

The Peekaboo Style Of Boxing by Teddy Atlas

Learn the side-to-side inside fighting techniques that make up the “Peek-A-Boo” style of boxing from champion boxing trainer Teddy Atlas

  • Use side to side movement to create openings and score with big punches to the head and body
  • This is the signature knockout system that Cus D’Amato and Teddy Atlas taught to a young Mike Tyson
  • See how to deal with the important battles like entering and exiting the pocket safely
  • Teddy goes into every detail around this system of fighting, including offense, defense, counters, and more
  • Learn from some of Teddy’s wisdom into the strategy and development of this style, with examples from his experience with former fighters
  • Bring everything together to create a dynamic and offensive style that will result in more opportunities for big shots.

Course Content

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Volume 1



Introduction to the Peek-A-Boo 0
The Fundamentals of Peek-A-Boo Movement 12:44
Hand Placement &Body Movement 18:56
Peek-A-Boo Against Straight Punches 24:24
Peek-A-Boo Against Hooks 28:24
Peek-A-Boo Against Uppercuts 36:56

Volume 2



Introduction to Offense 0
Balance and Footwork 4:36
Closing The Door 9:23
Throwing In Combination 11:06
Exiting The Pocket 17:49
Clean Countering 20:02
Using Your Eyes 24:04
Finishing Your Combinations 27:09

Volume 3



Putting it All Together 0
Creating Openings 5:00

Master The Battle-Tested and Championship-Proven Peek-A-Boo Style Of Boxing With The Legendary Coach Teddy Atlas

Teddy Atlas Shows You All The Key Details To Winning In The Ring With One Of Boxing’s Most Iconic and Mysterious Styles

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What Will You Learn?

Legendary boxing trainer Teddy Atlas is back to show the ins-and-outs to one of boxing’s most useful and aggressive styles, the peek-a-boo. Used by some of the best fighters of all time, this bobbing and weaving style can help you create huge offensive opportunities while staying safe in the pocket. Teddy is a master of the peek-a-boo, and on this 3-volume series he will show you the entire entire system.

Teddy Atlas is one of the best boxing trainers in the world, and he’s spent a lifetime studying the sweet science and teaching world champions and hall of farmers how to box at the highest levels. Now, you can learn from one of the most experienced and descriptive coaches in the game as he shows a style he knows everything about.

The peek-a-boo style involves shifting and weaving into the pocket, delivering punches, and getting out safely. With pressure and knowledge, you can stay on the attack all the time. Teddy has studied the peek-a-boo under masters like Cus D’Amato, and he shares his wisdom as only Teddy can on this 3-volume series.

Using Your Eyes

So, What Exactly Do You Get?

Part 1:

  • Introduction to the Peek-A-Boo
  • The Fundamentals of Peek-A-Boo Movement 
  • Hand Placement &Body Movement 
  • Peek-A-Boo Against Straight Punches 
  • Peek-A-Boo Against Hooks
  • Peek-A-Boo Against Uppercuts 

Part 2:

  • Introduction to Offense 
  • Balance and Footwork
  • Closing The Door
  • Throwing In Combination 
  • Exiting The Pocket 
  • Clean Countering 
  • Using Your Eyes 
  • Finishing Your Combinations 

Part 3:

  • Putting it All Together
  • Creating Openings 

Exiting The Pocket

What Does It All Cost?


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