Maintain Back Control At All Costs With Championship MMA Trainer Firas Zahabi’s Guide To Holding Grappling’s Most Dominant Position Through All Their Escape Attempts!
- Keep grappling safest position, the back, with Firas’s techniques for understanding the escape and shutting it down fast
- Regain that secure control of the back with knee bumps, elbow drags, and other techniques Firas relies on
- Coach Firas Zahabi is a MMA guru who has trained world class champions like Georges St. Pierre &Rory MacDonald
Digital Video + Flow Chart & Visual Notes
Watching our videos is the best way to learn, but it can be hard to remember everything. Deepen your understanding of the concepts in this video by adding flowcharts, plus notes with embedded videos. You’ll learn this system better and more quickly!
Course Content
Volume 1
Introduction | 0 |
Rule #1 | 1:08 |
Trap the Pinky | 2:54 |
Limp Arm | 5:40 |
Straight Jacket | 8:06 |
Diagonal Control | 9:29 |
Crucifix | 12:11 |
Elbow Prop | 17:19 |
Pendulum | 20:08 |
Retaking the Back | 25:18 |
Half Guard Variation | 28:27 |
Butterfly Hook Variation | 29:18 |
Volume 2
Elbow Drag | 0 |
Retaking the Back on Other Side | 2:50 |
Arm Clamp | 3:57 |
Zip Tie | 8:22 |
Top Hook Escape | 12:59 |
Posture | 14:33 |
Knee Bump to Lock Down | 14:56 |
Twister Hook | 16:35 |
Collar Hitch | 22:39 |
Trap The Arms And Control The Head With Crucifixes, Straight Jacket Hooks, And More!
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What Will You Learn?
The longer you can spend with back control, the more you are winning the fight. With safety from their attacks and the ability to start locking on chokes, the back is quite possibly the best position in grappling and MMA. Now, you can learn from one of MMA’s greatest minds with Firas Zahabi’s Control Freak series on back control.
Coach Firas Zahabi is the head coach of Tristar MMA, the premier training facility in Montreal where great champions like Georges St. Pierre and Rory MacDonald have sought his guidance. Coach Zahabi is one of the most technical, methodical, and well rounded coaches in the game (including a BJJ black belt under Professor John Danaher).
Stay on the back by predicting their escapes with easy-to-understand advice from Coach Zahabi, giving yourself maximized chance at finishing the fight. Use elbow drags, lockdowns, knee bumps, butterfly hooks, and more as tools so you can realign your body and stay in control.
Use back control variations like the crucifix, straight jacket, twister hook, and more to give you options to stay behind the opposition and cycle through offense. The secret to grappling success over time is control, and Firas’s series is built to maximize this important concept with effective techniques anyone can use.
So, What Exactly Do You Get?