Defending the Leg Drag Pass
Posted by Ismail Safi on
The leg drag pass is a hybrid smashing/standing pass that it is used by Jiu Jitsu grapplers at all skill levels. Although the technique for doing the pass is simple, defending it can be difficult and exhausting, especially against grapplers who easily switch between both sides. This explains why this pass finds so much success in Jiu Jitsu and why is so widely utilized.
Priit Mihkelson describes his training as “functionalistic minimalism” – based on fundamental postures and movements that ever grappler needs to know.
The leg drag resembles the arm drag, another popular technique, in that it required the attack to grip and literally drag a limb across their body. In the arm drag, this results in the defender’s shoulders facing away from the attack. In the leg drag, it is the hips that end up facing away from the attacker. The position and direction of the hips are critical factors in guard passing and guard defense.
Knowing how important the direction of the hips is to the success of the leg drag pass, it would intelligent to conclude that by correcting the direction, you can defend the pass, and this is precisely what. If you get leg dragged and manage to rotate your hips back towards the attacker, you can successfully defend the leg drag. Watch the following video in which Priit Mihkelson illustrates how to do this.
The reason repositioning the hips is vital is that it allows you to repummell your legs and reestablish a guard. Without this, you legs are flexible enough to return to a guarded position. One way to develop this skill is by making it into a drill. At our academy, the top player will leg drag from side to side while the bottom player does this precise defense. This is usually done at high intensity for one or two minutes.
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