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Exclusive Excerpt:  The Road to Black Belt and Beyond E-Book

Exclusive Excerpt: The Road to Black Belt and Beyond E-Book


Enjoy this exclusive look inside the Tom DeBlass Road to Black Belt and Beyond E-Book



Understanding the relationship between discipline and motivation, as well as the distinct differences between the two is crucial to one’s success on the Road to Black Belt.  Of the two, motivation is definitely the sexier of the pair.  The business of motivation is large and the world is full of sources claiming to provide it and to offer an almost endless supply of motivation quotes and memes to get you through everything that life can throw your way.


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The easiest way to think about motivation versus discipline is to realize that motivation is typically extrinsic.  When we see someone’s weight loss success or see someone win gold at a BJJ tournament, we may become inspired or MOTIVATED to shoot for a similar goal.  Discipline on the other hand comes from within, deep inside ourselves and is there when the spotlight fades and the inspiration disappears.


Motivation comes in the form of New Year’s Day.  It comes in the form of the “first day of the month” or that arbitrary “next Monday” when you plan to get your life in order and get started on the road to your dreams.  Discipline is here now.  Waiting.  Quietly.  Discipline is doing what you need to do to reach your goals or dreams even when no one is watching and you don’t really feel motivated to do it.


Motivation can be a dangerous trap because if everyone waited until they were motivated to work for something, much less would be achieved.  Motivation is hitting the gym hard on New Years Day.  Discipline is hitting the gym just as hard months later when most people have drifted off to something else.


Motivation is training hard every day the day after you receive a new belt promotion.

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Discipline, on the other hand, is training just as hard 2 years into that blue or purple belt, sometimes feeling like you’re not really progressing and showing up anyway, again and again.


The Road to Black Belt is paved by discipline. Motivation is nothing more than the occasional friendly billboard on the side of the road that gives you some encouragement, but is gone in a flash as you grind past on your way to your goal with the only tool that matters, discipline."


Tom's Takeaways


Today is the day to start.  Whatever your goal or dream is.  Don’t wait.


Do the things you know you are supposed to do.  Don’t wait until you feel like it.


No one is motivated 365 days a year.  But everyone can be disciplined 365 days a year.


In The Road to Black Belt and Beyond Tom DeBlass is going to answer all of the prime questions that will plague you on the journey to black belt.  Whether it's understanding the relation of discipline and motivation or how to overcome the dreaded BJJ plateau, he's got you covered!  Get your copy here today!




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