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BJJ Instructional Videos
John Danaher Leglocks
John Danaher Back Attacks BJJ
Half Guard BJJ Instructional Video
Are You Ready to Get Better? …At Everything.

Are You Ready to Get Better? …At Everything.


 Baby Steps To Greatness! A Few At A Time...

What is your approach to achieving your most important goals? What is your mindset like? Often times we put goals in front of ourselves that are realistic, but the time we wish to achieve them in is unrealistic. Anything is possible, but how do we plan to attain our most desired results without setting ourselves up for failure? Staying the course can be difficult without the proper plan.

Change your body and BJJ with this program!  Click Learn More!


Ricky Lundell is set to release a new strength training instructional with BJJ Fanatics. Ricky’s vast knowledge of strength and conditioning will without a doubt bring value to your combat training. He’s worked with some of the greatest combat athletes on the planet, and has amassed a more than impressive list of accomplishments himself. Lundell, a 3rd degree black belt in BJJ under Pedro Sauer, holds high honors and victories in the BJJ, and submission grappling community. You’ll learn more about his grappling history in his upcoming release.

In Lundell’s new instructional he applies a 1% concept to his training methods. But what may be the best thing about this idea, is the way Lundell applies this theme to life in general. The 1% concept transcends your combat sports, and fitness training, and assists you in making every task you wish to accomplish more manageable.

Lundell is lively and passionate in his instruction and advice. He’s inspirational, relatable, and he’ll breathe new life into the way you approach your goals and aspirations. Take a look at this quick piece Lundell shot with Bernardo Faria. Lundell gives us a little sneak peek into what the 1% movement is all about! Enjoy!

If you want a simple, easy to follow approach to diet and conditioning, take advantage of ADCC and UFC veteran Tom DeBlass' expertise that he shares in this 12 Weeks to Ripped program.  You are literally 3 months away from being in the best shape of your life!  Get your copy here at BJJ Fanatics!




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Half Domination by Tom DeBlass DVD Cover
Catch Wrestling Formula by Neil Melanson
Butterfly Guard Re-Discovered Adam Wardzinski DVD Wrap
Judo Academy Jimmy Pedro Travis Stevens