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BJJ Instructional Videos
John Danaher Leglocks
John Danaher Back Attacks BJJ
Half Guard BJJ Instructional Video
Connecting the Stack Pass to the Leg Drag

Connecting the Stack Pass to the Leg Drag


Chain Passes...

The stack pass is one of the most dominant ways to pass the guard in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. The pass is a fundamental technique that has been around for a long time and has persisted due to its success. It is employed by both white belts all the way up to black belt due to its effectiveness.

The pass works because it provides extensive control of the hips that is not seen at the same level with other guard passes. The stack pass is also unique compared to most other passes because instead of going over the legs, it entails going under either both legs or only one.

Make Them WANT You To Pass Their Guard! Click Learn More Below!


As grapplers are placing a lot of emphasis on developing guards that are very hard to pass. If a grappler is very flexible or is very good at playing inverted guard, finishing the stack pass can be rather tough. Because of this, it is important to develop and use transitions that we can use if the pass fails.

Since the stack pass requires the guard player to employ defense against pressure by pushing and extending the hips, one can take advantage of that to move a pass of a completely different style. The following video by BJJ Fanatics shows one transition from the stack pass in which one can switch to a quick leg drag.

Pressure Pass All Guards. Big and Small. Click Learn More Below!


After stacking someone till their hips are off the ground, it is important to pin and control the legs. This control will prevent the guard player from moving around, but more importantly, from rotating under you which can give them sweeps and leg attacks. Pinning can be done by either the hands or knee as long as one is there.

In order to switch to the leg drag, it is best to reach the arm all the way across the hips because if it is shallow, the guard player can quickly shrimp away once the leg drag is initiated. After dragging the leg ever, the guard passer needs to control the hips to prevent re-guarding. Guard players will often move to turtle as a method of defending the leg drag, but with enough awareness, one can easily transition to the back.

Want more from Marco Barbosa? Check out his DVD "The Pressure Passing Manual". Pass all guards. Big or small. BJJ Fanatics has it! Check it out here!




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