
Jason Hunt

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Jason Hunt

Revered by his peers and students for his genius knowledge and high level instruction Jason Hunt is also responsible for producing world champion athletes such as Edwin Najmi and Gabriel Arges. Hunt is one of the co-founders and head instructors at Meraki Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Los Angeles alongside combat sports icon Kenny Florian. Hunt has spent time with some of the most legendary names in the sport of BJJ and continues to impart his unique wisdom on the BJJ community. His intelligent approach to grappling is refreshing and evident in his instructional materials, offering BJJ players around the world a new take on the traditional themes of BJJ. 

Revered by his peers and students for his genius knowledge and high level instruction Jason Hunt is also responsible for producing world champion athletes such as Edwin Najmi and Gabriel Arges. Hunt is one of the co-founders and head instructors at Meraki Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Los Angeles alongside combat sports icon Kenny Florian. Hunt has spent time with some of the most legendary names in the sport of BJJ and continues to impart his unique wisdom on the BJJ community. His intelligent approach to grappling is refreshing and evident in his instructional materials, offering BJJ players around the world a new take on the traditional themes of BJJ. 


  • National Judo Champion 
  • 3rd Place World Jiu-JItsu Pro
  • 3rd Place Pan American Championships 
    • 3rd Place Abu Dhabi World Pro Trials 


    Hunt is a master of guard passing instruction. He takes an approach that's almost scientific in nature, even using basic geometry as a platform for his instruction. The toreando is one of the most common and effective passes in the sport and Hunt has some very insightful tips on this common pass that you should know about. Check out this short video, where Hunt details some of the most critical concepts, pitfalls, and methods to help you make the toreando a higher percentage passing procedure. 


    Hunt sheds light on several critical details here but begins with advising us to lower our base and move our entire body forward as a whole, as we approach the guard player. THis creates a scenario where it will be difficult for the bottom player to answer with lassos and other problematic reactions. Hunt then controls the hip and begins to hide his body behind the opposite leg, while creating an angle that allows him to collapse the legs. Here, he has to make sure his partner doesn't turn back toward him. Pinching his knees around his partner’s lower body and using his head to pin his partner, Hunt can keep his partner firmly in place and cement the pass. Staying low is definitely the moral of the story here. This gives hunt good mobility and opportunity throughout the passing sequence. 

    Check Out Everyday Half Guard Destruction By Jason Hunt! 


    The knee shield and how to deconstruct it continues to be one of the greatest enigmas in BJJ. Just when you think you've found the best way to pass, your training partners get smarter and force you to adapt. The knee shield has become so common, that there are literally thousands of methods to dismantle it. In the words of the great Bernardo Faria, “Whatever way works for you, is the best way.” As you might have guessed, Hunt has a very efficient method of passing the knee shield and he explains it right here. 


    As HUnt enters the half guard, he takes  a grip on the collar with his left hand and a grip on the cuff of the pants with his left, closing his elbow for security. He then allows his partner to solidify the knee shield to set up the pass. Keeping his knee below his partner’s knee line, Hunt sneaks in and places his knee on top of his partner’s leg, pushing down. This helps to unlock the feet. As soon as Hunt feels this happen, he uses the grip on the pants to guide the foot, backsteps, and moves to the backside of his partner. Very slick. 

    If you train BJJ, you've undoubtedly experienced the De Las Riva guard when trying to pass. As one of the most common modern guards in the sport it makes an appearance daily in academies all over the world. As this particularly efficient guard configuration evolves so must our ability to pass it. Hunt has an incredible approach that may help you decode it with a little bit more ease! Have a look! 


    From the setup process to the completion of the past there are zero stones left unturned here. Hunt provides a comprehensive blueprint down to the most minute details of body position and angles to help you completely deconstruct the De La Riva guard. The manner in which Hunt is nullifying not only the DLR hook but also the opposite side leg is very smart. It leaves him in great position to begin passing and claiming the dominant spot. This type of incremental “all bases covered” type of instruction is an absolutely perfect response to a proficient bottom player, using the DLR guard configuration! 


    Jason Hunt’s first experiences in martial arts came through Judo in his younger days. In the later part of the 2000’s, Hunt turned his focus to jiu-jitsu and traveled to Brazil to further his study of the gentle art. During his time in Brazil, Hunt received instruction from some of the greatest BJJ icons of our time including Ramon Lemos and later earned his black belt from Romulo Baral and Gilbert Burns in 2011. 

    Hunt enjoyed some successful competition endeavors fueled by his time spent on the mat with champions and the elite of BJJ. He then partnered with Kenny Florian to open Meraki in Los Angeles, CA. Hunt has produced world champions such as Edwin Najmi and Gabriel Arges and continues to instruct, train and share his unique knowledge with his students and beyond. 

    Everyday Half Guard Destruction By Jason Hunt

    Jason Hunt gives you the blueprint to dismantle the Half Guard in Everyday Half Guard DestructionUpgrade your passing strategy with Jason Hunt!


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