Hit Them With The Earth: Effective Throws For Folkstyle Wrestling
- NCAA Finalist And Three-Time All-American Nick Heflin shows his complete series around scoring from upper body attacks
- Learn the subtle secrets behind throwing with fundamentals and technique, not brute strength
- Work from underhooks, overhooks, two on ones, and more as Nick shows you show to create a total system around scoring
- Score big points and pins with feet to back throws
Course Content
Volume 1
Intro | 0 - :23 |
Short Two on One | :23 - 1:49 |
Two on One to Shuck | 1:49 - 2:54 |
Leg hook Shuck by | 2:54 - 4:02 |
Shuck by to two on one single leg | 4:02 - 6:03 |
Short 2 on 1 Lat Drop | 6:03 - 8:15 |
Arm Spin | 8:15 - 10:22 |
Short 2on1 to Arm Drag | 10:22 - 12:18 |
Short2on1 Fireman's Carry | 12:18 - 14:52 |
Winning the Over/Under | 14:52 - 18:06 |
How to win the Double Unders | 18:06 - 22:50 |
Double Under Outside Trip | 22:50 - 25:28 |
Double Under Arm Drag Hi/Lo Finish | 25:28 - 29:03 |
Over/Under Hip Block | 29:03 - 30:49 |
Double Overs | 30:49 - 35:20 |
double overs safety explanation | 35:20 - 36:07 |
Clearing Double Overs | 36:07 - 36:56 |
Countering failed inside trip | 36:56 - 38:09 |
Volume 2
Shuck to Headlock | 0 - 4:19 |
Getting to the Front Headlock offensively | 4:19 - 5:35 |
Getting to Front Headlock defensively hi-c double single | 5:35 - 10:58 |
Face Lock from Front Headlock | 10:58 - 14:44 |
Neck Wrench from failed Face Lock | 14:44 - 17:27 |
Cheap Roll from Neck Wrench | 17:27 - 19:51 |
Front Headlock Rear Drag | 19:51 - 22:24 |
Joe will name later, Front Headlock | 22:24 - 24:32 |
Cow Catcher/Pancake | 24:32 - 27:51 |
Front Headlock to Body Lock | 27:51 - 29:12 |
Front Headlock Knee Buckle Neck Wrench | 29:12 - 31:29 |
Clearing Front Headlock | 31:29 - 32:51 |
Clearing Front Headlock to Lat Drop | 32:51 - 34:17 |
Low Gut Wrench | 34:17 - 35:55 |
Inside Trip Counter | 35:55 - 36:39 |
Leg Lace | 36:39 - 38:09 |
Multiple Time All American Nick Heflin Reveals The Techniques &Systems He's Used To Dominate With Throws While Competing For Ohio State &In International Competition
Lock them up and launch your next opponent with this new full system around wrestling and winning from the upper body. Nick Heflin is one of the best upper body American wrestlers of this generation, and he is here with us to show how he attacks and wins from the underhooks, overhooks, two on ones, and more. With these technical insights and combinations, soon you can be lifting people up and hitting them with the Earth with Heflin’s signature attacks.
Learn One Of Nick's Most Reliable Takedowns
Why do most wrestlers ignore 50% of the takedown game? Why do so many of us just think about shooting to the legs and finishing there? Instead, double your arsenal by giving yourself the technique and strategy around how to get to a lock and score effectively and efficiently. Nick has made a career out of wrestling upper body and launching opponents to their back with authority, and now this unique style can be yours on two-volumes.
Learn the different ways that Nick approaches every situation, and how he creates the leverage he needs to score with authority. Every position is connected and explained, giving you a total blueprint on how you can score a lot of points without ever taking a single leg attack. Find your upper body talents with one of America’s most notorious throwing machines, Ohio State NCAA finalist Nick Heflin. These are some of the strongest control ties in the sport, each one used to its most effective.
Starting with Nick’s own variation on the two on one, learn the ways to score takedowns and back points with Heflin’s favorite ways to throw for big points and take people down with authority. From the same tie ups we all wrestle out of, you’ll then transition to overhooks, underhooks, and body locks, learning how to lock and throw with leverage for the best attacks. Nick goes over every counter to be aware of, and how to stay a step ahead with another big move.
Plant Your Next Opponent With This Front Headlock Trick
So What's On This Series?
Short Two On One
Two On One to Shuck By
Leg Hook Shuck By
Shuck By To Two On One Single Leg
Short 2 On 1 Lat Drop
Arm Spin
Short 2 On 1 to Arm Drag
Short 2 On 1 Fireman's Carry
Winning The Over/Under
How To Win The Double Unders
Double Unders Outside Trip
Double Under Arm Drag Hi/Lo Finish
Over/Under Hip Block
Double Overs
Double Overs Safety Explanation
Clearing Double Overs
Countering Failed Inside Trip
Shuck to Headlock
Getting to the Front Headlock Offensively
Face Lock From Front Headlock
Neck Wrench From Failed Face Lock
Cheap Roll From Neck Wrench
Front Headlock Rear Drag
Front Headlock Pancake
Cow Catcher/Pancake
Front Headlock to Body Lock
Front Headlock Knee Buckle Neck Wrench
Clearing Front Headlock
Low Gut Wrench
Inside Trip Counter
So What Does It Cost?
Well, that depends, what is it worth to learn how to throw anyone?
We could have easily charged $50 or more
But we're not going to do that
Instead, cut that price by almost 50%
That's right, get Hit Them With The Earth by Nick Heflin for just