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There are many different forms of combat that are practised around the world. The art of striking, the art of throwing, the art of grappling, and the art of submission are the main elements that make up a bigger picture of Martial Arts. Most Martial Arts only incorporate one, or a few of these elements, but art forms like Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu use components of all major Martial Arts functions. Using jiu jitsu for self defense is the main catalyst that combines all of the other art forms together. The art of grappling is the in between of striking and submissions, and all Martial Artists will strive to have good wrestling, or grappling in their arsenal. 

What this article covers:

The Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu system has a broad range of simplistic maneuvers that are both functional, and effective. Some of the more deadly maneuvers will leave an attacker in a debilitated state, and these combative situations take on a heavy necessity for real worldly solutions to conflict scenarios.

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With many high level strikes to vital areas, attacking the nerve endings will make sure an attacker is down for the count. There is also a high level of joint locking mastery that will neutralise, and submit attackers. This can cause intense pain, severe injuries, or if necessary in war situations can bring about imminent death. This formidable combat system has had innovation thrown at it for decades, as its core developments have astounded many Martial Artists within the community.


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Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu is a style of American Jiu Jitsu that incorporates many different kinds of Martial Arts. The word sanuces means survival by simplicity, and this Martial Art uses simple techniques in order to stay highly efficient. This form of combat combines elements of Boxing, PIA Nerve Striking, Bando, Goshin Do Karate, Stick Fighting, and Jiu Jitsu. The aim of the Martial Art was to intertwine the power of Karate strikes, the agility that is required from Boxing, the speed of Arnis Stick Fighting, the accuracy of Nerve Striking, and the high calibre joint locks from the art of Jiu Jitsu. This system of Martial Arts emphasizes simplicity in its nature, and is heavily molded around helping someone survive on the streets. This combat system became popular around the 1960's and the 1970's, in a time where Bruce Lee movies were considerably popular.

A common question is jiu jitsu offensive or defensive in its nature?, and this was often asked of its instructors. The art utilised a heavy system of striking combat, combined with throwing, and joint locking techniques, making it highly offensive, but also elements of defensive structures. This art form did bear a resemblance of judo or bjj for self defense, with the added advantage of highly accurate striking skills. The idea behind the culmination of these disciplines, would see a student inflict severe pain, and cause debilitating injuries to an attacker. The real life self defense that Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu would showcase, has given significant notoriety to Grandmaster Moses Powell, the creator of this effective and deadly form of combat. The influence of many eastern Martial Arts like Vee Jitsu, Aikijujutsu, Kyusho Jitsu, Karate, and Arnis Stick Fighting, along with Japanese Jiu Jitsu and Americanised Boxing have catapulted this combat system into the modern era.


The necessity for self defense is just as important today as it was in the 1970's. Altercations will always take place on the streets, and attackers will always pray on the vulnerable. This is why there is a significant importance for people from all walks of life to learn self defense components. Nowadays there is an escalation of street violence, from gang fights, to war torn violence, muggings, and basic to serious assaults. This makes the world an extremely dangerous place to live in, and people who are traveling alone may find themselves in imminent danger. This is where learning Martial Arts comes into play, as people of all different sizes, and shapes can utilise many different forms of self defense to save their life. Not all situations are going to end well, but if an innocent bystander gives themselves even a chance at survival, then that is better than giving up, and losing their life indefinitely.

Using street smarts, and adapting self defense principles into someone's life will help them in many facets. Firstly, having the ability to identify danger, and knowing how to avoid a bad situation is first and foremost the most important aspect. Secondly, having the courage to stand strong, and use their combative system is what can make it hard for an attacker to penetrate their defense structure. This can ultimately help someone to remain safe in a conflict scenario. Thirdly, using considerable force, and offense to subdue an attacker will not only save a person's life, but can also help save many others. Having the skills, and the physical conditioning to withstand any attack will not just make someone feel good, but will also help to give them confidence in every other aspect of their lives. In most cases an assailant will only attack a vulnerable person, and someone who shows considerable fortitude will often be too much work for an attacker.

In a self defense situation the important factor is to not expose any vital areas to an attacker. This comes with experience, as a solid self defense artist will constantly maintain a safe distance. Understanding spatial management, and spatial awareness is essential in survival on the streets. Knowing how to utilise self defense systems, by staying on the feet, or staying in control of an opponent is crucial to maintaining safety within the conflict. Sometimes taking an opponent to ground can result in a bad situation, so using throws that ground an opponent, but leave the thrower on their feet is a better way to inflict damage onto an attacker. Above all else people need to use their critical thinking to make the right decisions during a street fight, and this is how they can master the art of self defense. 


Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu is a formidable style of American Martial Arts that was founded in 1959 in Brooklyn, New York by the Great Grandmaster Moses Powell. Moses was known as the doctor, and his incredible physique along with his skills in combining diversity into different styles of combat were highly unique. Moses had roughly fifty years of Martial Arts training, as he traveled the world in search of the truth behind how Martial Arts should be conveyed. Moses became a 10th degree Red belt, and throughout his career he would be challenged by many different Martial Arts around the world. His search for realism in modern Martial Arts brought him closer to what an appropriate form of combat should look like. 

Moses was striving for perfection in his Martial Arts, and he knew he would have control his mind and body, and bring them together as one. This is how he learnt to push his body beyond its normal limitations, and during his Martial Arts enlightenment he created Sanuces Ryu Eye To Eye Systems of Jiu Jitsu. Moses was also known as a Guru, because he was a physical specimen, and when it came to physical conditioning, and Martial Arts, he was one of the leading instructors in the world. Moses was also heavily proficient in different forms of weaponry like the Katana, the Jo, the Tanto, the Arnis sticks, the Sai, the Yuwara sticks, and the Nunchaku. All of Moses' attributes combined made him an astounding Martial Artist, and creative thinker of the modern styles of diverse combat. Moses has his own philosophy which states "A man or woman of the Martial Arts, is one who thinks at all times. They possess speed, form, power, technique and gracefulness. They move with the roar of thunder, and strike at the speed of lightning. That’s what a man or woman of the Martial Arts is". 


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The Martial Art has extremely deep meanings, and the concept of surreality, spirituality, simplicity, and survival all coincide to give the Martial Artist a greater meaning, and a higher purpose in life. Grandmaster Moses Powell would touch many people throughout his Martial Arts journey, and as he became a humanitarian he helped to reform many felons through Martial Arts, and social, and mental enhancement. He was also credited for helping the African American community on a global scale, and many described Moses as a selfless, and honorable man who made an immediate impact on anyone he touched. In 1972 Moses received the International Benin award for his cultural services in helping many West Africans. Moses also trained some of the most elite military and law enforcement organisations around the world. These forces include the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the United States Secret Service, G-2, CID, and other organisations that still remain a secret. All of Moses' great work over his long career has given him an excellent stature within the Martial Arts community, as many young artists look up to the late and great Grandmaster with admiration, and respect.


Many forms of Martial Arts have their own strengths, and weaknesses. Art forms like Judo,  Sambo, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu utilises throwing techniques, and highly effective submission maneuvers. These forms are exceptional in terms of self defense, but because they involve taking an opponent to the ground this can open the door to many other variables. Attackers can gang up on their victims, or subdue a law enforcement agent rendering them weaponless. They could also turn the tables by gaining control of the grounded fighter. Pure striking arts have a similar problem as they may have a formidable striking element, but they have zero skills in taking the fight to the ground. Stacking this up against Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu techniques, as this art has elements of all Martial Arts. The high level striking ability, coupled with the capability of taking an attacker down to the ground, and the use of different submission maneuvers if the fight does reach the ground. Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu has a proven track record of success in a real life street application sense. This was highly evident, as Moses Powell showcased his instrumental part in the cohesion of many different Martial Arts styles. 


Many of the technical components of Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu use blocking, redirection, striking, throwing, and then submitting, and these usually flow into a systematic order of movements. The art teaches how to block an incoming strike, before circling to the side, as they redirect the strike, and utilise the element of surprise to attack the midline of their opponent. Usually as an attacker has received counter strikes, they have become considerably unbalanced, and this will lead straight into trips, and throws, which can take the attacker down to the ground, where they are extremely vulnerable to more strikes, or submission holds. Fast and instinctive movements are used to subdue any assailant that may attack an individual. 

Many of the techniques are used in conjunction with reactional aspects, as an attacker may decide to grab hold of someone's clothing. Sanuces Ryu teaches to use these methods against an attacker, as often they will leave vital areas exposed to throat strikes, and nerve holds, which can be painful, and debilitating. Many of these principles will force an attacker to either lose balance, or overcompensate, which gives the opportunity for throwing techniques like hip throws, foot sweeps, and Judo like technical throws. After blocking a punch a student of Ryu Jiu Jitsu will use a quick succession of strikes to the vital area, followed by hooking into the collarbone, and using it to drag their opponents forward, and this creates a great way to set up significant takedown maneuvers.

Many of the techniques used in this brutal form of combat are highly dangerous, and involve pressure points. Grabbing hold of vulnerable areas like the throat, the jaw, the cheekbones, the nose, the eye sockets, and individual ribs can be extremely effective, and brutal. This is how a student can open up their opponent's, so they can use dominant striking techniques like punches, elbows, and headbuts to dominate an attacker. Various joint locks are used like wrist locks, shoulder locks, neck cranks, and standing choke holds. These can become increasingly dangerous to train, but in a real street application, they are extremely effective.

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sanuces ryu techniques jiu jitsu

Many of these brutal maneuvers are designed to break vital areas like the collarbone, the nose, the jaw, the sternum, and many other areas. This real life application of self defense showcases how diverse this form of combat can be. Using real life combat systems are specifically functional in a conflict scenario, and Sanuces Ryu Jiu Jitsu stays away from ground fighting, and uses techniques that will help to keep a student of the art on their feet. In a war situation keeping a soldier on their feet is crucial to their survivability, this is also evident with many law enforcement agencies, as they too cannot allow a perpetrator to gain any form of control. Police officers have the added worry of protecting their gun, and not allowing access to a perpetrator is vital in how they can sustain law and order in a highly dangerous conflict situation.

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