounted Kata Gatame 

BACK ESCAPES - Overview 

Figure 4 Body Lock Escapes

Volume 6:

heel hooks - Intro 

irimi / Standard Ashi Garami 

Outside Ashi Garami 

50 / 50 

Inside Sankaku / Inside Heel Hook 


Sit-Out Escape

Rotational Escape

Volume 7:

toe holds - Overview

Single Leg Toehold Escapes 

Double Trouble Toehold 

KNEE BARS - Overview 

Single Leg Knee Bar 

Double Leg Lat Knee Bar 


Volume 8:

omoplata - Overview

Knee Wedge Escape

Step Over Escape

The Roll Through Late Escape



Front Headlock 

50 / 50 

Juji Gatame 

Trap Triangle 

Back Attack 

Full Guard 


What Does It All Cost?

Well, that depends, what is it worth to be able to escape any position?  Escapes are perhaps the most important aspect to progression and generating a strong attacking game.

Garry Tonon is one of the most sought after instructors in the world. We could have easily charged you $347 but we're not going to do that.  Instead cut that price by almost 50%

That's right, learn to "Exit the System" with Garry Tonon for just:



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