Posted by Benjamin Strusnik on
Nowadays, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu has become highly favoured amongst many children. Most academies are inundated with a wave of children members, some academies are forced to have waiting lists due to the high volume of members. A good academy will cap their students, so that the members they have can train safely with enough space on the mats to practice techniques.
What This Article Covers:
- What Does It Take to Become an Orange Belt
- How Long Does It Take to Earn an Orange Belt in BJJ
- The Requirements of an Orange Belt
- Why Do Kids Need Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Their Life
The progression system for kids Jiu Jitsu belts has a more detailed series of gradings incorporated. Young students will earn promotions starting at white belt and moving through the grey, yellow, orange and green belts systems. Each of the belts from grey to green have two multi coloured versions, one with a white stripe and the other with a black stripe. There are thirteen different coloured belts that the kids will work their way through, and each of the students are awarded four stripes on their belts before they can be promoted to the next level.
Grappling Games for Kids are important tools to reinforce learning!
Most parents understand the importance for children to learn self defense, so they look for strong clubs that can offer the best pathway for their kids. It is extremely hard to keep the kids coming back to BJJ at first, as the kids will struggle with staying interested in one thing. Instructors do a great job of keeping a great balance between techniques and fun for the children. At the start kids will suffer from feelings of embarrassment, as they struggle with many of the basic movements in Jiu Jitsu. Kids are resilient, and as they start showing consistency, they start to develop some systematic functionality.
Those feelings of embarrassment will soon turn into confidence, as the kids will develop friendships with many of the other members, including the coaches. Kids will also start to develop their skills in agility, dexterity and coordination, as the building blocks of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu offer many amazing attributes for young athletes. Academies are outstanding with how they offer their BJJ programs, giving kids a great balance of technical movements, real practical situational sparring, knowledge in BJJ/self defense and fun skill building games. All of these aspects keep the children engaged in the Martial Art, and ensure they begin to develop exponentially with their skill set.
Beginning Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for kids can be quite tricky due to the complexity of the movements. Instructors have an outstanding talent for breaking down techniques and helping kids understand the basic elements that are required in BJJ. Kids will often ask about how to get a Black belt in bjj, as most coaches will explain the pathway involved. Children will often struggle with the more complicated movements, so coaches will teach very basic concepts that kids can execute more easily. Coaches will also adopt a system of games that carry components of Jiu Jitsu, making the learning really exciting for the kids.
Children begin at the white belt bjj level and their coaches will monitor their progression through their ability and presence on the mats. A coach will award a stripe on their belt every few months or when their skills improve, until the student has four stripes. When the child is deemed ready for the next level they are awarded a grey and white belt. Children will often feel excited by a promotion and start to realise that they can be good at Jiu Jitsu. The second promotion is the full grey belt and then followed by the grey and black belt. Children at this level should understand the basic control positions and be working through certain escapes and reversals.
After going through the grey belt phase, students will earn a promotion to the yellow belts. The first belt of this series is the yellow and white belt, and during these next few years students will refine many of their BJJ skills. They will start to develop their game style and have attacking submissions like Armbars and Triangles, they will also understand the principles of control and how to retain guard. After receiving four stripes on their belt they will move up to the full yellow belt, and then the yellow and black belt. This is an important phase for kids as they will develop the necessary skills to help them transition into the last two kids' belt colours of orange and green.
After earning their way through the three orange belts and the three green belts, students will have an excellent understanding of BJJ. They should have developed a serious skill set that is up there with Blue belt bjj practitioners. From ten years old through to the age of sixteen, kids will have developed their own game style and have significant qualities to offer in terms of assisting the coaches. It is quite common to see green belts at the age of sixteen get promoted to the Blue belt level.
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When a child reaches the age of ten years old, and if their coaches believe they have progressed to the next level, students will be promoted to the orange and white belt level. This is the time when they start to exhibit some really technical Jiu Jitsu. Students will usually begin competing at this level if they haven't already beforehand, as this is a time to assert their dominance in the kids divisions.
After earning four stripes on their belt, students will be promoted to the full orange belt in jiu jitsu. Wearing the orange belt is an exciting time for children as they will start to feel engrossed in their belt rank. They will improve considerably during this phase of their Jiu Jitsu, as their technical application will become systematic. Most children will earn these orange belts between the ages of ten to thirteen.
The final belt in the orange belt series is the orange and black belt, this is the last stop before becoming a green belt. At this final stage in the orange belt progression, students will be well versed in their technical ability. They will have a good level of knowledge and their ferocity on the mats will be quite apparent. Most orange and black belts are extremely hungry to train hard and compete well, as they know their next belt is the last step of the kids belt ranking system.
Kids will often start Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at a really young age, some as young as three years old. The majority of the kids will start BJJ at five to seven years old, meaning they will have an incredible length of time to develop their BJJ before they finish the kids belt system. In terms of the orange belt it can take most kids anywhere from five to ten years to achieve this rank. Earning an orange belt is a significant time for a child in their development of their skills.
It can take a considerable amount of time to improve in the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, in the case of children their first two years can feel like they are not learning anything. BJJ is a slow progression, and after a certain amount of time it usually just clicks for kids. BJJ is one of the most complex sports to learn, due to the always evolving list of movements. It takes several years of constant dedication, consistency and practical application to evolve a child's BJJ game style into a series of deadly attacks. Most coaches are extremely experienced with how they develop and nurture the progression of their child students.
There are certain rules that federations have in place when it comes to the promotion of children. All coaches are encouraged to adhere to a certain code of conduct, and the kids must serve at least eight months in each belt rank. Students should only be graded to certain levels at certain ages, like the orange and white belt through to the orange and black belt ranges from the ages of ten through to thirteen years of age
Students are graded under the watchful eye of their coaches, and it usually happens through slow progression. There are no cartas or tests they must accomplish, it is simply how they learn and apply their knowledge in real scenario rolling. Coaches will award four stripes on their students' belts before they will hand out the next coloured belt. Using stripes on a child's belt is a great way to keep track of where the student is at in terms of their skill level. Most academies have a large number of students, and trying to remember each child's skill level can prove troublesome.
Progressing through the belt ranking system means that kids will improve their skills in BJJ. Although some students grade quicker than others, coaches will award stripes according to the child's abilities, continuity and knowledge. Once a child moves beyond the yellow belt level they usually have goals in becoming a Black belt bjj practitioner. It is really important for kids to have high expectations, this is how they can begin to achieve their goals. If a student persists with their BJJ goals throughout their life, they may even find themselves knocking on the door of a Coral belt bjj ranking or even becoming a Grandmaster at the Red belt bjj level.
Children have really short attention spans which will often result in misbehaviour. This can be problematic inside an academy as it is distracting to the other kids. It often spreads like wildfire and results in a bunch of children misbehaving. The coaches at an academy are usually highly conditioned to tolerate this behaviour and are good at de-escalating the situation. Children will need to focus and pay attention to their instructors if they want to improve and climb the ladder of progression. It takes a large amount of hard work, continuity and technical application to achieve promotion, but if the kids apply themselves then they will enjoy the journey of BJJ.
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Orange belts are considered very high in terms of the kids belt ranking system, as it is the last phase before becoming a green belt. Orange belts are expected to train with humility and use safe practices when training with other members in the academy. The expectations on their technical abilities may not be as high as a green belt, but they should have a considerable aptitude. Like green belts, orange belts will offer the same leadership by helping many of the younger students with tips and guidance.
Competing is never expected amongst any of the academy's members, but if students do decide to compete then they are highly supported. Orange belts usually have a thrill to compete and doing so can help fast track their progression to the green belt level. The competition process is well structured to help BJJ practitioners battle test their technical abilities. It is also a requirement to behave with good sportsmanship, and most kids do behave with respect, honour and integrity.
Another expectation for orange belts is to follow the same set of guidelines that all members in the academy must follow. Being respectful to all members and coaches is paramount in the conduct of a student. They must also train safely and show a duty of care towards their training partners, this is also apparent in the care of their own bodies making sure they don't endanger themselves. Another important issue is personal hygiene as members of an academy will teach kids the importance of how to wash bjj belt and their Gi uniforms. Keeping everything clean includes showering before and after training, as it's important to keep clean and minimise the risks of any kind of infection.
The benefits of training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for kids is exponential, as children need a strong group of role models to help guide them through life. The BJJ community is full of extraordinary members, all of which are highly professional and have outstanding care toward all members, especially the children of their academy. Children will learn how to integrate with other children, which is an important building block in the development of a child's life. Kids will learn self defense and how to de-escalate a situation, helping them build confidence and self belief.
Many of the kids that participate in BJJ will almost always learn amazing leadership qualities. They will also learn how to work together with other kids helping them to become a great team member. Learning the art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches kids coordination, balance and awareness of themselves. There are rigorous aspects like strength, dexterity, flexibility and injury prevention that they will also become accustomed to. Children training in BJJ learn to deal with high stress situations giving them outstanding skills in making good decisions. Another important facet is the ability to utilise self control which is another important tool learnt from training in this great Martial Art.
Have fun while you're reinforcing the learning of the kids in your program!

There are many amazing aspects involved with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and kids that join the ranks are extremely lucky to find this kind of sport. BJJ academies offer kids amazing opportunities to become extremely humble and professional people in society. BJJ is amazing fun and all of the kids involved have a fantastic time training. Getting your children involved in BJJ is a really good choice for children and parents that do so have come to feel incredibly comfortable and thankful for doing it. So don't waste another second and find the nearest academy and get your kids training today.
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If you enjoyed this piece, consider checking:
- Kids Jiu Jitsu Belts
- Green Belt Jiu Jitsu
- Pink Belt Jiu Jitsu
- Purple To Brown Belt BJJ
- Everything You Need to Know About BJJ Belts
- How Long to Get First Stripe BJJ
- White to Blue Belt BJJ
- Jiu-Jitsu White Belt Moves
- Blue to Purple Belt BJJ
- BJJ White Belt Tips
- BJJ Belt Meanings
- How to Become a Black Belt in BJJ
- BJJ Stripes
- BJJ White Belt Stripes
- BJJ Black Belt White Bar
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