
Forever On Top Control by Tum Energia

Tum Energia is a world class instructor who has built up a loyal following due to his ability to articulate technique and breakdown even the most complex concepts into easy to understand simple ones

  • This series focuses on maintaining control of an opponent when on top and specifically when on top in dominant positions
  • Learn how to expose small holes and open up the opportunity for progression and submissions.  
  • This series will take your top game to the next level. Tum puts a lot of emphasis on the quality of his instructional videos and this one is no exception, it is absolutely world class.
  • Have you struggled to go from side to mount and then mount to back? Do people escape or retain? Unable to open up submission opportunities once on top? This is your chance to dominate and see the simplicity in maintaining top. 

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction 0
Terminology 0:35
Chapter 1 - Side Control - Concepts And Mechanics Drill 1:21
Side Control, Kesa Gatame And Ushiro Kesa Gatame Positions 5:13
Reactive Flow 12:01
Submissions Sequence 18:26 - (24:43)

Volume 2



Chapter 2 - North South - Low North South 0
Maintaining Top Control And Adding Submissions 5:29
High North South 15:15 - (23:58)

Volume 3



Chapter 3 - Scarfhold &Crucifix - Scarfhold 0
Crucifix 10:08
Outro 17:26 - (19:30)

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What Will You Learn?

Tum Energia is a world class instructor who has built up a loyal following due to his ability to articulate technique and breakdown even the most complex concepts into easy to understand simple ones.  This series focuses on maintaining control of an opponent when on top and specifically when on top in dominant positions. Learn how to expose small holes and open up the opportunity for progression and submissions. 

This series will take your top game to the next level. Tum puts a lot of emphasis on the quality of his instructional videos and this one is no exception, it is absolutely world class. Have you struggled to go from side to mount and then mount to back? Do people escape or retain? Unable to open up submission opportunities once on top? This is your chance to dominate and see the simplicity in maintaining top. 

What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1

  • Introduction
  • Terminology
  • Chapter 1 - Side Control - Concepts And Mechanics Drill
  • Side Control, Kesa Gatame And Ushiro Kesa Gatame Positions
  • Reactive Flow
  • Submissions Sequence

Part 2

  • Chapter 2 - North South - Low North South
  • Maintaining Top Control And Adding Submissions
  • High North South

Part 3

  • Chapter 3 - Scarfhold &Crucifix - Scarfhold
  • Crucifix
  • Outro
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