

Old School Efficient BJJ by Chris Haueter

Discover the Old School Tricks &Grappling Hacks One of The First 12 Non Brazilian Black Belts Ever Uses To Easily Beat Up 20 something Black Belts - Even At A Battle Worn 52 Years Old

  • Chris Haueter, The Man Who Has The Most Prolific BJJ Seminar Tour In the World
  • A Jiu Jitsu Game So Efficient, That No Matter How Old Or Un-athletic You Are: His Secrets Will Work
  • This is simple, effective "old school" bjj
  • Re-discover all of the basics at an entirely new level
  • Old School Efficient BJJ

Course Content

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Volume 1



intro to closed guard choke w/self-defense concepts 0 - 10:57
cross choke from the closed guard using overhook grip 10:57 - 13:21
arm bar series from the closed guard 13:21 - 19:13
fundamental guard sweep with some variations 19:13 - 32:41
countering the guard pass + counter for over-under guard pass 32:41 - 34:44
butterfly sweep and variations + de la riva guard + spider guard entry 34:44 - 1:03:15

Volume 2



standard fundamental guard opening 0 - 15:33
open guard passing based on three opponents reactions 15:33 - 17:56
double under pass 17:56 - 20:50
stacking spider guard pass 20:50 - 24:45
spider lasso pass 24:45 - 26:23
passing the z guard 26:23 - 28:48

Volume 3



side control series 0 - 21:21
knee ride, cross sides, mount and back 21:21 - 27:14
rnc fundamental series 27:14 - 42:07
power arm bar from side mounted control + strait jacket side control 42:07 - 47:11
arm bar defense/reverse hitch hiker 47:11 - 50:42
counter for stalling people inside the closed guard using the omoplata 50:42 - 54:52
knee bar from turtle + side control bridge escape 54:52 - 59:58
headlock snap down finishing w/neck crank + escape from the front head lock 59:58 - 1:10:14

Volume 4



strategy for master divsion 0 - 2:56
series of drills to improve the guard #1 2:56 - 11:25
series of drills to improve the guard #2 11:25 - 18:39
series of drills to improve the guard #3 18:39 - 20:36
series of drills to improve the guard #4 20:36 - 26:02
MMA concepts 1 26:02 - 33:29
MMA concepts 2 33:29 - 37:34
MMA concepts 3 37:34 - 39:04
MMA concepts 4 39:04 - 45:56
MMA concepts 5 45:56 - 54:43

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What Will You Learn?

Chris Haueter started doing BJJ with the Machados (Gracie Family Cousins) long before the UFC was even a thought. As a striker, Chris had an extensive Boxing &wrestling background and had won enough scraps on the street in his twenties that he knew that ignoring the practicalities of real striking and grappling would be a huge mistake. In the late 1980s he set out to learn wrestling as a martial art - realizing how effective it was compared to the softer martial arts.

The series explores the essentials of Old School BJJ and focuses on creating a real-world system that ANYONE can learn. Chris Haueter is a long-time practitioner of the art and has adapted what he has learned from the best minds in Jiu-Jitsu and has presented in his 4-part masterclass on Old School Efficient BJJ

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
intro to closed guard choke w/self-defense concepts
cross choke from the closed guard using overhook grip
arm bar series from the closed guard
fundamental guard sweep with some variations
countering the guard pass + counter for over-under guard pass
butterfly sweep and variations + de la riva guard + spider guard entry

Part 2
standard fundamental guard opening
open guard passing based on three opponents reactions
double under pass
stacking spider guard pass
spider lasso pass
passing the z guard

Part 3
side control series
knee ride, cross sides, mount and back
RNC fundamental series
power arm bar from side mounted control + strait jacket side control
arm bar defense/reverse hitch hiker
counter for stalling people inside the closed guard using the omoplata
knee bar from turtle + side control bridge escape
headlock snap down finishing w/neck crank + escape from the front head lock

Part 4
strategy for master division
series of drills to improve the guard #1
series of drills to improve the guard #2
series of drills to improve the guard #3
series of drills to improve the guard #4
MMA concepts 1
MMA concepts 2
MMA concepts 3
MMA concepts 4
MMA concepts 5

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