

Hidden BJJ Secrets by Luiz Panza

Luiz Panza is a 2x Black Belt Pan Am Champion

  • Learn this unique system that Luiz uses to dominate top level competition
  • Unorthodox one handed foot locks and weird sweeps that work
  • Luiz developed this system training with Leandro Lo, Murilo Sanatana, Buchecha and other monsters
  • His footlocks are like nothing you have ever seen
  • Luiz has tapped some of the best competitors in the world

Course Content

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Volume 1



intro 0 - 1:35
YOGA BREATHING 1:35 - 9:10
WARMING UP 9:10 - 10:15
Table Top 10:15 - 13:07
Cat/Cows 13:07 - 16:37
Large Joints 16:37 - 28:38
Bear Pose 28:38 - 33:38
Downward Dog 38:38 - 37:07
Hanging Forward Fold 37:07 - 38:16
Mountain Pose 38: 16 - 43:40

Volume 2



Guard Pull 0 - 4:33
Breaking Bolo To Guard Pass 4:33 - 10:33
Back Take From Reverse DLR Breaking Bolo 10:33 - 14:35
Reverse DLR To Single Leg Pass 14:35 - 17:26
Ras Panza Sweep 17:26 - 20:21
Ras Panza Sweep Variation 1 20:21 - 21:59
Ras Panza Sweep Variation 2 21:59 - 23:33
Lapeloplata Sweep 23:33 - 26:51
Lapeloplata Sweep From Closed Guard 26:51 - 30:06
Shin To Shin Sweep 30:06 - 34:15
Shin To Shin With Lapel To X Guard 34:15 - 38:00
Reverse DLR Sweep 38:00 - 39:46

Volume 3



Armlock From Closed Guard 0 - 3:24
Kneebar From Arm Attack With Variation 3:24 - 7:03
Kneebar From Open Guard 7:03 - 9:50
Reverse DLR To Berimboloto Kneebar 9:50 - 12:51
Kneebar Counter To Toreando 12:51 - 15:52
Triangle From Over Under Pass 15:52 - 19:02
Reverse Triangle From Over Under Pass 19:02 - 21:29
Double Attack From Over Under Pass 21:29 - 26:06
Double Under Counter To Kimura To Armlock 26:06 - 31:18
Loop Choke From Double Under 31:18 - 34:58

Volume 4



Cross Face Details 0 - 1:41
Guard Passing 1:41 - 9:47
Xguard Passing 9:47 - 12:28
Xguard Passing 2 With Submissions 12:28 - 17:13
Xguard Passing To Armlock 17:13 - 20:22
Xguard Passing To Berimbolo 20:22 - 23:01
Xguard Passing To North South 23:01 - 26:40
Xguard Passing To Omoplata Backtake 26:40 - 30:50
Xguard Passing To Side Control 30:50 - 33:23
Xguard Passing To Side Control 2 33:23 - 35:20
Xguard To Half Guard Passing 35:20 - 39:52

Hidden Secret BJJ Killer from Sao Paulo Smashes Top Black Belts With His Weird One Handed Footlocks and Bizarre Sweeps And Submissions.

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