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Make It Your Year for Health and Fitness

Make It Your Year for Health and Fitness


Well it is now 2018 officially.  That means there's another holiday season in the books.  The endless days of holiday eating and closed BJJ academies are also over.  It's time to begin working on that New Years resolution that most of us make every year to get into better shape.  Whether your goal is to lose weight, one of the most commonly uttered resolutions for millions of people every year, or to get stronger, or to just simply look better and be more healthy, BJJ Fanatics has you covered.

Let's take a look at a few reasons why things may not have worked in the past.  This will give us a better platform to understand how we can ensure that this is the year that we reach our fitness and BJJ goals.  By understanding where we have fallen short, we can better make sure that our current plan will be properly geared for success.

Before we get into this topic, you can also check out this article from BJJ Fanatics where we explore some different New Years resolutions.

You set unrealistic goals

The start of the new year is historically a time when people plan dramatic changes in their life.  January 1st carries a different mystique than just your average start of the month or the beginning of the week.  For some reason, our goals seem to be just as lofty as this special occasion seems to inspire.  Many of us watch the ball drop in New York City hoping to lose more weight than is humanly possible or healthy, thereby setting ourselves up for failure before the new year even starts.  Or perhaps we set the lofty goal of running a marathon in the new year, having never put on a pair of running shoes in our lives.  While having lofty goals is not bad in and of themselves, we must also couple those goals with reasonable expectations.  

If your goal is to lose 50 or 100 lbs, it would be beneficial to break it into digestible chunks to make the long term hurdle that much more attainable.  Or if a marathon is on your game plan, it would be beneficial to plan for a few 5K's or 10K's leading up to the ultimate goal.

You try to change too much too soon

It is not uncommon to see someone who has been leading a sedentary life and eating anything that they would like, completely change all aspects of their activity and nutritional life.  Going from an average American diet to an ultra-low carb, calorie restrictive diet while also adding P90X or Crossfit 6 days a week will be a recipe for certain disaster.  

Changes should be made to be challenging to the status quo, but not so invasive that successful implementation is impossible to maintain over a long period of time.  Small changes, consistently maintained over a long period of time will go much further towards making you successful than an ultra-strict change that never lasts.

Check out this article from BJJ Fanatics on why small changes can be much more effective for long term success.

Your plan is too complicated

Along with these unrealistic goals and ultra-dramatic changes, we can often throw in a complex plan that we've spent days and weeks concocting.  General Patton said that an imperfect plan acted upon immediately, is far better than THE Perfect plan that never gets acted upon.  If your fitness and nutritional plan requires you to hire a personal assistant to help you keep track of your various workouts and your macro nutrient intake, then it is too complicated to sustain for long periods of time.  The best changes are the ones that we barely notice.  As we begin to build momentum and see progress from subtle changes, we can begin to make more adjustments and refine the plan.

12 Weeks to Ripped

So now that we've looked at some reasons why our past resolutions or goals have gone unachieved or unmet, let's look at a good way to make sure that this time you meet those goals.  Tom DeBlass is a world class grappling athlete, instructor, coach and motivational speaker in the combat world.  He has spent nearly two decades training to be a combat athlete, competing on the highest stages in the world such as ADCC and UFC, and also coaching some of the best grappling athletes in the history of competitive sports.

His "12 Weeks to Ripped" program details the exact program he utilizes every day to be in the best shape of his life in his mid-thirties.  The program details all of the nutritional strategies in great detail that allow him to stayed fueled and never feel depleted or have a lack of energy.  In addition, all of the supplemental exercises he uses to build strength and explosiveness in short and easy to follow workouts are mapped out for you.

Beyond the decades of knowledge contained in this program is the fact that purchasing the full program gets you an invite into a special closed Facebook community filled with other BJJ and grappling practitioners who are on seeking the same thing you are, to maximize their health and get into the best shape they can.   

With Tom DeBlass' program and encouragement in the Facebook group, you will be assisted setting realistic goals.  The positive feedback and guidance you will receive in Facebook community will ensure that you stay on the right path and reach your goals.  You will find with the plan there is not a need to change too much of your lifestyle.  These changes recommended in "12 Weeks to Ripped" are easily adaptable to any lifestyle.  The program is also not complicated.  You will find that with the addition of a few short weight training sessions, you will build strength, muscle and keep that metabolism pumping.

It's 2018 and there's no more time to waste.  Take advantage of decades of nutrition and training expertise shared by world class black belt Tom DeBlass in his "12 Weeks to Ripped" program.  The full program includes recipes, exercises and your inclusion in a private Facebook community where like-minded folks get to interact with Tom.




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