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Half Guard BJJ Instructional Video
BJJ Triangle Choke - How to Attack & Finish

BJJ Triangle Choke - How to Attack & Finish


The triangle choke has long been one of the best submissions in Brazilian jiu jitsu.  What makes the triangle such a powerful attack?  The triangle is one of the most versatile submissions in bjj. You can use it in gi, no gi, and MMA.  Like the arm bar it is one of the oldest submissions, we recently wrote an article on the “arm bar versatility” check it out if arm bars suit you better.

The triangle can be used from guard, while passing or standing, and once you’ve passed.  There are triangle entries and set ups from virtually everywhere, the position is also good to set up other attacks. You can use the triangle position to set up kimuras, omoplatas, arm bars, and more.

The Closed Guard Can Be One Of The Most Dangerous Attacking Positions In BJJ For The Triangle Choke. The fundamentals principles of keeping your opponent contained is what is important.


The BJJ Triangle from Guard

The triangle choke is an excellent weapon from guard.  You can set triangles up from virtually every single guard.  There are triangle entries from closed guard, half guard, spider guard, De La Riva, X-guard, and so much other guards.  We are not going to name every guard.

The triangle is so dangerous because of the control you have and the ability to surprise your opponent with triangles.  The reverse triangle is an extremely sneaky variation of the triangle.  Check out Braulio Estima showing a reverse triangle below. Braulio has caught some of the best competitors in the BJJ world with the triangle choke.

The Triangle while Passing and Standing

The triangle choke is also a great attack while in transition.  You can jump to triangles while passing your opponents guards and they may never see it coming.  When your opponent is playing butterfly guard, they often have one hand on the mat and one on your collar; this is the perfect time to jump a triangle. 

Finishing the triangle choke while being passed is one of the most challenging problems when attacking with the triangle for BJJ.  Bernardo Faria has some great tips on this in this closed guard DVD.


The triangle choke from standing is another surprising but effective attack.  Black Belt Edwin Najmi is infamous for landing over twenty flying triangles in competition.  This is one of the best moves when executed properly.  The element of surprise is always a good tactic and utilizing the flying triangle is one of the best ways to surprise your opponent. Anytime you set up a triangle you need grips, check out this video below on getting grips from guard.

The Triangle when Passed

Once you’ve passed your opponents guard you don’t just want to pin them, you want to start attacking submissions.  One of the best submissions you can attack once passed is the triangle.  There are triangle opportunities from side control, knee on belly, mount, and from the back.

One of the best attacks in full mount is the triangle.  The mounted triangle is a devastating attack in bjj and especially MMA.  If you manage to get your opponent in the mounted triangle in MMA it is an excellent position for ground and pound.  Check out this video below from Ryan Hall on finishing a triangle properly.

If you want to work on your triangle from guard, check out Bernardo Faria’s 4 DVD set “The Closed Guard.” Bernardo has an excellent closed guard and has very sneak and effective triangle entries. If you want to learn more on the triangle, check out our article “Triangle Choke.”



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