
Mastering The Mount by Matt Thornton

Do You Have Trouble When You Mount Someone? Do People Roll You Over? Do You Think It Is Hard To Submit Someone From Mount? Matt Thornton Is Here To Show You An Easy To Use Course That Will Make Mount Your Most Devastating Position

  • Complete The Blueprint That Will Transform Your Mount And Make It Terrifying
  • Complete This 15 Lesson Curriculum To Transform Your Mount In Days Not Months Or Years
  • Matt draws back the curtain and lets you in on all of his secrets
  • This Course Includes Direct Access To The Coach Of Coaches, Matt Thornton
  • Experience for yourself why mount is the position of choice in a fight. Options/Leverage/Energy

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction 0 - 6:42
Lesson 1 Posture 6:42 - 18:08
Lesson 2 When They Are Forced To Make Space 18:08 - 24:09
Lesson 3 Killing The Arms 24:09 - 30:05
Lesson 4 The Push Up Arm Bar 30:05 - 34:11
Lesson 5 Unrollable 34:11 - 52:45

Volume 2



Lesson 6 Countering The Knee Elbow 0 - 10:57
Lesson 7 Half Mount 10:57 - 13:35
Lesson 8 The Elevator 13:35 - 19:39
Lesson 9 Early submission 19:39 - 26:29
Lesson 10 Control For Submissions and Americana 26:29 - 37:29

Volume 3



Lesson 11 We Begin Possibilities 0 - 14:24
Lesson 12 The Arm Triangle 14:24 - 30:07
Lesson 13 The Lower body 30:07 - 46:49
Lesson 14 Taking The Back 46:49 - 53:49
Lesson 15 Review and Beginning High Mount 53:49 - 1:02:11

Check Out The Trailer!

What Will You Learn?

Coach Matt's mount curriculum has helped white belts and black belts alike. If you are unable to hold mount and lose position easily, and/or rarely submit from the mount, this course is for you! Stop avoiding the mount, isn't it time your mount matches the rest of your BJJ game?

Double Your Skill From The Mount!

Instantly and Dramatically improve your mount top game. Coach Matt created a curriculum specifically designed to get your mount good, fast, not in months or years but in days. 15 online lessons that guide you step by step to building a devastating mount.

Mastering The Mount Top Will Help You To:

Dominate from top mount. You will never have to dismount to impose your will again. We hope you enjoy the view from up there

Experience for yourself why mount is the position of choice in a fight. Options/Leverage/Energy

Hold mount even against opponents that are bigger and stronger than you. We can't wait for you to experience the exhilaration of being Un-Buckable

Develop the ability to attack with your upper body while your lower body defends the position. Deepen your understanding of connection from the mount!

So, What's On The Series?

Part 1
Lesson 1 Posture
Lesson 2 When They Are Forced To Make Space
Lesson 3 Killing The Arms
Lesson 4 The Push Up Arm Bar
Lesson 5 Unrollable

Part 2
Lesson 6 Countering The Knee Elbow
Lesson 7 Half Mount
Lesson 8 The Elevator
Lesson 9 Early Submission
Lesson 10 Control For Submissions and Americana

Part 3
Lesson 11 We Begin Possibilities
Lesson 12 The Arm Triangle
Lesson 13 The Lower Body
Lesson 14 Taking The Back
Lesson 15 Review and Beginning High Mount

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