
Efficiently Executing Ashi Garami by Giancarlo Bodoni

ADCC Champ, New Wave athlete and BJJ Fanatics best-seller, Giancarlo Bodoni is BACK with another EPIC series all about one of the most popular positions in the world, Ashi Garami.

  • This series is a start to finish approach where Bodoni is going to show you the basics and control of the positions, the fundamentals needed to maintain control of your opponent and TONS of attacks including sweeps and submissions.
  • Giancarlo has been known for being an extremely high level guard player who is able to implement his game at the highest level.
  • Having received his belts under the 6x Black Belt World Champion, Lucas Lepri and then shifting his focus to No Gi and training under John Danaher for the last 4 years, he has become a household name and ADCC champ largely in part to his guard.
  • Change your guard!

Course Content

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Volume 1



Intro 0
General Overview 1:04
Directions of off Balance 14:23 - (27:27)

Volume 2



Ashi Garami - Ashi Garami Connection Test 0
Connection Test Kneeling To Standing 7:23
Elevation Drill 10:31
Basic Ashi Garami Sweep 15:35
Double Leg Ashi 26:34 - (32:22)

Volume 3



Ankle Pull Variation 0
Misdirection Variation 4:22
Reinserting Foot When Opponent Splits The Legs 10:21
Tripod Sweep 17:57
Double Shin Sweep 23:53 - (30:24)

Volume 4



Butterfly Ashi 0
Butterfly Ashi To Get To Secondary Leg 10:07
Butterfly Ashi To Reverse Tripod 18:27
Sweeping Out Far Leg 26:55 - (37:17)

Volume 5



Kneeling Variation 0
Heisting On Kneeling Opponent 10:29
Entering The Far Leg When They Push Back 20:47
Following A Back Step 24:11
Options From The Shin Pin 28:55 - (38:27)

Volume 6



Winning The Positional Battle - Getting On Top From Double Seated 0
Straight Achilles Lock 14:40
Belly Down 25:04
Belly Up 30:39 - (36:53)

Volume 7



Maintaining Pressure Through Defensive Reactions 0
Relationship Between Twisting Locks And Linear Locks 13:02
Outside Heel Hook Inside Ashi Belly Up Finish 17:33
Following The Roll With Inside Ashi 24:40
Switch To Outside Ashi 32:53 - (39:11)

Volume 8



Entering Outside Heel Hook Kneeling 0
Baiting The Turn To Enter Cross Ashi 10:00
Convert To Knee Bar 17:05
Just Come Up 21:09
Just Come Up Again 29:06 - (34:42)

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What Will You Learn?

ADCC Champ, New Wave athlete and BJJ Fanatics best-seller, Giancarlo Bodoni is BACK with another EPIC series all about one of the most popular positions in the world, Ashi Garami. This series is a start to finish approach where Bodoni is going to show you the basics and control of the positions, the fundamentals needed to maintain control of your opponent and TONS of attacks including sweeps and submissions.

Giancarlo has been known for being an extremely high level guard player who is able to implement his game at the highest level. A BIG staple in his guard game is the Ashi Garami. Having received his belts under the 6x Black Belt World Champion, Lucas Lepri and then shifting his focus to No Gi and training under John Danaher for the last 4 years, he has become a household name and ADCC champ largely in part to his guard. His Ashi Garami is WORLD Class!

What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1

  • Intro
  • General Overview
  • Directions of Off Balance

Part 2

  • Ashi Garami - Ashi Garami Connection Test
  • Connection Test Kneeling to Standing
  • Elevation Drill
  • Basic Ashi Garami Sweep
  • Double Leg Ashi

Part 3

  • Ankle Pull Variation
  • Misdirection Variation
  • Reinserting Foot When Opponent Splits the Legs
  • Tripod Sweep
  • Double Shin Sweep

Part 4

  • Butterfly Ashi
  • Butterfly Ashi to Get to Secondary Leg
  • Butterfly Ashi to Reverse Tripod
  • Sweeping Out Far Leg

Part 5

  • Kneeling Variation
  • Heisting on Kneeling Opponent
  • Entering the Far Leg When They Push Back
  • Following a Back Step
  • Options from the Shin Pin

Part 6

  • Winning the Positional Battle - Getting on Top from Double Seated
  • Straight Achilles Lock
  • Belly Down
  • Belly Up

Part 7

  • Maintaining Pressure Through Defensive Reactions
  • Relationship Between Twisting Locks and Linear Locks
  • Outside Heel Hook Inside Ashi Belly Up Finish
  • Following the Roll with Inside Ashi
  • Switch to Outside Ashi

Part 8

  • Entering Outside Heel Hook Kneeling
  • Baiting the Turn to Enter Cross Ashi
  • Convert to Knee Bar
  • Just Come Up
  • Just Come Up Again


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