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Brandon Gibson Record, Net Worth, Age, Weight, & More!

Brandon Gibson Record, Net Worth, Age, Weight, & More!


Who Is Brandon Gibson?

Bradon Gibson is a professional mixed martial artist and highly sought after MMA coach. He was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico and began his training at a very young age. Brandon began training under Mike Winklejohn and Greg Jackson in 2005, and later became a coach at the Jackson Wink Academy in 2009.

Who Is Brandon Gibson?

Bradon Gibson is a professional mixed martial artist and highly sought after MMA coach. He was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico and began his training at a very young age. Brandon began training under Mike Winklejohn and Greg Jackson in 2005, and later became a coach at the Jackson Wink Academy in 2009.

Six Gun Striking by Brandon Gibson is available now from!

Brandon is one of the youngest coaches who is working at the highest of levels. He has put in extra work to become a world class mitt holder, and has had the opportunity to coach and corner some of the worlds best professional fighters. Brandon has worked as a striking coach for fighters such as Jon Jones, Carlos Condit, Cub Swanson, Tim Kennedy, and many others.

Brandon is especially known for his unique training strategies, such as taking his fighters to the top of the Sandia Mountains to work with elevation training and mental preparation before their fight. In 2012 Brandon was named one of the top 100 MMA trainers by UFC magazine.

Favorite Knockout Breakdowns by Brandon Gibson is available now from!

How Old Is Brandon Gibson

Brandon Gibson is 33 years old.

Brandon Gibson’s Family

Currently, there is no information available on the family of Brandon Gibson.

How Much Is Brandon Gibson Worth?

Brandon Gibson’s net worth is unknown at this time.

How Tall Is Brandon Gibson?

Brandon Gibson’s height is unknown.

How Much Does Brandon Gibson Weigh?

Brandon Gibson’s current weight is unknown. 

More About Brandon Gibson

One of the reasons that Brandon has been so successful is due largely in part to the amount of thought he puts into training athletes. He takes the approach that everyone needs to be coached and trained differently based on their strengths, weaknesses, and fighting styles. He also understands that MMA is an ever evolving sport and you have to either get on the train and evolve with it or get left behind.

He has continued to grow and add innovative strategies into his teachings to stay up to pace with the evolution of MMA. He states that his aim is to stay in the driver's seat of striking evolution. What he does is even more impressive when you consider how many students he has under him. He has the ability to observe the smallest key in a striking exchange that may indicate a new trend. He is on top of it.

When you look at the topics in the instructional Brandon Gibson produces, it is apparent that he covers all the bases. From southpaw techniques to knockout breakdowns to lessons on the proper use of training equipment, Brandon covers the whole picture and leaves nothing out.

In addition to staying on top of the most recent attacking trends, Brandon holds great importance in making sure his fighters stay safe and know how to protect themselves. This includes more than just slipping punches, but also cardio to make sure they have the stamina to survive anything.

Brandon has been one of the biggest names in MMA trainers for many years and his success continues to prove itself. The success of his fighters have not slowed down in the slightest and his techniques continue to prove to be the best in the business.

Is Brandon Gibson Retired?

No, Brandon Gibson still serves as a striking coach for some of the world's best professional fighters.

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