
The K.A.T.C.H. Leg Attack System by Dean Lister

How To Surprise and Submit Your Opponents On the Mat. Even Younger, Stronger, Faster &Higher Ranked Beasts - With The Most Lethal &Least Understood Attack In Grappling: The Leglock.

  • Leglocks Are The Great Equalizer
  • Dean Lister’s System Is Almost Like Cheating Because Your Adversaries Aren’t Taught To Defend It
  • Leglocks have been called the great equalizer - it doesn’t matter if you are big, strong, fast or flexible;all that you need to apply a successful leglock is the knowledge
  • Dean Lister holds submission victories by leg lock over some of the best bjj competitors including guys like Rodolfo Vieira
  • This is the original guide to leg locks

Course Content

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Volume 1



Inside Foot Lock 0 - 12:44
Outside Footlock 12:44 - 20:53
Setup from Inside the Guard 20:53 - 27:02
Footlock from Strong Closed Guard 27:02 - 32:34
Entrances to the Outside Footlock 32:34 - 35:30
Arm Grind Bonus for Finish 35:30 - 38:54
Straight Footlock from 50/50 Position 38:54 - 44:41

Volume 2



Theories on Leg Lock Safety 0 - 4:49
Be Careful Who You Train With 4:49 - 6:22
Corkscrew Footlock and Setup 6:22 - 12:08
Basic Straight Heel Hook from Inside the Guard 12:08 - 21:41
Reverse Heel Hook (Inverted) 21:41 - 25:32
Kneel Compression Counter to Roll Out Escape 25:32 - 29:42
4 Closed Circuit Heel Hook Positions 29:42 - 37:27
Open and Closed Circuits 37:27 - 46:06
Heel Hook Setup from the High Half Guard 46:06 - 48:37
Open Circuit Entry Drill (Tarsis Humphreys) 48:37 - 52:02

Volume 3



Toe Hold Fundamentals 0 - 2:12
Toe Hold Application 2:12 - 4:32
Toe Hold from the De La Riva 4:32 - 5:44
Toe Hold Finish from Knee Bar Position 5:44 - 7:39
Rolling Toe Hold in Open Guard 7:39 - 8:51
Rolling Toe Hold in Open Guard Finish 8:51 - 10:18
Straight Knee Lock Finishing Details 10:18 - 13:12
Thumb vs. Big Toe 13:12 - 14:01
Knee Bar Setup 14:01 - 17:24
Back Step Knee Bar 17:24 - 20:00
Knee Bar Counter to Quarter Guard 20:00 - 22:20
Leg Sweep Attack from Half Guard 22:20 - 25:05
Closed Circuit from Knee Lock Detail 25:05 - 27:04
Bottom Leg vs. Top Leg - Knee Bar Finish Details 27:04 - 29:22
Knee Bar Counter to Opponents Guard Retention 29:22 - 30:55
Knee Bar / Sweep from Half Guard 30:55 - 3146

Volume 4



Counter Foot Lock Knee Compression 0 - 3:22
Setup Into Compression 3:22 - 5:11
Hobbler 5:11 - 7:45
Compression When Opponent Rolls Out Heel Hook 7:45 - 11:31
Calf Slicer Against Turtle 11:31 - 13:22
Calf Slicer off Open Guard Pass 13:22 - 15:15
Triangle Defense 15:15 - 18:46
Triangle Armbar Escape 18:46 - 21:41
Prevention Escaping Foot Lock 21:41 - 26:22
Straight Arm Lock Escape 26:22 - 30:07
Alternate Triangle Escape 30:07 - 32:38
Straight Knee Lock Escape 32:38 - 33:40
Heel Hook Resistance 33:40 - 35:21
Sweep from Half Guard 35:21 - 37:13

Learn The Leg Attack Secrets That Will Get You Tapping
Higher Belts (Yes, Even Black Belts!) With Ease!


- Inside foot lock
- Outside foot lock
- The setup from inside the guard
- Foot lock from strong closed guard
- Entrances to the outside foot lock
- Arm grind bonus for finish
- Straight footlocker from 50/50 position



- Theories on leg lock safety
- Be careful who u train with
- Corkscrew footlocker and setup
- Basic straight heel hook from inside the guard
- Reverse heel hook (inverted)
- Knee compression Counter to the roll out escape
- 4 closed circuit heel hooks positions



- Toe hold fundamentals
- Application of Toe Hold
- Toe hold from dela riva
- Toe hold finish from knee bar position
- Rolling toe hold in open guard
- Rolling toe hold in open guard Finish
- Straight knee lock finishing details thumb vs big toe
- Knee bar setup. Saulo ribeiro reference
- Back step knee bar
- Knee bar counter to Quarter guard
- Leg sweep attach from the half guard
- Closed circuit from knee lock detail
- Calorification bottom leg vs top leg
- Knee bar finish details
- Knee bar counter to opponents guard retention
- Knee bar/ sweep from half guard



- Counter foot lock knee compression
- Setup into compression
- The hobbler
- Compression when opponent rolls out heel hook
- Calf slicer against turtle
- Calf slicer off open guard pass
- Triangle defense
- Armlock Escape
- Prevention escaping footlocker
- Straight arm lock escape
- Alternate triangle escape
- Straight knee lock escape
- Heel hook resistance sweep from half guard


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