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BJJ Instructional Videos
John Danaher Leglocks
John Danaher Back Attacks BJJ
Half Guard BJJ Instructional Video
Put Your Holiday Downtime To Good Use with the BJJ Fanatics Podcast!

Put Your Holiday Downtime To Good Use with the BJJ Fanatics Podcast!


Get your mind right for 2019 with the Fanatics Podcast

The holiday season can be jam packed with more fun, friends, family and frivolity than any 2 week period should be able to hold.  The downside to all of the festivities is a general increase in stress level, more opportunities to overeat and the general lack of 'peace on earth' most days.  With days off of work and school, it can be a great time to take a break from vegging in front of the TV watching reruns of The Office to keep your jiu jitsu learning going.

If you haven't checked out the new BJJ Fanatics podcast, we've got you covered.  In the first four released episodes (with more to come) Bernardo Faria and Michael Zenga, the masterminds behind BJJ Fanatics have had the opportunity to sit down with some of the preeminent minds and athletes out there today.

In the first episode, we had the highly regarded grappling and MMA Coach and instructor John Danaher talking about the history and role of the triangle submission in the history of martial arts.  During this visit to the BJJ Fanatics studio, John was also in the process of filming his 5th installment of his Enter the System series, this time focused on the triangle choke in all of it's sankaku beauty.  Check out this highly informative podcast for yourself!

Have you Entered the Danaher System yet?  Click Learn More!




 In the second installment of the podcast, Bernardo and Michael hosted Priit Mikhelson a black belt from Estonia.  He maintains a highly successful school in Estonia, while also maintaining a strong presence with the BJJ Globetrotter organization which is a unique non-affiliation network that is open to all athletes and schools around the world. Hear his story below.  And get ready for his upcoming Guard Retention and Turtle systems coming out in 2019.  The concepts he shares are going to change your game!


In the third episode of the BJJ Fanatics podcast, Bernardo Faria and Michael Zenga welcome Satoshi Ishii to the studio.  He was the youngest heavyweight Olympic gold medalist back in 2008.  Satoshi has also fought against MMA luminaries like Fedor and Quinton "Rampage" Jackson.  But he wasn't always successful as he tells the guys in this podcast.  His first 7 years of judo training, he struggled.  Listen to his great story below!  And also look for his grappling takedowns and ground submission techniques series coming in early 2019.


 In the most recent episode of the BJJ Fanatics Podcast, Bernardo and Michael welcome the inimitable Tom DeBlass who shares his story of coming up in the ranks under the hard-nosed Renzo Gracie and Ricardo Almeida umbrella to eventually make his way to the top level of grappling and MMA competition fighting in both the UFC and Bellator promotions before retiring to focus solely on BJJ.  You will not want to miss his story.  And be on the lookout for his upcoming instructional focused on Drills for BJJ, coming in early 2019.

Want more DeBlass?  Click Learn More!




Look for more episodes in the growing BJJ Fanatics Podcast library to get your behind the scenes insights to the BJJ lifestyles of the best athletes and instructors on the planet!  2019 is going to be a great year for all of us BJJ Fanatics!

And get more Tom DeBlass with his recent release of all of his Close Guard secrets iin Closed Guard Domination!




Take a deep dive on one specific skill per month with the top instructors in the BJJ Fanatics family.

With your subscription you’ll get:

  • Private Lesson (Masterclass)
  • Preview of our Upcoming Daily Deals to better plan your purchases
  • Rolling breakdowns & more.

You’ll also get At Home Drills to work on, a Preview of our Upcoming Launches More!


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