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BJJ Instructional Videos
John Danaher Leglocks
John Danaher Back Attacks BJJ
Half Guard BJJ Instructional Video

Gordon "King" Ryan continues his BJJ journey even while recovering from surgery....




If you have been training in a physical sport such as Brazilian JiuJitsu for any amount of time, you have undoubtedly been hurt or experienced some type of injury. Whether it was a slight sprain, or a major injury requiring surgery and rehabilitation, injuries can be physically and emotionally taxing for the weekend warrior and even professional athletes like Brazilian JiuJitsu "King," Gordon Ryan, who recently tore his LCL during the Kasai Super Series, requiring major surgery which he had a few days ago. Although the LCL is a major ligament to completely tear and have repaired, Ryan remains in good spirits after surgery and is not letting his injury and recent surgery keep him from sharing his passion and love for Brazilian JiuJitsu, sharing the following on social media.


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SEMINARS ARE ON-  Some people have been asking whether or not I will be teaching in the coming weeks. The answer is YES. While i do have a gimpy leg that doesnt change the fact that i have a job to do. I owe it to my fans who drive or fly hours and hours to be there. @danaherjohn always runs 2 people through movements verbally when he cant do them physically. Dont worry my friends we will make this all work out. Plus you have the bonus of watching me freak out on @heysonnyy if she messes up any moves ahha. Im excited to see you all i promise these seminars will blow your mind :) Hypnotik

It has been proven over time that the weak will give up whenever an obstacle such as a major injury presents itself. Major injuries have prevented many talented people in many different sports to doubt themselves and leave their craft at an early age in fear of another injury. But like "King" Gordan Ryan, the stubborn will keep training hard during rehab and find other means to stay involved in the sport they love until they can return to the mats or playing field. There are many different ways to learn and train Brazilian JiuJitsu, and watching and teaching others can benefit ones game by seeing techniques at different angles and studying different aspects of the art.

Anyone who follows the sport of Brazilian JiuJitsu knows the tenacity at which Gordon Ryan brings in all of his competitive matches. Some have called him "cocky," but it is very possible this confidence is what drives the man to be the World Champion that he is and will undoubtedly help him on the road to recovery and back winning world titles in no time. Whether you are a fan of Gordons or not, you have to respect the way the "King" competes and tackles not only his opponents head on, but also tackles a major injury with a great attitude and the confidence and love of the sport and his fans, to continue teaching and coaching others while recovering. 

Don't forget to check out Gordon Ryan's wildly successful Systematically Attacking the Guard jthis series will greatly help you understand the guard and will amaze your training partners during your next roll. You can get it here



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