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The Effective Half Guard Manual by Celso Venicius

Learn consistent techniques that you can use anytime you are in the half guard!

  • Develop serious control from the half guard with the next-level technique that Celso has refined throughout his World Class career.
  • Master the shin shield to take on pressure passers, or even larger opponents.
  • Develop transitions to other dominant positions from the half guard, like deep half and 50/50.
  • Use a battle-proven Half Guard system from 3x World Champ Celso Venicius!

Course Content

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Volume 1

Introduction 0
Breaking The Pressing Pass In The Half Guard 0:33
Half Guard Sweep By Pressing Pass 3:54
Half Guard Control 8:59
Half Sweep By Wing Grip 19:51
Shin Shield Half Sweep 24:26
Shin Shield Half Guard Arm Control Sweep 31:38
Shin Shield Armpit Knee Bar 36:05
Shin Shield Armpit Sweep 42:49

Volume 2

Half Guard To 50/50 0
"Y" Guard Sweep 6:30
Reverse Heap Control To Choke Form The Back "Cowboy Lasso" 11:49
How To Get In The Deep Half Guard 16:20
Joga Fora No Lixo 22:26
Cadeirinha 26:15
Cadeirinha To Back Take 32:26
Cadeirinha Variation 35:56

Volume 3

Reverse Pass Sweep 0
Reverse Pass Back Take 5:44
Reverse Pass Lapel Choke 9:32
Reverse Half Guard Sweep 12:34
Reverse Half Guard Sweep Variation 17:54

Volume 4

Sweep By Slice Knee Pass "Marimbondo" 0
Sweep Lapel In The Half "Agregada" 4:53
Coyote Sweep 9:27
Recovery Guard Drill 13:02
Reverse De La Riva To Back Take 16:04
How To Get In The Deep 18:08
Celsinho Sweep 23:13
Deep Sweep Stand Up 27:13
Deep Half Leg Control 31:42

Learn consistent techniques that you can use anytime you are in the half guard!

  • Develop serious control from the half guard with the next-level technique that Celso has refined throughout his World Class career.
  • Master the shin shield to take on pressure passers, or even larger opponents.
  • Develop transitions to other dominant positions from the half guard, like deep half and 50/50.
  • Use a battle-proven Half Guard system from 3x World Champ Celso Venicius!

Course Content

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Volume 1

Introduction 0
Breaking The Pressing Pass In The Half Guard 0:33
Half Guard Sweep By Pressing Pass 3:54
Half Guard Control 8:59
Half Sweep By Wing Grip 19:51
Shin Shield Half Sweep 24:26
Shin Shield Half Guard Arm Control Sweep 31:38
Shin Shield Armpit Knee Bar 36:05
Shin Shield Armpit Sweep 42:49

Volume 2

Half Guard To 50/50 0
"Y" Guard Sweep 6:30
Reverse Heap Control To Choke Form The Back "Cowboy Lasso" 11:49
How To Get In The Deep Half Guard 16:20
Joga Fora No Lixo 22:26
Cadeirinha 26:15
Cadeirinha To Back Take 32:26
Cadeirinha Variation 35:56

Volume 3

Reverse Pass Sweep 0
Reverse Pass Back Take 5:44
Reverse Pass Lapel Choke 9:32
Reverse Half Guard Sweep 12:34
Reverse Half Guard Sweep Variation 17:54

Volume 4

Sweep By Slice Knee Pass "Marimbondo" 0
Sweep Lapel In The Half "Agregada" 4:53
Coyote Sweep 9:27
Recovery Guard Drill 13:02
Reverse De La Riva To Back Take 16:04
How To Get In The Deep 18:08
Celsinho Sweep 23:13
Deep Sweep Stand Up 27:13
Deep Half Leg Control 31:42

Upgrade Your Game With Celso Venicius And His Complete Manual To The Half Guard. The 3-Time World Champion Shares His Favorite Half Guard Controls, Sweeps, Variations, Back Takes, and MORE!

The Effective Half Guard Manual Is A 4-Part Instructional Designed To Give You The Upperhand ANYTIME You Are In The Half Guard With Celso Venicius’s Favorite Sweeps, Submissions, Transitions, And More!

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What Will You Learn?

The Half Guard is one of the most common positions in the sport of Jiu-Jitsu. It is one of the most effective and accessible positions that grapplers of ALL levels can make use of. Due to its popularity, however, there has been a large focus on defeating the half guard and its multiple variations. Thankfully experts like Celso Venicius are here to provide a foundation to help you take on any obstacles you encounter from Half Guard!

3x World Champion Celso Venicius looks to lay out a complete game plan for all aspects of Half Guard including controls, grips, sweeps, submissions, transitions, and more across the 4-part instructional! Celso structures the instructional in a way that you can address one of the most common passing strategies against the half guard, pressure passing. Pressure passing can be difficult to deal with without the proper strategy, Celso clears this up early so you can start to generate offense from your half guard.

Once you are able to deal with your opponent’s passing options you can start to control the action with Celso’s surefire strategies of attack. The series covers multiple variations of the half guard so you will be sure to find what best suits your personal game. Develop multiple attack options from the shin shield, deep half, reverse half guard, and more! Combine each variation of Celso’s system to make your Half Guard hard to beat.

Celso has used these techniques throughout his career at the highest levels of competition, and now he brings them to YOU! Check out the technique list below!

Half Sweep By Wing Grip

So, What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1:

  • Introduction 
  • Breaking The Pressing Pass In The Half Guard 
  • Half Guard Sweep By Pressing Pass
  • Half Guard Control 
  • Half Sweep By Wing Grip 
  • Shin Shield Half Sweep 
  • Shin Shield Half Guard Arm Control Sweep 
  • Shin Shield Armpit Knee Bar 
  • Shin Shield Armpit Sweep 

Part 2:

  • Half Guard To 50/50 0 "Y" Guard Sweep
  • Reverse Heap Control To Choke Form The Back "Cowboy Lasso"
  • How To Get In The Deep Half Guard 
  • Joga Fora No Lixo 
  • Cadeirinha 
  • Cadeirinha To Back Take 
  • Cadeirinha Variation 

Part 3:

  • Reverse Pass Sweep
  • Reverse Pass Back Take 
  • Reverse Pass Lapel Choke 
  • Reverse Half Guard Sweep
  • Reverse Half Guard Sweep Variation

Part 4:

  • Sweep By Slice Knee Pass "Marimbondo" 
  • Sweep Lapel In The Half "Agregada"
  • Coyote Sweep 
  • Recovery Guard Drill
  • Reverse De La Riva To Back Take 
  • How To Get In The Deep 
  • Celsinho Sweep 
  • Deep Sweep Stand Up 
  • Deep Half Leg Control

Shin Shield Armpit Sweep

So, What Does It All Cost?


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